So I have a ghost in my house... Vol. Help

OP, so you've experienced sounds and objects falling out of nowhere but not visually seeing something?

I still tend to see things move around from the corner of my eye. I always see something at my parents house "running" up the stairs.

The last time I was spooked was at my parents house. It was about 3AM and went downstairs to get some water. The moment I got to the last step, the closet next to the stairs closed. I ran back up quick and just drank water from the bathroom sink.
Does anybody have pets that pay attention to something not there? I usually chalk this up as them seeing a different color spectrum or maybe visual cues of the temperature rising or falling. I'm pretty content with this notion until they start looking right above me, then directly at me, then their attention shoots across the room. This is what usually gets me unsettled. I have two cats and a dog and they all follow the same thing sometimes.
Does anybody have pets that pay attention to something not there? I usually chalk this up as them seeing a different color spectrum or maybe visual cues of the temperature rising or falling. I'm pretty content with this notion until they start looking right above me, then directly at me, then their attention shoots across the room. This is what usually gets me unsettled. I have two cats and a dog and they all follow the same thing sometimes.
My dog does this from time to time. He barks at the hallway or at the front door when it's completely quiet or late at night.
My dog does this from time to time. He barks at the hallway or at the front door when it's completely quiet or late at night.
That sounds crazy too. I live in a small house in the off of 3rd. and my neighbors told me a dude got stabbed to death and another guy hung himself in here. I blessed the crap out of this house and even used Sage a few times. So far so good other than the pets thing.
OP, so you've experienced sounds and objects falling out of nowhere but not visually seeing something?

I still tend to see things move around from the corner of my eye. I always see something at my parents house "running" up the stairs.

The last time I was spooked was at my parents house. It was about 3AM and went downstairs to get some water. The moment I got to the last step, the closet next to the stairs closed. I ran back up quick and just drank water from the bathroom sink.

Im the type to yell get the hell out that closet turn on all the lights and kick in the door

I aint playing around when it comes to noises in my house

Will put a hot one in a ghost :lol:
That sounds crazy too. I live in a small house in the off of 3rd. and my neighbors told me a dude got stabbed to death and another guy hung himself in here. I blessed the crap out of this house and even used Sage a few times. So far so good other than the pets thing.
Off 3rd in Daly City? If so, I lived with my cousin there for a couple of years lol. That house definitely had a scary vibie to it.
Off 3rd in Daly City? If so, I lived with my cousin there for a couple of years lol. That house definitely had a scary vibie to it.
3rd in San Francisco, when I lived in Westlake in DC, I experienced weird stuff around 87th St. And San Bruno mountains.
OP, so you've experienced sounds and objects falling out of nowhere but not visually seeing something?

I still tend to see things move around from the corner of my eye. I always see something at my parents house "running" up the stairs.

The last time I was spooked was at my parents house. It was about 3AM and went downstairs to get some water. The moment I got to the last step, the closet next to the stairs closed. I ran back up quick and just drank water from the bathroom sink.

I've actually seen 2 things... The toy falling out if mud air, and the pan jumping off the counter...
The toy that fell was it something that was already in your house or an object you’ve never seen before?
The toy that fell was it something that was already in your house or an object you’ve never seen before?

Just a bath toy my son has.... But the thing is there was no way for it to be in the air where it was in the room... That corner of the room had no shelfs, counters or nothing, just an open play space.... I saw it out of the corner if my right eye... Like, I saw it about 3 1/2 feet in the air and I saw it drop down to the ground and make a thus sound it was spiked....
3rd in San Francisco, when I lived in Westlake in DC, I experienced weird stuff around 87th St. And San Bruno mountains.
Yeah Westlake, Top of the Hill area just always has a vibe to it. Idk what it is. Maybe because it's so close to Colma and the surrounding cemeteries. I remember jogging one evening in the fog and it really felt odd. Probably just the fog making me think that way, but yeah.

I've actually seen 2 things... The toy falling out if mud air, and the pan jumping off the counter...
Ahh, okay. Seems like they did that to let themselves be known. But no physical interactions right? Sudden nausea or random scratch marks or anything?
My girl and her fam is mexican. We live with her brother and his family.

So the brothers wife was having bad dreams, bad luck, noticing things at the house like you are...and came to the conclusion something was haunting her.(a spirit or ghost she said). Thing is, everybody else was thinking she just trippin.
So shorty calls this priest. Dude comes to the house and does this praying thing. Spitting Holy water and waving the cross alllll over the house and then dude just steps out and brings in a black bag but inside is moving. Dude pulls out a a blade and chops this chickens head off and then tells us not to go out through the front door for 3 days.

Idk if anything changed but figured id share my experience with it :lol:
OP I would say move.

I lived in a house years ago where the sheets would get pulled off of me in the middle of the night, and there were a few occasions where I could see the outline of something "sitting" on the edge of my bed.

I only experienced that stuff like that in that house.
OP I would say move.

I lived in a house years ago where the sheets would get pulled off of me in the middle of the night, and there were a few occasions where I could see the outline of something "sitting" on the edge of my bed.

I only experienced that stuff like that in that house.

Man are you being serious? This actually happened?
Yeah Westlake, Top of the Hill area just always has a vibe to it. Idk what it is. Maybe because it's so close to Colma and the surrounding cemeteries. I remember jogging one evening in the fog and it really felt odd. Probably just the fog making me think that way, but yeah.

Yeah I had the same vibe jogging around the lake, I would sometimes hear chains clinking. I think the top of the hill might be the oldest part of Daly City. I remember I saw old photographs of DC and they were all on El Camino. It looked like the old west.
On a related note, what was that "haunted" book y'all were posting about a few years ago? With the seance instructions?

Seventh Book of Joseph or whatever (I know I messed the name up, lol)

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