So have you ever checked out a guy? REAL Mature Answers Please.

Hold up...

You wanted to be him?

Or you wanted to be with him?

Either way...

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

you actually could have got some mature replies

but they way you worded it..u cant go back....cant save yourself....that was beyond john ameechichimon

but yea your troll abilities are crappy
The way NT examines Wayne Jay and Ye', I guarantee it happens in real life as well

The last I checked, the celebrity heat thread is filled with Chris Brown and Ye' pictures saved from yall computers
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?
what you did there, i have seen it.
I'm comfortable with saying a guy is good looking.....alot of responses are like "i don't judge guys im not gay"

Its like cmon now grow up.
Op your statement was so @%%! it is hilarious. You could have made that statement way more manly

But yes i have before. I'm a competitive type of guy when it comes to looks and outfits. I like to be the best looking guy in the room with the freshestoutfit on that is just something i have always done. So i'll look at dudes at a competitive stand point and see if his looks and outfit are on par or subpar with mine. There is no manly attraction just competition.
Originally Posted by 18key

Well, in short, no I have never checked out a dude.

I have looked at a dudes clothes, and thought about whether or not I could rock it, but never wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off like he did. I just wear what looks good on me. I keep my hair so it looks good on me. I just want to be me. See a trend here? Just do you, dont try and be someone else got damnit.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by 18key

Well, in short, no I have never checked out a dude.

I have looked at a dudes clothes, and thought about whether or not I could rock it, but never wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off like he did. I just wear what looks good on me. I keep my hair so it looks good on me. I just want to be me. See a trend here? Just do you, dont try and be someone else got damnit.

he was so hot though...

Checking another male out is gay. Its perfectly acceptable to acknowledge another man's freshness or "swag" for lack of a better term. Checkingout is not a good look.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?
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