Huh? If I’m taking my kids out to eat sea food dinners and steak etc. I’ll be damned if they ever question anything I do while they eating good.

I love when the pro tip crowd says servers are gonna do something to your food if you don’t tip. They are basically saying the serevers, off top, ain’t ****.

I broke no laws by not tipping but it’s ok for them to commit a crimes. Scumbag behavior supported by scumbags.

Bruh what are you on about? You got small man syndrome in a response to your wife or kids questioning your actions or something? What gets lost in translation in all of this is general hospitality. Hell if the service wasn't good, at least let your waiter/waitress know so that they could IMPROVE. It's not that hard. Again I'll reiterate... CORNBALL MOVE
u used the words cornballism
to describe me
but im the cornball

and i dont give 2 ***** about what u think bout me
cause 1. u aint paying my bills
and 2. i dont even know u enough to care
so go sit yo sucka self down somewhere

You said all of that, but you are the one who started a thread seeking validation for your cornball move to begin with. Trying to portray yourself as this cool cat who didn't lose his temper when confront by the big bad "Waitress".... Yet you're crying right now after I simply posted what my thoughts on the matter were... So...

1. If you don't like my opinion, don't start a thread.
2. If you don't know how to get out of your feelings, don't start a thread
3. You called me a "sucka".... I stand confirmed in my assessment of you doing cornball things.
If your idea of an easy remedy is "change the culture of an entire industry," then you're optimist to a fault, and that's putting it lightly.

Adding to this, if you can't acknowledge the changes to the way food has been distributed/served since the 1800s then there's really no point in discussing this topic with someone like yourself.

Pick up a book, learn about industrialism, and come back when you're able to add some substance to the conversation.
Hey man, starting a union is hard endeavor but its worth it. Its a struggle but its done for all the right reasons.

If they don't have it in them to fight for the same worker's rights so many others have in the past and the millions thst currently get at such a late stage in the history of employment you can't expect that others will cover a large chunk of your income.

All you're doing by basically saying it's going to be hard to do this is reinforcing a broken system with no solutions for change.

The trend of bot tipping is obviously growing. So youre either gonna keep pretending its impossible for change or shut up and watch it happen.
I dont tip janitors for cleaning up my ****, why the hell would I tip a barber?

You tip any of the following:

There's no real reason to feel required to tip your barber, unless he did something outside of the norm.
You said all of that, but you are the one who started a thread seeking validation for your cornball move to begin with. Trying to portray yourself as this cool cat who didn't lose his temper when confront by the big bad "Waitress".... Yet you're crying right now after I simply posted what my thoughts on the matter were... So...

1. If you don't like my opinion, don't start a thread.
2. If you don't know how to get out of your feelings, don't start a thread
3. You called me a "sucka".... I stand confirmed in my assessment of you doing cornball things.
I ain’t in my feelings
I’m not trippin
U still a sucka
If their service was satisfactory enough to where the payer didn't have any qualms giving them that much, why should they?

"I'm sorry, sir...but you need to raise your standards giving me a tip like that. I suggest you be more high-maintenance/particular in future dealings."

**** outta here with that.

I mean. People tip off social norms, just because they feel they’re supposed to do it. I’ve seen people complain the entire time about the service and/or feel they weren’t getting quality service yet when the bill came, they still tipped 20% because of social norms or felt pressured to do so.

People in the service industry always ***** about non tippers and poor tippers. Yet won’t say a peep about when they got tipped well despite not being on their A game.

Either way, whining about not getting tipped is a bad mentality to me. You can’t take it personal. You gotta shake it off and bring positive energy to the next table you serve. Complaining and being pissed about the rare non tipper just brings negative energy which you’re going to carry over to the next few tables you serve.
Hey man, starting a union is hard endeavor but its worth it. Its a struggle but its done for all the right reasons.

If they don't have it in them to fight for the same worker's rights so many others have in the past and the millions thst currently get at such a late stage in the history of employment you can't expect that others will cover a large chunk of your income.

All you're doing by basically saying it's going to be hard to do this is reinforcing a broken system with no solutions for change.

The trend of bot tipping is obviously growing. So youre either gonna keep pretending its impossible for change or shut up and watch it happen.
You're talking about the labor force as if it's the same as people working in manufacturing in the first half of the 20th century.

Again, times have changed. Food service is a highly transient workforce with a lot of people that are currently in school working towards a degree that will get them out of the industry. The vast majority of them have no interest in enacting the labor it would take to establish a union because most of them are focused on their studies and getting out of the industry as soon as they can.

Please don't strawman me by trying to paraphrase what I said to fit your narrative. The only point I made was acknowledging how the industrialization of food has made it more difficulty for small, independent restaurants to survive in a market that was cutthroat to begin with. If an individual restaurant were to forego the custom of tipping in favor of raising their prices, they would still be seen as overpriced because they would still be judged in comparison to their competitors.

You'll find no disagreement with me that food service workers deserve a living wage--I would just rather see my favorite restaurants keep their doors open so that the industry isn't dominated by mediocre chains with mass-produced/distribtuted menu items, even if that means I'm one of the financial contributors.

Speaking of that--for you non-tippers who argue for raising menu prices in order to avoid tipping because you think the owner should be the one "paying their wages," do you not realize that you're still the one paying their wages, only now it's mandatory?
You're talking about the labor force as if it's the same as people working in manufacturing in the first half of the 20th century.
No. I'm not.

It was much harder for those ppl tomfight for their rights than it would be service industry workers to fight for theirs now.

I mean damn work force just got through fighting for the raise of minimum wage pushing it closer to being a living wage.

Yet I'm suppose to sympathize with this self chosen struggle?

I dont want to hear its hard to accomplish. That's an excuse.
Speaking of that--for you non-tippers who argue for raising menu prices in order to avoid tipping because you think the owner should be the one "paying their wages," do you not realize that you're still the one paying their wages, only now it's mandatory?
That's the way it should be.

You have many choices of where to eat. You place a value on the food you purchase based off of quality, expediency and id you dine-in service.

Now if the raised prices isnt worth it to you then you choose someplace else.

The choice between your favorite restaurant and paying employees what they should be paid seems some to me.

End of story.
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Bruh what are you on about? You got small man syndrome in a response to your wife or kids questioning your actions or something? What gets lost in translation in all of this is general hospitality. Hell if the service wasn't good, at least let your waiter/waitress know so that they could IMPROVE. It's not that hard. Again I'll reiterate... CORNBALL MOVE
Are you asking me if I have a small man syndrome about a child ( who I spoil)scolding me about tipping? Do you have kids? Are you married?

So now I need to help pay their wages and teach them how to do their job. Gotcha!
Are you asking me if I have a small man syndrome about a child ( who I spoil)scolding me about tipping? Do you have kids? Are you married?

So now I need to help pay their wages and teach them how to do their job. Gotcha!

Still no clue what you are talking about or why you even felt the need to address me in general, but I'll humor you. Yes I have a son. Divorced btw.
That’s so savage. However, you know what’s gonna be even more savage? When they recognize you as the non-tipper, look you in the eye, and hand you that semen infused blue cheese with a smile.
You realize this is a felony?

Who is the bad guy here?

You are either everything but a child of god or deserving of semen in your food if you don’t tip?
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Speaking of that--for you non-tippers who argue for raising menu prices in order to avoid tipping because you think the owner should be the one "paying their wages," do you not realize that you're still the one paying their wages, only now it's mandatory?

Not really, because it will no longer be percentage based. There's no reason I should be giving waitresses an extra $40 for bringing me a $180 bottle of wine or an expensive steak. That doesn't take any more time or work to bring to my table. If servers were paid hourly/or salary to perform the same duty I think it would benefit most people who tip now.
I don't go to the barber often, but whenever I have as an adult, I did tip him. 5 off of GP. 10 if I dig the cut.

Except this one place that was charging 35 bucks for a simple fade and beard clean up (not detailed work at all). Didn't tip and never went back.
Still no clue what you are talking about or why you even felt the need to address me in general, but I'll humor you. Yes I have a son. Divorced btw.
Doesn’t seem that hard to follow.

You commented what his kids would think (on an open forum). I said it doesn’t matter what kids(6 yrs old) I provide for think about my tipping. Especially if they are eating good.

You asked did I have a small man syndrome cause I don’t care what my kids think about tipping.

Then you act confused about the topic and subject matter. I’ll leave you alone, don’t feel like giving you cliff notes on your own posts.
Y'all are taking that out of context. He's not saying that non-tippers DESERVE contaminated food, he's just saying if a habitual non-tipper constantly returns and continues to [proudly] fail to compensate his server in a society where the norm is to compensate your server, then it's HIGHLY likely that people will feel insulted and respond in lewd pettiness. It's not right, it's street Justice... And street Justice doesn't always follow logic.

Non tippers: would you continuously visit a strip club and not throw a dollar? I think this came up earlier.

Bringing up the barbers is gonna make this thread double. I cut my own hair; haven't been to a shop since 03 and cuts were $7. I was a teenager so i never tipped.
Now i hear they're $20-40, and the tone i get is that it's customary to tip the barber now. I don't know how i feel about that. I understand the importance of people depending on tips and I've survived off of tips myself...
But 25 AND you want more

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Most places I've worked at it goes
Food Runners/Bus Boys
The kitchen gets the least amount (if any) because they tend to get paid more hourly. Depending on the place some chefs/cooks are making good money so it evens out.

The porters/dishwashers have it the worst but they are taken care of by the staff. They know how much work they do. Never seen a chef/cook deny them a meal if they are hungry or a bartender deny them a free drink after work.
Yea when I was a dishwasher in high school, we had a big plate of food at the end of the shift and access to all the cheap liquor ...Always knew I would be eating good n going back round the way turning up with some plastic bottle vodka on days I was working :pimp: :lol:
I honestly thought nawghty was the only non tipper... wtf is happening in here.
I usually tip 20 percent and if the service is bad I tip less. However I usually don't get bad service. At the places I'm a regular they no I'm a regular and a good tipper and hook me up all the time. Faster service, free beer, or app.
It's not right, it's street Justice... And street Justice doesn't always follow logic
folks wanna talk about street justice
cause of nobody tipping
I ain’t tipping
Ain’t nobody gonna make me
What I do with my own money
That I work for is my business
Ain’t nobody gonna guilt me into giving ****
These same folks talking bout tipping
Ain’t even giving their tithe’s at church
So get off y’all high horse
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