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First off Op, sorry to hear about this. Cancer is a dirty booch! Exercise your butt off. The endorphins from exercise help to fight cancer cells. Second the reason why a lot of Cancer patients smoke bud is to help increase their appetite when they ate going through treatment, radiation and chemo. Keep yo head up and think positive. FIGHT!!
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

My father at 70 is currently beating the odds battling liver cancer. His tumor was 9cm. After a year of treatment the cancer cell was dead. They recently found 2 raisin sized living cancer cells in his liver in the same area. Last week he went through another round of chemo....The most important fact was that he has the will to fight and keep fighting. He went through hell on earth and back but because of my daughters and his want to watch them grow he found the strength. We have the technology and medical advancement in this day and age. All that is left is up to you to fight. Be thankful for what you have and keep looking forward. Keep your head up bro.
Keep fighting and keep your head up.
You got this !!$+ OP
Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

So my Mom goes in my room and asks me a couple of questions about my day... Then she breaks the news that I have liver cancer (I'm assuming that the Doctors called her)... Don't know what to think right now... I have researched it a bit and it seems that men get it twice as much as men +1 for the ladies I guess... I'm not fat, do smoke (bud and cigarettes) and have a normal diet... BTW, does smoking bud help? I know a lot of cancer patients use it; it would be great to know that now I have a reason to smoke bud.
Good luck fam. How long have you been "sick" or going to the doctor ??

I've been going to the doctor for a while. They had to do a lot of blood tests and recently they did an ultrasound on my liver.
Thanks for all the comments and prayers y'all, it's keeping me positive.

Risk factors for liver cancer

Men are more likely to get liver cancer than women. This could be because of some of the behaviors listed below.

In the United States, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have the highest rates of liver cancer, followed by American Indians/Alaska Natives and Hispanics/Latinos, African Americans, and whites.
Chronic viral hepatitis

Worldwide, the most common risk factor for liver cancer is long-term (chronic) infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). These infections lead to cirrhosis and are common in many parts of the world. In the United States, hepatitis C is the more common cause of liver cancer, while in other countries, hepatitis B is more common. These viruses can spread from person to person through sharing dirty needles (such as in drug use), unprotected sex, or childbirth. They can also be passed on through blood transfusions but this is rare in the United States since the start of blood product testing for these viruses. People with hepatitis A or hepatitis E infection do not have an increased risk of liver cancer.
Heavy alcohol use

Alcohol abuse is a leading cause of cirrhosis in the United States, which in turn is linked with an increased risk of liver cancer.

Cirrhosis is a disease in which liver cells are damaged and replaced with scar tissue. This can often lead to cancer. In the United States, the major causes of liver cirrhosis are alcohol abuse and hepatitis B and C. Non-alcoholic fatty liver is a fairly common disease in which people who don't drink alcohol develop a fatty liver. People with a type of fatty liver called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) may go on to develop cirrhosis.
Inherited metabolic diseases

Certain inherited metabolic diseases can lead to cirrhosis. People with hemochromatosis absorb too much iron from their food. The iron settles in tissues throughout the body, including the liver. If enough iron builds up in the liver, they can get cirrhosis and liver cancer. There are also other rare diseases that increase the risk of liver cancer

Diabetes can increase the risk of liver cancer. This is more common in people with diabetes who also have other risk factors such as heavy drinking and/or chronic hepatitis.

Being very overweight might increase the risk of getting liver cancer.

These cancer-causing substances are made by a fungus that can get into peanuts, wheat, soybeans, groundnuts, corn, and rice. Long-term exposure to aflatoxins can increase the risk of liver cancer. In the United States and Europe, these foods are tested for aflatoxins.
Vinyl chloride and thorium dioxide (Thorotrast)

These chemicals are risk factors for some types of liver cancer. They have become much less important since Thorotrast is no longer used, and exposure to vinyl chloride is strictly controlled.
Anabolic steroids

These male hormones are used by some athletes to increase their strength. Long-term use can slightly increase the risk of liver cancer.

Drinking water that comes from wells can have arsenic in it. This increases the risk of liver cancer and is a concern in some parts of the United States.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

What type of cancer? If you don't mind of course.
Over 26K posts....Dont read much do ya?

Keep smoking bud OP.......cigarettes, I would cut down cold turkey, I know you use it to keep the high, but you cant afford to do double duty right now, btw jogging 3 miles a day would be beneficial..............

Keep ya head up...........
Damn, stay up OP. I look forward to reading good news from you in the coming months and years. I'll pray for you man, keep us posted.
You're in my prayers OP. I wish you well for a better recovery. If you need some inspiration, click on the stay positive thread link on my sig man.
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

You're in my prayers OP. I wish you well for a better recovery. If you need some inspiration, click on the stay positive thread link on my sig man.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

What type of cancer? If you don't mind of course.
Over 26K posts....Dont read much do ya?

Keep smoking bud OP.......cigarettes, I would cut down cold turkey, I know you use it to keep the high, but you cant afford to do double duty right now, btw jogging 3 miles a day would be beneficial..............

Keep ya head up...........
Show me where he says what type. And do not tell me liver cancer. 
I don't know what type of liver cancer it is. My mom just told me, but I will go to the doctors on March the 5th so I'll keep y'all updated. 
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

I don't know what type of liver cancer it is. My mom just told me, but I will go to the doctors on March the 5th so I'll keep y'all updated. 

stay positive...I haven't read through the whole thread since I originally posted but I would be glad to take up a NT collection if you need help with any medical expenses; etc (or maybe even a pair of kicks to take your mind off things).
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

What type of cancer? If you don't mind of course.
Over 26K posts....Dont read much do ya?

Keep smoking bud OP.......cigarettes, I would cut down cold turkey, I know you use it to keep the high, but you cant afford to do double duty right now, btw jogging 3 miles a day would be beneficial..............

Keep ya head up...........

And pounding down pure water, possibly 4 glasses a day. OP....its time you switch up your lifestyle. No more smoking anything, get that cardio exercise in, and start eating healtier as well as cooking with rosemary, cumin, and garlic (helps against cancer and there are others i dont remember so look them up). We are on your side bro. We want to see you live

edit: also, the liver is the only organ you can live with with up to 75% of it gone (its actually made up of 4 parts) so hopefully its caught early and usually, they can save most of it so the eairler the change of lifestyle, the better
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

I don't know what type of liver cancer it is. My mom just told me, but I will go to the doctors on March the 5th so I'll keep y'all updated. 
I'm sorry but this sounds incredibly implausible to me. I didn't want to say it before but every time you post, I become more suspicious. You're mom told you that you have cancer? You STILL don't know anything? You're waiting a MONTH to go to see oncologists? This just doesn't make any sense to me. 
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