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Prayers go out to you kid, keep your head up and it'll work out
You'll pull through OP.
Like others said, stay positive and do what you have to do.
Keep your head up and stay positive.

You WILL beat this.

you in my prayers homey....
My father at 70 is currently beating the odds battling liver cancer. His tumor was 9cm. After a year of treatment the cancer cell was dead. They recently found 2 raisin sized living cancer cells in his liver in the same area. Last week he went through another round of chemo....The most important facet was that he has the will to fight and keep fighting. He went through hell on earth and back but because of my daughters and his want to watch them grow he found the strength. We have the technology and medical advancement in this day and age. All that is left is up to you to fight. Be thankful for what you have and keep looking forward. Keep your head up bro.
Whatever you do, make a treatment decision and start immediately. I've seen too many relatives and friends take too much time on decisions for treatment, meanwhile the cancer continues to grow. Choose a course and aggressively pursue. Every second counts man. Good luck and stay positive.
dude i'm beyond sorry to hear that.
cancer scares the @%!$ out of me.

there is something wrong in this nation because cancer is now the #2 killer in the USA after heart disease.

i will pray for you tonight. dead !*#.
Have you gotten it staged yet?
Liver cancer is one of the worst. It has a 25-28% 5 year mortality rate.
I'm not saying this to scare you, I just hope you take this seriously and get the PROPER treatment for yourself. Keep your head up, STAY POSITIVE and BEAT IT!
Also, do what you can to leave your mark on this earth. I truly hope it works out in your favor.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by jhova718

Stay positive. The mind is more powerful than we can imagine. Good luck.

Say it again. It's a shot in the dark, but a woman on the film "The Secret" cured her form of cancer by using the power of her mind. More personally, my own mom did the same. It can be done. Best of luck to you.

This type of stuff really gets me sometimes...

OP, look. I know it might not mean much, but I've known several people personally with cancer who have suffered and recovered and some have succumbed (due to other complications) and I've seen a wide variety of things happen. I'm here to say that anything is possible and you can get through this. Its not over until its over. Don't give up. Keeping your spirits up by staying positive is the best form of a "mental aid" when it comes to your mind. Always seeing the fight through...but what never helped anyone I ever knew with cancer was "wishing" it away. Great attitudes, assertiveness, and emboldened confidence do not equate to arbitrarily high-hopes. One is realistic, the other is just delusional. Knowing the difference, in my view, will help to better organize the range of thoughts you're probably feeling. 

If nothing else, I hope you take this time to become more well read and researched on any topic relating to your condition than anyone you know. Your health is at stake so no one can make any decision that you don't approve of. That being said, medicine is that which we've proven to work. Be extremely skeptical of adopting and completely realigning your treatment to fit into any sort of "alternative" path. They are poorly understood and often times they end up not doing a damn thing. Learn what works and what doesn't, but most of all, you still have an amazing mind and a will to fight to make the right decisions. 

I personally want to see you do well so I find it extremely offensive when someone finds that they can sit up here and tell me that they "cured cancer" just by wishing it away. I dare them to prove that they didn't take drugs or go to treatment while they were eating twigs and berries either. That sort of nonsense has no use here when someone's wellbeing is at stake.

I wish you the best OP and I hope you use this not as a period of self-aggravation, remorse, and blame but as one of empowerment, confidence, and esteem as an impetus towards general self-education and understanding. 

Keep NT posted. 

Obviously those people took some kind of treatment, but supplementary to the treatment was positive thinking. Go watch The Secret and learn how powerful the mind can be. Positivity results in more positivity.
Having said that. OP Watch The Secret as well! And keep your head up and keep thinking positively! You WILL beat this. 
Sorry to hear that OP :/

Stay positive, get well soon and remember..

NikeTalk family is supporting you!
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Are doctors allowed to reveal such news to others before consulting with the actual adult patient? This seems unethical.
If he's 18+, no. Not to mention no doctor would ever give the diagnosis of cancer over the phone. 
Hope you make it through it bro.

In science class we watched a video about a man who eats rotten meat and his cancer was reduced I think, it was from a Ripley's Believe It or Not clip btw.
Stay positive like people are saying. I was diagnosed in June '11... I was real down on myself for a month, and my health was just deteriorating. When chemo started, I DECIDED to be happier, and things are looking up now. Currently going through daily radiation.
PM me if you need/want an unbiased set of "ears."

breezylocks, how's it going man? Haven't PM'd each other in a bit. I hope you're getting by, homie.
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