So I have a ghost in my house... Vol. Help

I believe in spirits and the like, has happened to me before when I was younger. Plenty of stories from My best friends house in da DR .

Story 1 : this happened in 2000 I believe so I was in my boys living room one night (mom would let me sleep over his crib some weekends)it was late and the back part of his house is like an open space where the whole back yard surrounds it. Was playing Gran turismo on the PS 1 all alone cuz my boy called it a night, all of a sudden I feel something looking at me like right behind me in the I turn my head I catch a glimpse of a shadow from the corner of my eye At this moment I'm thinking I'm buggin I stand up and sure enough I see what seemed like a shadow running against the wall , at the moment I instantly said awww hell nah b....woke my boy up and told him what was up made sure son didn't go back to sleep that night.

Story #2 (really crazy one) : Same house , ne night they are doing a BBQ...couple of friends and their GF's show up. One of my boys girl goes to the bathroom and when she comes back she tells my boy "hey Oscar , you didn't tell me that your father was home and we're over here making all this noise yada yada" boy is like who? other man lives here ...when my boy shows her picture of his grandfather who passed away a few years before , shorty was uncontrollably histeric legit she had no idea what to do or think. She saw him sitting in his favorite rocking chair which was never really moved from the place that the old man always sat.
OP I would say move.

I lived in a house years ago where the sheets would get pulled off of me in the middle of the night, and there were a few occasions where I could see the outline of something "sitting" on the edge of my bed.

I only experienced that stuff like that in that house.

On a related note, what was that "haunted" book y'all were posting about a few years ago? With the seance instructions?

Seventh Book of Joseph or whatever (I know I messed the name up, lol)


Bruh, 7th book of joseph? LMAO!!!

You talking about the keys of solomon? Leave that foolishness alone.
Ahh, okay. Seems like they did that to let themselves be known. But no physical interactions right? Sudden nausea or random scratch marks or anything?

So like, on real ****.... My girl has a long history of depression... And may still be going through post partum, 13 month old son... But she does get waves of super deep depression and anxiety at random times... So I am legit worried there....

Nothing physical besides the listed though..
My girl and her fam is mexican. We live with her brother and his family.

So the brothers wife was having bad dreams, bad luck, noticing things at the house like you are...and came to the conclusion something was haunting her.(a spirit or ghost she said). Thing is, everybody else was thinking she just trippin.
So shorty calls this priest. Dude comes to the house and does this praying thing. Spitting Holy water and waving the cross alllll over the house and then dude just steps out and brings in a black bag but inside is moving. Dude pulls out a a blade and chops this chickens head off and then tells us not to go out through the front door for 3 days.

Idk if anything changed but figured id share my experience with it :lol:

My girl's mom is a small, old full-blooded, full Christian Salvadoran...

I'm going to have to get some bleach to clean up ******* chix blood.. god damn it...
I need photographic proof of something happening

Used to be the same... But then I saw ****...

Don’t ask this man that he may take it in a whole nother way


OP I would say move.

I lived in a house years ago where the sheets would get pulled off of me in the middle of the night, and there were a few occasions where I could see the outline of something "sitting" on the edge of my bed.

I only experienced that stuff like that in that house.

Moving in August...
Idk if this is supernatural

No lie, 1 time when I was sleeping off a mattress on the floor, my body was half off it, and I think I felt a cold spirit tryn to lift me off the ground and put me back on the mattress. Like tryn to lift me by my ribcage. Happened in my basement like in the AM. Must've been my Angel or a good spirit, cause if you lay like that on the floor you don't wanna injure your neck or spine
Zak Bagans is 1 of the biggest cons
I watched 1 of this clowns shows and he said a teen girl ghost wanted to marry some dude who is married with 1 or 2 kids:lol:
id think reggaeton would bring all the demons and foul spirits TO the house. dont do that

play some lionel ritchie dancing on the ceiling. make the ghost feel at home so they stop bothering
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