SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

So fatback and Lee put in work, kill 5 people including a little girl, get iD by witnesses and fatback gets charged with less than murder 1 and gets a bail set? Nah.
Still not sold on the informant angle yet. I feel like Saints operation is still minor league in regards to the FEDs (could be wrong). The Manboy angle makes sense and once revealed would probably send Saint over the edge emotionally like the Mel situation.

Wasnt mad at the Wanda Pookie detox scenes, however I couldn't help but think to myself that it would have been a tad more impactful if it was Mel vs her showing up in Texas as a reborn bible thumper.

Hell Hath No Fury Than A Women Scorned
I like her character rise. Its night and day with what they have her doing over in All American.

Still believe Leon shouldve went to Arkansas to lay low. Not only to supervise the rock operations but to keep it low profile as possible after witnessing what it has done already. I feel like Louies little talk wont be enough to keep them from smoking up the product which is why I feel like it should be supervised for a few months to a year. Its only a matter of time before you tell someone the stove is hot don't touch it and they do it and burn themselves
Can we have an honest discussion about how this season compares to the other seasons going into episode 7?

we all our fans of the show, that is why we are in here but after six episodes of this season the suspense isn’t building like the other seasons... There has been a lot of obstacles this show has overcome to film this season and respect the effort. Hope things pick up🙄
In the previous seasons, by episode 7, things were set in place and the direction of the season was clear. For this one, it still seems like it’s still building up to something.
God, I love the way Fatback accepted his (taking the murder wrap not the kidnapping fate) in silence with little disgust or dismay, just a pinch of sadness. Nice scene.
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RIP Fatback and shoutout Kisan Teague.

Seeing Khadijah in this role and then seeing this on IG after that episode is hilarious.

She’s about to get her own spin-off too, shawty getting to the bag.

I didn’t even realize that they transported Fatbacks body, that’s just not realistic anyway you put it lmao. That boy fat as hell and is dead weight.

I’m still not sure what the plan with Fatback was. They got him out of hiding to turn himself in, he posts bail and then what? It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to know who paid the bail and then on top of that you didn’t want to hand over Leon and posting bail for the fall guy and getting top notch lawyers. Even then what was the plan for Fatback while out on bail? Should’ve just had Leon go down south and Fatback do whatever kept his fat *** alive.
Still not sold on the informant angle yet. I feel like Saints operation is still minor league in regards to the FEDs (could be wrong). The Manboy angle makes sense and once revealed would probably send Saint over the edge emotionally like the Mel situation.

Wasnt mad at the Wanda Pookie detox scenes, however I couldn't help but think to myself that it would have been a tad more impactful if it was Mel vs her showing up in Texas as a reborn bible thumper.

Hell Hath No Fury Than A Women Scorned
I like her character rise. Its night and day with what they have her doing over in All American.

Still believe Leon shouldve went to Arkansas to lay low. Not only to supervise the rock operations but to keep it low profile as possible after witnessing what it has done already. I feel like Louies little talk wont be enough to keep them from smoking up the product which is why I feel like it should be supervised for a few months to a year. Its only a matter of time before you tell someone the stove is hot don't touch it and they do it and burn themselves

That young kid in Little Rock is definitely gunna smoke it..either him or Aunt louie's sister/friend whatever relation she is to her.
Can we have an honest discussion about how this season compares to the other seasons going into episode 7?

we all our fans of the show, that is why we are in here but after six episodes of this season the suspense isn’t building like the other seasons... There has been a lot of obstacles this show has overcome to film this season and respect the effort. Hope things pick up🙄

Bro... Leon is still upset at Franklin for him saying “drive ************”, Leon’s also wanted for murder, Teddy is unhinged, Franklin has two crazy *** gangs on his heels, Khadijah’s on a rampage, Fatback just got gutted, and on top of all of that there’s a news reporter that threatens to burn down not only the whole operation but the united states government as well.

If all that isn’t suspenseful to you, I don’t know what to tell ya. :lol:
Bro... Leon is still upset at Franklin for him saying “drive mother****er”, Leon’s also wanted for murder, Teddy is unhinged, Franklin has two crazy *** gangs on his heels, Khadijah’s on a rampage, Fatback just got gutted, and on top of all of that there’s a news reporter that threatens to burn down not only the whole operation but the united states government as well.

If all that isn’t suspenseful to you, I don’t know what to tell ya. :lol:
A lot is happening but this season has little focus because of all of the narratives that are going on. We’re on episode 7 and it feels like any ending to the story this season will be rushed. It would’ve been nice if they focused more on the expansion to Little Rock.
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How many episodes is the season?

Fatbacks gutting was kinda intense. They didn't develop his character enough for me to feel too down but it's still a blow to Franklin and crew.

This season is cool but I would've liked to see more of the gang action rather than the gangs teaming up against Franklin. I like Skully and Manboy alot as characters. I know they are the opps on the show but they make for good villans.

That Little Rock angle is interesting. It was wild to see them push that product on their people knowing it will forever change that community. I liked how they played up the ethical delima Jermone was having with that.

Jerome clearly sees they are up. I know the big "aha" moment was supposed to be the CIA reveal but I still don't get why homie and his wife don't just take the money and run. They clearly know they pushing poison and they don't need to at this point.
I liked the CIA reveal because Jerome thought Louie was being greedy this whole time. But truth is she knew there was no easy out for them. Last thing they want to do is piss off the CIA so best to just keep going. Plus they still love Franklin and won’t leave him by himself.
How many episodes is the season?

Fatbacks gutting was kinda intense. They didn't develop his character enough for me to feel too down but it's still a blow to Franklin and crew.

This season is cool but I would've liked to see more of the gang action rather than the gangs teaming up against Franklin. I like Skully and Manboy alot as characters. I know they are the opps on the show but they make for good villans.

That Little Rock angle is interesting. It was wild to see them push that product on their people knowing it will forever change that community. I liked how they played up the ethical delima Jermone was having with that.

Jerome clearly sees they are up. I know the big "aha" moment was supposed to be the CIA reveal but I still don't get why homie and his wife don't just take the money and run. They clearly know they pushing poison and they don't need to at this point.
Louie feels as if they’re stuck because the CIA is involved. That’s why she’s still going. And because they feel guilty and care for Franklin.

Mans is NEVER ashy.

And oh what a sight it would be if he was caught lacking. Probably think he was on the rock.

A lot is happening but this season has little focus because of all of the narratives that are going on. We’re on episode 7 and it feels like any ending to the story this season will be rushed. It would’ve been nice if they focused more on the expansion to Little Rock.
Wait. The season has little focus and will feel rushed no matter the ending and yet you want more time down in ******* Arkansas? :lol:


Why waste time there at all? Man I would've been perfectly fine if Louie was gone for an ep said to be expanding and then she came back and said everything went good. Then down the line talk about how well things are going or how the operation got the shot the **** up and they all on crack. I don't care about none of those new characters who are all a means to an end unless they about to show up in Cali.
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