So, I'm finally watching The Dark Knight.

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Did ya'll notice all the Black folks in this movie except for Lucious Fox got merked?

That's because it was Morgan Freeman. Morgan was like, "I ain't no sellout, ya'll ain't killing me off if I'm in the movie". J/K.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

If it wasn't for The Joker, I would have turned it off already.

This is the best movie some of you have ever seen? Really?

So in Gladiator, if it wasn't for Russell Crow, I would have turned it off.

In Ironman, if it wasn't for Robert Downey Jr. I would have turned it off.

In Taking of Pelham, if it wasn't for Denzel, I would have turned it off.
This movie was great many people watched it more than 2x that says something about it and it even re released in the theaters. I guess you just may not be intothese types of movies to understand how good it was.

I gotta keep in mind that I'm not gonna get any logical reasoning as to why or why not something is good on NT.

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Kiddin Like Jason wrote:
If it wasn't for The Joker, I would have turned it off already.

This is the best movie some of you have ever seen? Really?

I know what you mean. I liked the movie when I saw it in theaters, the Joker is an amazing character but people are either on crack when they say the movie is the best movie ever or more likely they are very young the only movies they have seen have been the summer action adventures and dumb comedies of the last few years. If that is case and that is for many of the hardcore Dark Knight fanboys, the Dark Knight is the most sophisticated, intense and dramatic movie that you have seen.

I think most people that say that are letting the hype get to them. I will be the first to say that this is my favorite movie and one of the best I've everseen as far as overall production. Of course there are far better overall movies, but the added attachment to the character of Batman adds a little more topeoples feelings. I feel that way about a lot of comic book movies. I can watch anything X-men all day and still like it but at the exact time realize thatthis is a horrible adaptation or movie plot because of the charcters.
Originally Posted by EvansST

This is one of my favorite films of all time.

Everything was almost/ or was perfect.

co sign
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Did ya'll notice all the Black folks in this movie except for Lucious Fox got merked?

Yeah I was talking about this to my ex. Lets dig alittle further. Notice how majority of the black guys that died were Cops? Minus Michael Jai White and hiscrew they all were cops. Thats crazy
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

If it wasn't for The Joker, I would have turned it off already.

This is the best movie some of you have ever seen? Really?

Finally, another NTer who found DK boring.

Dark Knight is overrated on so many levels man.
This film was everything it was supposed to be.

Great cast, great dialogue, great directing, everything.

As much as I liked it, I will agree that it was just a touch long. 10 minutes shorter would have really helped out imo.

Joker was superb, we all know that, but Dent was also great in this film as was Freeman, Caine, and Oldman.

The only character I had any problems with was Racheal Dawes. Katie Holmes sucks as an actress, but she's a lot more fun to look at then Maggie Gylenhal.
When Joker called her pretty I thought he was talkin to someone elsefor a minute.
I gotta keep in mind that I'm not gonna get any logical reasoning as to why or why not something is good on NT.


You don't need logical reasoning. It's an opinion, live with it.
Like you said, the Joker makes it... and he does and ridiculously awesome job at acting the part. Maybe one of the best ever
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Did ya'll notice all the Black folks in this movie except for Lucious Fox got merked?

Yeah I was talking about this to my ex. Lets dig alittle further. Notice how majority of the black guys that died were Cops? Minus Michael Jai White and his crew they all were cops. Thats crazy
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by J Burner

OP just wants attention. But just to make it interesting, OP, lets have your list of movies better than TDK. Then we can see if your taste in movies justifies your opinion of TDK, or if you just suck at picking good movies.
Still waiting.....
I'm not the OP, but I'll give my list.

Godfather 1 and 2
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Schindler's List
City of God
Fight Club
The Departed
Usual Suspects
Silence of the Lambs
Forrest Gump
Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I could go on, but I won't.

And I love TDK, but let's not act like it's one of the greatest movies of all time.

Ok...I knew this would happen if I wasn't more specific. Lets keep it in the action genre please. You don't compare movies like Forrest Gump and Godfather to action movies. They are completely different kinds of films. There is a total of 0 action flicks in your list. So, if you were OP, I could say obviously you are not a big fan of action movies, which is why you don't like TDK. Its not because TDK is bad, its because you don't really care for the genre.

Saying to only compare it to action movies is stupid. It had action, but it wasn't really centered around the action. It was about the characters.That's a plus when you compare it to other superhero movies, but not when you look at it in the context of great movies like the ones he posted. Hell,there wasn't even that much action in this movie. Except for the one (mediocre) chase scene, none of the "action" in this is similar to theaction in a movie like the Departed. The movie has some flaws. i really, really hate the introduction of that stupid blue vision thing. It added nothing to themovie, except to try and introduce some conflict between Wayne and Fox. Also, there isn't enough Bruce Wayne being Bruce Wayne. The only times you see himout of the suit he's still talking about being Batman. It needs more conflict between him as a normal person and him as Batman. The movie would be muchbetter served if we actually saw Bruce Wayne interacting with the other characters, so we could contrast Wayne and Batman.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Did ya'll notice all the Black folks in this movie except for Lucious Fox got merked?

Yeah I was talking about this to my ex. Lets dig alittle further. Notice how majority of the black guys that died were Cops? Minus Michael Jai White and his crew they all were cops. Thats crazy
Why the stoneface?
Originally Posted by im self abs0rbed

i watch it every time i see it's on .. every time

- Yeah; me, too!

- I saw it in theaters on Omniverse (Screen arches over your head, instead of simply a flat wall) Imax twice last year; I purchased the Blu-Ray when it firstreleased and watched that twice. It's been cycling on HBO a lot lately; whenever I see that it's on, I watch (while doing other things, but I stillturn it on. It's my current go-to film).

Jesus...everytime its on HBO now I've been watching it, and I own the damn Blu Ray.

Movie is great man, since you just saw it you probably had some UNREAL expectations for it because of the hype.

If you saw this opening weekend before any of the hype (in IMAX), you would've appreciated this flick more.

This is everything a comic book adaptation should be, the movie isn't cheesy its dark and REAL.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. But I feel that watching the movie in theaters and on DVD to be two completely different experiences, with thelatter shortchanging it.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by J Burner

JohnnyRedStorm wrote:
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by J Burner

OP just wants attention. But just to make it interesting, OP, lets have your list of movies better than TDK. Then we can see if your taste in movies justifies your opinion of TDK, or if you just suck at picking good movies.
Still waiting.....
I'm not the OP, but I'll give my list.

Godfather 1 and 2
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Schindler's List
City of God
Fight Club
The Departed
Usual Suspects
Silence of the Lambs
Forrest Gump
Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I could go on, but I won't.

And I love TDK, but let's not act like it's one of the greatest movies of all time.

Ok...I knew this would happen if I wasn't more specific. Lets keep it in the action genre please. You don't compare movies like Forrest Gump and Godfather to action movies. They are completely different kinds of films. There is a total of 0 action flicks in your list. So, if you were OP, I could say obviously you are not a big fan of action movies, which is why you don't like TDK. Its not because TDK is bad, its because you don't really care for the genre.

Saying to only compare it to action movies is stupid. It had action, but it wasn't really centered around the action. It was about the characters. That's a plus when you compare it to other superhero movies, but not when you look at it in the context of great movies like the ones he posted. Hell, there wasn't even that much action in this movie. Except for the one (mediocre) chase scene, none of the "action" in this is similar to the action in a movie like the Departed. The movie has some flaws. i really, really hate the introduction of that stupid blue vision thing. It added nothing to the movie, except to try and introduce some conflict between Wayne and Fox. Also, there isn't enough Bruce Wayne being Bruce Wayne. The only times you see him out of the suit he's still talking about being Batman. It needs more conflict between him as a normal person and him as Batman. The movie would be much better served if we actually saw Bruce Wayne interacting with the other characters, so we could contrast Wayne and Batman.
It seems like you somewhat got the gist of the "stupid blue vision thing."

The "stupid blue vision thing" is a silhouette of a bat that has flames around it. It's supposed to represent a major theme through out the moviewhich is limits. Batman Begins has a similar opening with families of bats flying in formation making a huge bat symbol. That represented a major theme in thatmovie which was about Bruce getting over his fear of bats. In the Dark Knight, the bat is in a flame because Batman had to break some limits. Remember whenBruce asked Alfred how they caught a bandit that was stealing rubies for sport and he responded by saying "we burned the forest down"? Batman had tometaphorically "burn the forest down" when he had to use the bat sonar (by spying on the city in the process) to find the Joker. When Batman usedthe sonar in the final scene it was in blue which connects to the blue, flamed bat symbol at the introduction. Thus the representation of "burning theforest down."
I loved this movie when I first saw it, I thought it was epic. But I watched it at least 3 times on Blu-ray and I don't hold it in such high regardanymore. Best superhero movie for sure, very realistic themes which makes it supercede the super hero movie genre and touch bases with the crime genre.
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