I tip. But if someone in my group is a non tipper I'll tip a little extra if the service was exceptional. Not because I feel pressured to cover his non tip but more to show love to the waiter.

I'm not going to look any less at my friend though over something as trivial as nontipping or put time on blast either over it.

You a better person than me, best believe I'm never sitting across the table, let alone splitting a bill with this person and im gonna make sure I make him feel we splitting a bill and we all tipping and dude flat out expecting the rest of the crew to cover his portion of the tip :rofl:
why is it mandatory to tip a waiter for "putting in extra work" but illegal to tip a teacher for actually putting in extra work for your kid? 

Because it can be misinterpreted as bribery? Are you really asking this dumb of a question? Is no wonder you can't grasp the idea of tipping
and the logic of "you better tip or they will give you bad service/spit in your food next time" can be interpreted as extortion

tipping first started as bribing servers to get better service

so thanks for helping me make my point 

It doesn't make sense that wealthy people in Canada have to pay for the general population's health insurance either but I'm sure you have no qualms about going to the doctor when you get sick.
why is it mandatory to tip a waiter for "putting in extra work" but illegal to tip a teacher for actually putting in extra work for your kid? 

Because it can be misinterpreted as bribery? Are you really asking this dumb of a question? Is no wonder you can't grasp the idea of tipping
and the logic of "you better tip or they will give you bad service/spit in your food next time" can be interpreted as extortion

tipping first started as bribing servers to get better service

so thanks for helping me make my point 

It doesn't make sense that wealthy people in Canada have to pay for the general population's health insurance either but I'm sure you have no qualms about going to the doctor when you get sick.
Everyone pays for health insurance in Canada though.. Try again
I feel it. It's one of those things that I'll likely take into consideration towards future outings though. I got nice places some of my friends have access to which I intentionally won't take said friends to becsuse if we're going to get hooked up and have all sorts of free extra stuff, I'm making sure my connects get shown love and if I have friends that are reluctant to tip in that situation that's where I draw the like on it.
why is it mandatory to tip a waiter for "putting in extra work" but illegal to tip a teacher for actually putting in extra work for your kid? 

Because it can be misinterpreted as bribery? Are you really asking this dumb of a question? Is no wonder you can't grasp the idea of tipping
and the logic of "you better tip or they will give you bad service/spit in your food next time" can be interpreted as extortion

tipping first started as bribing servers to get better service

so thanks for helping me make my point 

It doesn't make sense that wealthy people in Canada have to pay for the general population's health insurance either but I'm sure you have no qualms about going to the doctor when you get sick.
Everyone pays for health insurance in Canada though.. Try again

Wealthy people pay more into the system though.

Just like it doesn't make sense I pay the same property tax as my neighbor when I have NO children in the public school system and he has 3.

There tons of things that actually don't make sense that actually dramatically impact net worth but folks in here arguing about tipping 3 bucks a meal.
Nah it's just taking care of the teacher so theyll take care of you/your child. If your child gets neglected you honestly have no one to blame but yourself you cheap scum. Who raised you?
You a dumb *** you tip a teacher its unethical because it can be seen as you giving money to boost your kids grades....sometimes you should use common sense and understand what professions is ok to tip and which are not, a barber rents a chair in a barbershop which comes out of what he makes in a week, tips go a lon way for them, waiters work at minimum wage and provide a service that if you were to eat at a fast food joint you would end up doing yourself....restaurants should just do away with servers period, have you fools do everything with the exception of cooking your own food, see how you'd like it

Comparing bribery to tipping....

Going to lengths to justify your sons just own up your ways....stop trying to justify it.
Just own up to your cheap ways steezy. It's ok. You came from poverty and dont know any better. It would just be a few extra bucks. Take care of people and they'll take care of you
But tax is not optional. It's illegal to not pay taxes.

Tipping is optional, it's literally giving away free money.

If restaurants wanted to raise prices by 20% and properly pay their staff I would be perfectly fine with that. Otherwise I am only obligated to pay what the restaurant sets as the value for their food. it's really not about the money, tipping is just a silly social construct.
I have 2 friends that are notorious non-tippers, over the years, I don't go out to eat with them. A fast food joint sure, but not a sit down restaurant. These are the same type of dudes when the bill comes, and their share is $15.99, they'll give you $16 :lol:

I don't think any 'less' of them, I just won't go out to eat with them. What's funny is they always want to go out to eat somewhere.
Nah it's just taking care of the teacher so theyll take care of you/your child. If your child gets neglected you honestly have no one to blame but yourself you cheap scum. Who raised you?

You a dumb *** you tip a teacher its unethical because it can be seen as you giving money to boost your kids grades....sometimes you should use common sense and understand what professions is ok to tip and which are not, a barber rents a chair in a barbershop which comes out of what he makes in a week, tips go a lon way for them, waiters work at minimum wage and provide a service that if you were to eat at a fast food joint you would end up doing yourself....restaurants should just do away with servers period, have you fools do everything with the exception of cooking your own food, see how you'd like it

Comparing bribery to tipping....

Going to lengths to justify your sons just own up your ways....stop trying to justify it.

Just own up to your cheap ways steezy. It's ok. You came from poverty and dont know any better. It would just be a few extra bucks. Take care of people and they'll take care of you
Maybe if his parents would have tipped his teachers he would have been taught to understand basic logic
But tax is not optional. It's illegal to not pay taxes.

Tipping is optional, it's literally giving away free money.

If restaurants wanted to raise prices by 20% and properly pay their staff I would be perfectly fine with that. Otherwise I am only obligated to pay what the restaurant sets as the value for their food. it's really not about the money, tipping is just a silly social construct.

The legality of something does not make it "right or wrong"

You do realize that things like social programs for the "greater good" can be perceived the same way right?
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I have 2 friends that are notorious non-tippers, over the years, I don't go out to eat with them. A fast food joint sure, but not a sit down restaurant. These are the same type of dudes when the bill comes, and their share is $15.99, they'll give you $16

I don't think any 'less' of them, I just won't go out to eat with them. What's funny is they always want to go out to eat somewhere.
That extra penny is the tip b
That's not a barber, that's a stylist :lol: I have a barber I see almost every week and a stylist I see the same thing once every month or every other, he also charges 40$ and I tip 10$ older Italian dude I think too in some trendy *** barber shop in the village, dudes serve you scotch while you on the chair....that alone makes the tip worth it.

I hope you non-tippers getting a haircut with sharpened stones :smh:

Aware me as to what your stylist can do that the barber cant (or vice-versa?)
I go through the same routine.

Barber: facial hair (weekly)

Stylist: hair ( I have long hair; every 6 weeks).

My stylist is the owner of her shop that's meant for kids :lol:

I found a real gem with her, though.

I'm talking I'd let her fade me up if I ever went that route again. I've seen her work. She gets down.
I have 2 friends that are notorious non-tippers, over the years, I don't go out to eat with them. A fast food joint sure, but not a sit down restaurant. These are the same type of dudes when the bill comes, and their share is $15.99, they'll give you $16 :lol:

I don't think any 'less' of them, I just won't go out to eat with them. What's funny is they always want to go out to eat somewhere.

Folks like that are usually the type to wonder why they never get invited anywhere lol. I won't shame or think any less of my friends if they don't tip. But I'll be more reluctant to invite them certain places.
Wealthy people pay more into the system though.

Just like it doesn't make sense I pay the same property tax as my neighbor when I have NO children in the public school system and he has 3.

There tons of things that actually don't make sense that actually dramatically impact net worth but folks in here arguing about tipping 3 bucks a meal.
I'm not reading anything close to these last few pages, but on this not, there's NO way in hell people should be getting, "child" credits from the government. F that. You want to have kids, you know the costs. 

I'm for supporting the public school system without question, but tax credits to those with kids? Nah son. 
Just own up to your cheap ways steezy. It's ok. You came from poverty and dont know any better. It would just be a few extra bucks. Take care of people and they'll take care of you

You are terrible at trolling, leave that to the pros.
But tax is not optional. It's illegal to not pay taxes.

Tipping is optional, it's literally giving away free money.

If restaurants wanted to raise prices by 20% and properly pay their staff I would be perfectly fine with that. Otherwise I am only obligated to pay what the restaurant sets as the value for their food. it's really not about the money, tipping is just a silly social construct.

The legality of something does not make it "right or wrong"

You do realize that things like social programs for the "greater good" can be perceived the same way right?
Of course it doesn't, but I don't have a choice to pay taxes.

Since tipping is optional I have the choice to spend that money somewhere else. I have to choice to "donate" to something I feel is more important
I have 2 friends that are notorious non-tippers, over the years, I don't go out to eat with them. A fast food joint sure, but not a sit down restaurant. These are the same type of dudes when the bill comes, and their share is $15.99, they'll give you $16 :lol:

I don't think any 'less' of them, I just won't go out to eat with them. What's funny is they always want to go out to eat somewhere.

These are the type of people I call CHEAP but apparently the truth burns these fools deeeeeep.

You guys ever double date with a dude that pulls out a calculator to subtract his exact portion of the bill? How are dudes not embarrassed doing this *** in front of another man? I'm accustomed to split the bill 50/50 regardless of who order what or who's wife ordered more drinks....calculation pennies is sad.....get your networth up.

Same dudes that would probably split a meal with they girl....smh....buying your girl food is just as silly of a social construct as tipping a waiter.
Of course it doesn't, but I don't have a choice to pay taxes.

Since tipping is optional I have the choice to spend that money somewhere else. I have to choice to "donate" to something I feel is more important

All this noise over PENNIES b

Ya straight up sad, what point are you fools tryin to prove?..
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I never do the percentage thing whilst tippin

Depending on the spot its 3 or 5.
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Of course it doesn't, but I don't have a choice to pay taxes.

Since tipping is optional I have the choice to spend that money somewhere else. I have to choice to "donate" to something I feel is more important

All this noise over PENNIES b

Ya straight up sad, what point are you fools tryin to prove?..
Most charities are a scam.

I run free workshops for local high schools and give free curriculum development consultations about twice a month because our public school system is underfunded and I believe all kids should have the right to a good education.
My beef is this when it comes to non-tippers: 75% of restaurants fail within their first two years.  Some of them don't deserve to be open, but a lot of quality restaurants are struggling to make ends meet. Restaurant owners are "cheap" for a reason.  If tip money is gonna lighten the financial burden of these restaurants, and you appreciate good food, I don't see why you wouldn't tip. I'd rather keep quality local restaurants afloat than see dumps like Applebees, Fridays, Denny' s, Olive Garden, etc. dominate.
I would still like a non-tipper to address this.
My beef is this when it comes to non-tippers: 75% of restaurants fail within their first two years.  Some of them don't deserve to be open, but a lot of quality restaurants are struggling to make ends meet. Restaurant owners are "cheap" for a reason.  If tip money is gonna lighten the financial burden of these restaurants, and you appreciate good food, I don't see why you wouldn't tip. I'd rather keep quality local restaurants afloat than see dumps like Applebees, Fridays, Denny' s, Olive Garden, etc. dominate.
I would still like a non-tipper to address this.
if its a quality restaurant that I really enjoy I dont mind paying extra to show my support, I do this for most things I think are of high quality 
I would still like a non-tipper to address this.

I'll address it.

A lot of other services that DONT require tips also fall in this category. Why are we putting the burden on people who dont tip, as if everyone who came through tipped then the store would strive. You know cot darn well it wont. Hell, i bet tips are the LEAST of their problems for failing.

Again, there are countries and even places within America where restaurants flourish without the need of tipping.

Tipping is only further purpetuating this stereotype the certain individuals dont tip, and that non-tippers are cheap and their foods need to be tampered with.

Why not eliminate that negative stigma that tipping carries by just eliminating the whole system? It's not gonna somehow just destroy the industry..

>b-b-but servers wont have any motivation to work....
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