So have you ever checked out a guy? REAL Mature Answers Please.

Kind of.

I always scan the room for:

and who my biggest competition would be, looks-wise.

Either way, im comfortable with myself to admit if a gentleman is good looking.
I see what you mean but posting this was a bad idea. Ive checked out clothes others were wearing but thats just ordinary to do.
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?
Re: So have you ever checked out a guy?
I've looked at clothing on a man, but never thought "I wonder what he would look like naked."
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Originally Posted by 18key

Well, in short, no I have never checked out a dude.

I have looked at a dudes clothes, and thought about whether or not I could rock it, but never wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off like he did. I just wear what looks good on me. I keep my hair so it looks good on me. I just want to be me. See a trend here? Just do you, dont try and be someone else got damnit.

he was so hot though...
C'mon OP come out of the closet.
Originally Posted by mondayC

I've looked at clothing on a man, but never thought "I wonder what he would look like naked."
i dont know why but this statement has me rolling
Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?
go kill yourself !$$+
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Some of y'all are soooo homophobic it's quite sickening if not a shame...

I know exactly what OP means and it has nothing to do with checking a dude out is a "sexual" way...grow up.

No one in here can act like they've never seen another dude looking real official or bummy, and actively or subliminally hated, envied, or congratulated. Everyone has done one of the three at some point in their life and if you have, guess what--you checked out the guy. The Hypebeast thread in Sneaker showcase is full of guys doing exactly what OP is talking about and i'm pretty sure a good # of ya have traversed that thread and commented. It's really that simple.

Hypocrisy and Immaturity on here is at a hundred thousand billion...

Duke just said that another dude was HOT. Reading is fundamental.

Everyone has checked out other dudes fits or whatnot but OP actually wants to be with/like him. More than likely he's trolling so he wont last long here.
Originally Posted by ao17

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?
Re: So have you ever checked out a guy?

You guys are over exaggerating. You know youve checked out a dude in the PYP Threads. I just have enough bravery to admit it!
Originally Posted by ao17

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?
Re: So have you ever checked out a guy?

Originally Posted by ao17

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

So as I was at Starbucks today, I glanced at the table to my left. I do not know if it was an attraction or what but the guy on the table was good looking. Like he had great swag. I wanted to buy the clothes he was wearing and cut my hair like him so I could come off as he did. Anyone else?
Re: So have you ever checked out a guy?

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