So I have a ghost in my house... Vol. Help

The guy that used to live in my place still is around the neighborhood from time to time... I'm going to ask him if he's seen stuff next time I see him....

Haven't done any history digging... Just know that these used to be military housing...

Interested to hear what this guy has to say

Do you know how long he lived there?

If he says he never saw anything then it might just be you guys

That spirit is probably going to follow you to ur new place
My cousin's car was supposedly "haunted" He said his car wouldn't be on and there would be talking heard coming from his speakers :lol: Full on convos between 2 people
My cousin's car was supposedly "haunted" He said his car wouldn't be on and there would be talking heard coming from his speakers :lol: Full on convos between 2 people

Did he try Turing off the the fm radio? When the car is in starter mode. I don’t thibk a mechanic can fix a spiritual diagnostic check engine light
Did he try Turing off the the fm radio? When the car is in starter mode. I don’t thibk a mechanic can fix a spiritual diagnostic check engine light

He ended up getting rid of the car a few years back. He doesn't live in Canada so I couldn't witness it myself. Could be ducktales for all I know
Would yall buy a car that was haunted if it was really cheap but a really nice car
Man that car wasnt haunted, your cousins a chopped yute. Probably some crossed up signals or some ****
What kinda haunted we talking about? I could deal with things moving and voices, but if I look in the rear view and see this...


...that car is getting left wherever it’s at. Middle lane of the freeway...wherever.
Never heard of haunted car, other than that old movie Christine and the Goosebumps book lol
You guys ever see those ghost vids on Buzzfeed? I think it's called Unsolved. The lil asian guy is always so shook :lol:
Between me and my siblings, it was me and my younger brother that experienced the paranormal stuff. Our sister believes, but doesn't get why we are the only ones that see stuff.
Gonna need more info
In the first house we grew up in, there was a mirror at the base of the stairs. So every time you go down the stairs you'll see yourself in the mirror. One night, I went downstairs for dinner and as I passed the mirror, there was an old lady staring at me. It didn't hit me until I sat at the table. I tried 're-creating' what it could have been. Maybe the shadow of my mom's house plant? Or a shadow from the outside tree. But no, it was a lady that was staring at me.

Fast forward to the following week, my brother was sleeping in his room and what he explained was an old lady trying to pull off the covers on his bed. He yelled and cried and my parents ran in but didn't see anything.

When I talked to him about the event, he described the same lady that I saw in the mirror.

Other instances with my brother where when he was younger, he had an imaginary friend that was always waiting for him near his play area. In addition to this area, my mom had idols of Baby Jesus and Mother Mary too. Not sure why my mom set up my brothers play area there. But I've always felt uncomfortable passing through there to get to my room.

I've heard my bedroom door slam on its own plenty of times. I thought it was due to my window being open, but every time I checked, the window was closed and there was a scent of roses in the room. Tripped me out.

I'll try to think of more. I know there was one where I was at my cousin's house for a family party and my aunt (who claims to have a 3rd eye) and I witnessed a lady starring at us through the reflection of the sliding door.
OP, walk down to your basement at 3am (devil’s hour) to check for paranormal activities. Do not turn on the lights as it will scare away any ghosts.
used to live in a 2-story house when i was a kid and my grandparent's room was upstairs and no one else stayed upstairs.. my grandma passed away and grandpa went back to Vietnam or was staying at my uncle's at the time. one night we heard some weird noises, we turned off everything downstairs to listen to the sound and it was coming from upstairs.. we walked upstairs and it was coming from my grandparent's room. we opened the door and the radio by the bed was on at max volume.. my mom went to pray right away.
In the first house we grew up in, there was a mirror at the base of the stairs. So every time you go down the stairs you'll see yourself in the mirror. One night, I went downstairs for dinner and as I passed the mirror, there was an old lady staring at me. It didn't hit me until I sat at the table. I tried 're-creating' what it could have been. Maybe the shadow of my mom's house plant? Or a shadow from the outside tree. But no, it was a lady that was staring at me.

Fast forward to the following week, my brother was sleeping in his room and what he explained was an old lady trying to pull off the covers on his bed. He yelled and cried and my parents ran in but didn't see anything.

When I talked to him about the event, he described the same lady that I saw in the mirror.

Other instances with my brother where when he was younger, he had an imaginary friend that was always waiting for him near his play area. In addition to this area, my mom had idols of Baby Jesus and Mother Mary too. Not sure why my mom set up my brothers play area there. But I've always felt uncomfortable passing through there to get to my room.

I've heard my bedroom door slam on its own plenty of times. I thought it was due to my window being open, but every time I checked, the window was closed and there was a scent of roses in the room. Tripped me out.

I'll try to think of more. I know there was one where I was at my cousin's house for a family party and my aunt (who claims to have a 3rd eye) and I witnessed a lady starring at us through the reflection of the sliding door.

Iirc feng shui says never place a mirror at the steps, or something like don't have a staircase face the door
Is that so? I've never read anything in regards to feng shui.

I read it in this article and heard from guys on tv shows

Mirror Facing A Staircase
  • Your hallway can benefit from mirrors just as the main entry can, and that applies to both big and small hallways. The one placement to avoid at all costs is placing a mirror facing the staircase. Why? Staircases are considered challenging in feng shui, no matter which bagua area of the house they are located in. Placing a mirror reflecting the staircase only doubles the unsettling and ungrounding energy of the staircase.

    Read: Feng Shui of Staircases in Your House

When a staircase is facing the front door directly, the feng shui energy rushes up quickly to either the lower, or the higher floor, thus leaving the main entry, as well as the whole main floor without good feng shui energy nourishment.
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