SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

I think Franklin used to go that bookstore too if Im not mistaken in one of the earlier seasons, which makes the turn even more cold blooded. :lol:


lol, that's the one he went to when he first started reading about how reed/teddy is funding the war & doing his "googles" before they had google. i'm not sure i understand the bookstore angle either tho, like why do they need that spot that badly & why does my mans q from the chi need that spot...
lol, that's the one he went to when he first started reading about how reed/teddy is funding the war & doing his "googles" before they had google. i'm not sure i understand the bookstore angle either tho, like why do they need that spot that badly & why does my mans q from the chi need that spot...
It’s just greed man :lol: A capitalist being a capitalist. In that sit down with Briana, she points out Q bought a bunch of properties all over but specifically in that area to turn into a big business complex. If a few mom & pop shops refuse to sell, then he can’t buy it and make money off it. Just greed.

Franklin just wants a piece of Q’s empire. All of Franklin’s money comes from crack and he wants to diversify & eventually become “the bank”

2 min mark:

I like the Manboy character way more than Skully even tho hes worse for business.

A shermed out hyper religious OG just aint that interesting to me.
its a real good contrast between them imo

was finally able to watch last weeks episode, I dont know wasnt one of my favorites.
Leon a smart dumb funny dude. Don't know how to act in certain spaces and be legit confused with their reactions.

Wanda a real one/keeping her rock connection alive.

Man I know for a fact I couldn't be doing business with my mom the way Franklin does even if she somewhat tolerated my criminal activity.
Witness left doesn't matter. Big man came around from the passenger side and dragged the driver out the car so him and Leon can get outta there. You know the streets gonna talk, "Oh yea, you heard a couple of Skully's boys got murked? Some other guy was left dead on the scene too, but he wasn't in the car." "Word? Yea I heard dude that wasn't in the car is from such and such projects, ain't that's where Leon from'? So basically leaving the moms left alive in the backseat really don't matter. His dead driver left at the scene puts it all back on him (Leon).
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