SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

I liked seeing the expansion into Arkansas. The thought of what was going to happen to that community was weighing heavy on me since they arrived. Im glad they had the scene with Rome and Louie talking about that. The community's actual reaction to crack is one of my favorite themes on the show. Seeing it in Arkansas also would be interesting.
Bro... Leon is still upset at Franklin for him saying “drive mother****er”, Leon’s also wanted for murder, Teddy is unhinged, Franklin has two crazy *** gangs on his heels, Khadijah’s on a rampage, Fatback just got gutted, and on top of all of that there’s a news reporter that threatens to burn down not only the whole operation but the united states government as well.

If all that isn’t suspenseful to you, I don’t know what to tell ya. :lol:
You guys beating around the bush.... I asked how y’all think this season compares to the rest so far.

All the storylines/events you listed😂

fatback had like 45 seconds of screen time this whole season prior to getting gutted. I see people emotionally tied to a character that had no development....Y’all remember how Kev storyline went? If you satisfied with how all those storylines you mentioned are playing out🙄
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Mans is NEVER ashy.

And oh what a sight it would be day if he was caught lacking. Probably think he was on the rock.

Wait. The season has little focus and will feel rushed no matter the ending and yet you want more time down in ****ing Arkansas? :lol:


Why waste time there at all? Man I would've been perfectly fine if Louie was gone for an ep said to be expanding and then she came back and said everything went good. Then down the line talk about how well things are going or how the operation got the shot the **** up and they all on crack. I don't care about none of those new characters who are all a means to an end unless they about to show up in Cali.
I didn’t want more time in Arkansas this episode. My point was that they should’ve focused on Arkansas from a narrative standpoint for the season. Franklin has been about expansion since last season so it makes sense. There’s no getting around the fact that there are so many side stories now. The season is cool to me but it’s not as tight as the previous two.
the little rock storyline kind of feel like a throwaway, I wonder how often we see from them. probably just mention how money is flowing in.
the little rock storyline kind of feel like a throwaway, I wonder how often we see from them. probably just mention how money is flowing in.
Unless they move somebody out there it’s o lot gon be a couple scenes a season from there moving forward
I still say Franklin has been unfocused all season, making stupid decisions that have led people to lose their lives on both sides.

Franklin- his girl working for Manboy. That much is obvious. She’s a plant and Franklin to sprung to see it. He’s looking shaky this season both physically and mentally

Leon- won’t be the same after killing Skully’s daughter. I feel like his conscience will eventually get the best of him.

Jerome- Unc just wants to sell speakers, dress fly, and get money. We can already see he will eventually end up as collateral damage.

Louie- She is a soldier and she loyal. Might be the most level headed character on the show.

Manboy- gunning for that number 1 spot. He’s smarter than Franklin.

Skully- shermhead out of his mind.
Khadijah- she’s the one I’d be shook about. She has nothing to lose and revenge is all she wants.

Reporter Lady- definitely getting murked, and not soon enough

Reed- smh.I have hated his acting since the first season, which in turn has made me hate his character as a whole.

Oso- meh, he’s cool I guess

Franklin’s Mom is solid and his Dad is cool, but this season will cause a rift between all of them.

overall I think the season has been good. I got a few complaints but at the end of the day it’s tv, and every show can’t be as good as the Wire.
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In what way is Manboy smarter than Franklin? We haven’t seen much from him that would make him seem smart
In what way is Manboy smarter than Franklin? We haven’t seen much from him that would make him seem smart

I mean casualties aside, Franklin is conflicted on who he actually is and/or wants to be. Manboy knows exactly what he wants and acts accordingly.
I mean casualties aside, Franklin is conflicted on who he actually is and/or wants to be. Manboy knows exactly what he wants and acts accordingly.
Ok but how is he smarter than Franklin? What has he said or done that displays him being smarter than Franklin?

Take out Leon killing his niece and he'd still be losing ppl in that war with Skully.

I can see Reed putting two in Manboy's head by the end of the season in front of Franklin if Manboy finds him.
I thought reeds character was suppose to be emotionally detached and socially awkward (maybe on the spectrum?) or son could just be stressed selling the ki for Uncle Sam and not seeing a way out himself. He is the only one CONSTANTLY dealing with losses in his life and just rollin with the punches. I wanna see how he lashes out. One of these straws gonna break the camels back
Banging in Little Rock is a real thing and Cali and Chicago played a part in it. I think that’s where they’re going with that arc.
That’s definitely where they’re headed with Little Rock. I thought it was obvious the moment they brought it up. From the looks of it, it’ll be a season 5 plot point for sure.
The cia angle has always been the weakest part of the show for me . The episode where he and Oso ran down on the TJ cop was probably my favorite moment from him

nah Oso storyline is the worst, dude is boring af and the whole Mexican gang storyline seems meaningless now.

I do think the CIA storyline would be better if Alejandro was still around tho.
nah Oso storyline is the worst, dude is boring af and the whole Mexican gang storyline seems meaningless now.

I do think the CIA storyline would be better if Alejandro was still around tho.
His storyline is weak as well but he’s had moments in prior seasons when everyone else was around.
How long y’all think it took for Kadijah and ole girl to get that fat ***** in the car after they chloroformed him?
How long y’all think it took for Kadijah and ole girl to get that fat ***** in the car after they chloroformed him?
nah shorty had to have invent extra strength, long lasting chloroform b. not only to get him out the car but to drag him to that pole, hold him up and tie him up with only two skinny *** ppl and one half way shook?!?!
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