So I have a ghost in my house... Vol. Help

I was being serious.

I mean...what is holy water gonna do? Its just water.
I know it sounds unconventional but...
If the ghost can hear...its worth a shot.
If you can move - move.

If you can’t move - hire a well repped ghost medium somewhere in your area to communicate with it. Find out what happened to it and ask it to leave you alone.

If you can’t do that, try talking to it yourself and asking it to leave you guys alone.

If that don’t work, get a priest to bless the house and see if that works.

Good luck b. If not, RIP.

DO NOT play Ouija board with it tho.
Where you get holy water from? Is that next to the distilled?

I mean, you don't believe in God/divine spirit, but you believe in ghosts/demonic spirits? And you know where to get Holy water? What makes this water holy?

If you don't got the answers, ask the ghosts and let me know what they say.
I've never been into ghosts and whatnot but the fact that it was used for military use and there's a government shutdown where government employees aren't getting paid is an interesting coincidence. Do you have any family members or friends that serve that may need assistance?
What interesting about this is you can't really turn down any absurd device because you literally don't know what works.
I’ve watch enough supernatural to know what to do.

-First buy some wrangler jeans and some real rugged men’s clothing and start wearing it.

-Then get a group of people to stay at your house with you. Let the ghost/spirit kill all those people.

-Then set your house on fire to kill the dead persons remains.
I've never been into ghosts and whatnot but the fact that it was used for military use and there's a government shutdown where government employees aren't getting paid is an interesting coincidence. Do you have any family members or friends that serve that may need assistance?
What interesting about this is you can't really turn down any absurd device because you literally don't know what works.

Naw nothing like that, completely unrelated....
Always intrigued by the supernatural. I always wondered are these ghosts really real. No way of telling. You prolly need a priest (i know ur not religious) or some medium cause that might be the only way to cleanse the crib. Otherwise you gotta go. Some ghosts are too stubborn or strong and sometimes they ain't going. Update us OP good luck
How do you believe in ghosts but not God? Lol doesn’t super natural stuff go hand in hand with religion? I think you are smoking too much G. Take a break from the dabs and go back to smoking trees the old natural way. Lol

Because I'm a life long atheist that can't deny the things happening around me... I've always felt humans had a energy/spirit/whatever, but not in any godly sorta way... I think all creatures/animals/plants have an energy... More of a giant earth organism type deal.....

And we dab now cause we got a 1 year old... It takes too long to smoke a couple bongs, let it air out and then you stink afterwards... Doing a dab lets us take a single hit each and then move on with what we're doing... I
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