So have you ever checked out a guy? REAL Mature Answers Please.

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Some of y'all are soooo homophobic it's quite sickening if not a shame...

I know exactly what OP means and it has nothing to do with checking a dude out is a "sexual" way...grow up.

No one in here can act like they've never seen another dude looking real official or bummy, and actively or subliminally hated, envied, or congratulated. Everyone has done one of the three at some point in their life and if you have, guess what--you checked out the guy. The Hypebeast thread in Sneaker showcase is full of guys doing exactly what OP is talking about and i'm pretty sure a good # of ya have traversed that thread and commented. It's really that simple.

Hypocrisy and Immaturity on here is at a hundred thousand billion...
relax there pal, while its perfectly acceptable and quite frankly unavoidable to notice what other men may be rocking or whatever, and also alsoacceptable to think "thats a pretty fresh fit" the extent to which the OP ventured was where the line was crossed. I mean he said he wanted to takehis fit and cut his hair like him and then proceeded to say he was hot.

Like everybody notices fresh fits, kicks, etc. I mean to a small extent all of us have gotten our style from somewhere else. People start trends indeed, butrockin fly fits are to an extent a product of us collaborating mentally on stuff we've more than likely seen others with and tailoring that to our ownlikes (most of us)

but all that extra jazz is honestly not normal
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Checking another male out is gay. Its perfectly acceptable to acknowledge another man's freshness or "swag" for lack of a better term. Checking out is not a good look.

I dont get it though. Don't you have to be pretty thoroughly examining dude to determine if he has swag or not? Either way you're judging the way helooks which by NT standards is "gay".
Originally Posted by mco85

Hell no. This post reminds me of the one Henz video where he was saying how dudes asked how can i be like you
I know somebody got that video, if so post it. It was toofunny
Yes I have checked out dudes and given complements, this doesn't mean I wanna smash.......NT is homophobic.
I have noticed another guys swag or whatever but to be forreal im just me I can careless what someone else is wearing idk man i think your kind of crossing aline...I have never wanted to cut my hair and be another dude if anything alota dudes swagger jack me, just get your own style and dont sweat other dudes...just be you man! dont try to be someone else!
All of this NT is homophobic talk is stupid considering that the dude clearly didnt mean that he just looked at his clothes and style and kept it moving....

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by 18key

Well, in short, no I have never checked out a dude.

I have looked at a dudes clothes, and thought about whether or not I could rock it, but never wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off like he did. I just wear what looks good on me. I keep my hair so it looks good on me. I just want to be me. See a trend here? Just do you, dont try and be someone else got damnit.

he was so hot though...

If that is acceptable from a str8 man then I dunno what the world is coming to
Originally Posted by FifthName

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Checking another male out is gay. Its perfectly acceptable to acknowledge another man's freshness or "swag" for lack of a better term. Checking out is not a good look.

I dont get it though. Don't you have to be pretty thoroughly examining dude to determine if he has swag or not? Either way you're judging the way he looks which by NT standards is "gay".
Not really, checking someone out implies that your looking for certain physical features of what have you. You can notice someone's"swag" without even checking for them like. When I check a female out, I'll see her face for example then I'll say to myself "I wonderif she has a ***" At that point I'll look for one. If your going that to a guy its not cool.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by 18key

Well, in short, no I have never checked out a dude.

I have looked at a dudes clothes, and thought about whether or not I could rock it, but never wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off like he did. I just wear what looks good on me. I keep my hair so it looks good on me. I just want to be me. See a trend here? Just do you, dont try and be someone else got damnit.

he was so hot though...

Your really going in pal.
eight2one wrote:
lmao this isnt gonna end well.

This %!*$ dint start well...

at people saying, NT is homophobic...word?

So its okay to look a dude up and down, and think he is "hot" and then want to be like him???

If you have done it before... then do you, that's yall ...sooner or later yall are going to find that one dude who is a dime in your eyes and who knowswhat will happen with dude and the guy that thinks he is hot...
Originally Posted by mco85

Hell no. This post reminds me of the one Henz video where he was saying how dudes asked how can i be like you


@ inmymind under me.. pause
Originally Posted by Dom90

Originally Posted by 18key

Well, in short, no I have never checked out a dude.

I have looked at a dudes clothes, and thought about whether or not I could rock it, but never wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off like he did. I just wear what looks good on me. I keep my hair so it looks good on me. I just want to be me. See a trend here? Just do you, dont try and be someone else got damnit.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

my dude shwap youtube game is serious
he wont even comment just drop a youtube vid about the issue at hand
you ah foo bruh
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