SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

shorty somehow has the ability to develop a sedative strong enough to knock out a 400 pound man, got a million dollars from a shermhead, posted a million dollar bail unquestioned by the authorities, and has a secret lair? that is dumb and the stabbing was unnecessarily theatric.

Fatback going full-blown moron and jumping in a car with someone he’s never seen after making bail on a murder charge.

Leon continues to harbor resentment towards the man that made him relevant but retains a soft spot for a junkie. He’s continuing his descent from beloved character to purposeless. Every scene he has been in this season involves him being emotional with someone. He’s shown none of the charisma or street smarts that made him such a good character.

Little Rock story line has some promise. But, they have already introduced so many characters this season that remain undeveloped, how could they possibly incorporate more?

Franklin still hasn’t gotten an inkling that Tanasee is a fed?
posted a million dollar bail unquestioned, and has a secret lair? that is dumb and the stabbing was unnecessarily theatric.
I mean what you mean unquestioned, what did you think was suppose to happen? Real life criminals post high bail all the time. When it comes to the gov. and state getting their money they'll take it and investigate later.

Also a million dollar bail is not a million dollars btw.

Wasn't a secret lair either. From my eyes it damn near looked like the same abandoned factory that Franklin had Manboy and Skully meet at :lol:
Yea things this season seem to be going as they should. I keep hearing about how it's "bad writing" this season in regard to Franklin slipping & i couldn't disagree more

People keep referencing how sharp & on point he was in earlier seasons, as if he isn't in a completely new position. Going from controlling a few blocks to most of Cali & expanding to new states.

Not to mention being shot, Being at War with two neighborhoods, Gang War started which equals more bodies, police in his pockets, etc etc

Son has every reason in the world to be slipping up & unfocused. Same thing has happened with Teddy, they are both on a spiral & married to the drugs
Yeah, you only have to pay a percentage of the bail/bond amount in a lot of cases.

It’ll be interesting to see how the Little Rock story plays out. The kid is going to cause problems for them, we can see that already.

The reporter is definitely going to get popped. She lead with knowing that the CIA is in on it and doesn’t have the sources to corroborate her story. Reid will have her gone and the story buried by the end of the season.
I’m enjoying the season. Haven’t heard anyone critique the writing harshly. But i’m not on twitter so I might be missing it.
Yea things this season seem to be going as they should. I keep hearing about how it's "bad writing" this season in regard to Franklin slipping & i couldn't disagree more
My whole thing is if this season is bad writing for characters and plot then every seasons consisted of bad writing.

The writing for this series has remained consistent since like halfway through s1. It was a bit rocky to start as far as getting Franklin where he needed to be and getting all the key players and potential conflicts in place but after that its been steadily consistent in quality.

-Loved the Ronald Reagan cameo, because you know **** him. :lol:
Plays into what we all know in regards to how this show utilizes real world events & his obvious influence surrounding drugs.
-Skully repenting. :rofl::rofl:
-Jerome," I thought your girl was a shark" Louie, " No I said she run ****" Jerome,"What? Run **** to the ground? I swear that man always has me rolling. :lol:
-They need to hurry up with this Tanosse CIA/revenge for Claudia turn because its getting obvious at this point. :ohwell:
-I like how the scene with Louie/Jerome in the car slowly builds on the theme they have been building for his character over the past few seasons. He never wanted ALL of this, just the money. I'll be interested to see how he moves as the show goes on.
-Khadijah crazier then Skully. I know her homegirl probably thought they was just gonna scare him. NOPE! :wow::smh:
-Can the reporter die already? |l
Looking at the trailer, Alton about to dime out the fam? He better not. :nerd:
AND FINALLY DAMN FATBACK. GON MISS U BIG BRO. :frown::frown::frown::frown::frown::frown:

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My whole thing is if this season is bad writing for characters and plot then every seasons consisted of bad writing.

The writing for this series has remained consistent since like halfway through s1. It was a bit rocky to start as far as getting Franklin where he needed to be and getting all the key players and potential conflicts in place but after that its been steadily consistent in quality.

The payoff we getting now after watching for so long has been oh so worth it.
From that slow build to its GO time now. :pimp:

Tanasee is working for Manboy. U heard Manboys sister say something like ‘If u looked for Leon as hard as u trying to steal Franklins plug’ Tanasee is there to steal the plug


Add this to the list of flips for her character. :lol:
All we know is she about to have Franklin looking stupid soon. :smh:

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Pretty much caught up now . On S4E4 now.

I get the need for their inclusion but the CIA / Cartel angle has always been the shows weak point for me.

It’s looking like the show is gonna go down the Franklin will end up alone path. Somewhere down the line, I can see Franklin’s dad dead because it looks like he wants out. I could see Louie killing Jerome because he wants out and so forth.
I mean what you mean unquestioned, what did you think was suppose to happen? Real life criminals post high bail all the time. When it comes to the gov. and state getting their money they'll take it and investigate later.

Also a million dollar bail is not a million dollars btw.

Wasn't a secret lair either. From my eyes it damn near looked like the same abandoned factory that Franklin had Manboy and Skully meet at :lol:

I stand by what I said.
Whether it be a million or $100k, it’s highly unlikely that they are posting that without a single question being asked about their background or affiliation to the suspect.
Khadijah knocking him unconscious with random household cleaning supplies was stupid.
And stabbing Fatboy to death was just like the crucifixion earlier in the season: theatrical and forced.
Furthermore, Manboy and Skully were just sworn enemies and now they’re collaborating. Manboy can just walk up in the spot at any time lol
Skully has been hyped to death and has done nothing noteworthy during his time on-screen.
The hyper-religious turn is dumb too, but he’s an unpredictable shermhead so I get that somewhat.
Franklin is a large wholesaler & Scully one of his largest customers. Not unreasonable for Scully to have $100k at all.

It was established at Fatback’s arraignment/bail hearing that he has representation. So it’s not like they would hold him after he posted bail through a bondsman.

Fatback getting stabbed up like that, I mean her daughter was murdered right in front of her & Fatback won’t give up Lee. how would you expect her to handle that
Tanasee is working for Manboy. U heard Manboys sister say something like ‘If u looked for Leon as hard as u trying to steal Franklins plug’ Tanasee is there to steal the plug

Definitely the vibe i got too, i've seen the theory that she law enforcement too. But it would be hard for her to still be known locally & also be cop or agent.

But Reed telling Franklin everyone is replaceable in the same episode Khadijah says that is a hell of a flag
I keep forgetting this is before everything. So the cops don't think to check the speakers and they don't have dogs.

Fatback getting stabbed up like that, I mean her daughter was murdered right in front of her & Fatback won’t give up Lee. how would you expect her to handle that

He didn't know where Leon was. They went to him.
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