H2H's real meltdown was him making another thread to pick the lamest person on NT. He pretty much nominated anyone he ever had static with, and if you criticized him in the thread he edited the list to nominate you. :lol: :lol:

Famb had with us :lol:
Lmao....exactly how u describe is all true.

Im sure he got a hit list I’ll watch my back.:nerd:
:lol: Yo where’s this H2HK thread at?

On another note, where’s Timid at? I can usually spot him within a few days on his new SN’s.

Timids posts would have me laughing. I don’t know the guy personally but I’m assuming his drunk posts were more so a troll act than anything but they provided the lols.

I’m sure he’ll be back in due time though
H2H watching this thread like

:lol: Yo where’s this H2HK thread at?

On another note, where’s Timid at? I can usually spot him within a few days on his new SN’s.
Timid got banned for one of his drunken rants. He gone

I hope he is doing ok personally. He was a funny dude when he was sober, but ole boy got some serious demons.
I always thought he was trolling or joking with the drinking issues stuff. But if he wasn’t. I hope he gets it together cause I can relate somewhat. Weening off booze and cutting back on a drinking addiction is tough. I’ve had issues with my drinking for years and I’ve been trying to cut back and minimize it as I get older. Struggling to do so was some humbling stuff.

I’ve gotten the ban hammer off saying foul stuff under the influence on here in the past, doesn’t excuse the stuff I said, and the last thing I should’ve been doing aside from driving would be posting on a sneaker message board. But posting stuff while hammered and looking back the next day with that look of shame is never fun.

Would work if I was in a good mood drunk, shoot my shoot in some females dm’s mood but other than that it’s no bueno.
They're just cheap people who don't want to admit it. They even do a bit of victim blaming towards the waiters (you shouldn't have taken this job).

This thread is like a low key litmus test for people lacking in empathy

Victim blaming?

If they’re shocked about the people who exercise their right to an *optional* form of provided income from the consumer to the waiter (who willingly took the job knowing that could be the case) how does that make them a victim? If anything, they’re shocked at something they already knew would happen.

I, the consumer, am not their employer. If they’re unhappy with their wages or how they’re paid (heavily relying on tips), it’s simple: you don’t work there. Or you find a restaurant that raises prices so the tipping factor is taken out.

If more waiters understood that some people think tipping is right and some don’t, then things would go a lot smoother. But a lot of people seem to think that that tipping is a requirement, and not tipping means you don’t have the money to and that you shouldn’t be able to dine out.

I don’t think either side is wrong, I think it’s all preference and if anyone in the dining business has an issue with someone having the preference of *not* tipping, they should leave said business.
I definitely think folks who dine out and expect to not tip are in the wrong. It could be ignorance or it could be frugalness, but it's wrong either way.

Now if the service is bad we have a different discussion.

I actually don't think people realize how little servers make from the employer unless they have a family member who is a server or they serve themselves. I know I was not made aware until I dated a server. Definitely changed my views quite a bit.
I see it like this. Shaming non tippers isn’t going to get them to change their ways. I don’t determine if someone is a bad person off what they tip or don’t tip either.

Most people tip due to social norms. I’ll tip according to the quality of service I receive and that’s my basis for tipping. But the whole concept of tipping is disingenuous to me. It allows for stereotyping based off who waiters perceive as a good tipper, bad tipper, who looks well off and who looks broke etc and leads to self fulfilling prophecies in that waiters will give less effort on a table they assume won’t tip and get upset when their lack of quality service played a part in them not getting a tip while at the same time giving better effort to a table they assume is more affluent or better off.

Aside from that. The whole concept is disingenuous to me. You’re acting nice and friendly and trying to build some type of rapport with me during the dining experience becsuse you expect a financial reward from it and if I don’t do that you’ll look at me like I’m a piece of ****.

I’ll say this though. For as much as servers gripe about the occasional non tipper, they would be pissed if tipping was ever abolished in favor of better wages because as much as they gripe about the occasional non tipper, servers make bank off tips. Especially good servers and they quite often get tipped just off social norms alone in cases where they likely didn’t bring their A game and provide the best possible service.
I was an average to slightly above average server at best, and best believe i did what i could to get out.

If you're going to serve, do it at as high end restaurant. Some servers make insanely good money.
I hate servers who constantly bug me when I am watching a game on TV. They asked me if I wanted something 5-6 times in a 30 minute span.
H2H's real meltdown was him making another thread to pick the lamest person on NT. He pretty much nominated anyone he ever had static with, and if you criticized him in the thread he edited the list to nominate you. :lol: :lol:

Famb had with us :lol:
Any record of this? Lord knows I made the cut. :lol:
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