So INCEPTION is One of the BEST Movies I have ever seen... Vol. Christopher "The Man" Nolan

so they shared Fischer's dream to get to limbo....even though he was dead? not sure I buy that.

i'm cool with some suspension-of-disbelief when watching this film cause i think the overall movie earns that. however it is fun to nitpick and I think the nitpicks are valid points
so they shared Fischer's dream to get to limbo....even though he was dead? not sure I buy that.

i'm cool with some suspension-of-disbelief when watching this film cause i think the overall movie earns that. however it is fun to nitpick and I think the nitpicks are valid points
First off, I'm a big Christopher Nolan fan. After my second viewing last night, I must say, as much as I'd love to say this was a masterpiece, I'd have to say it is a 4 out of 5 stars flick. And really, I know there's a lot of "analysis" being done for the film, but just as one would analyze a dream, it seems pointless to me. I mean, just when you think you've pieced a somewhat plausible explanation for the movie, you begin questioning it. I feel that Nolan just gave us enough information and parameters within the movie so we can start piecing things together, but in the end, the movie can be interpreted in so many different ways.

1. Nolan finally was able to utilize female characters in a way that they were truly involved in the story. I guess the fact that one was an Oscar nominee and the other won didn't hurt..
2. In my opinion, Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy held their own with high caliber talent and themselves put in some very solid performances.
3. The basic idea of the film, though not totally original, was woven in such a way that it really was thought provoking to watch. Using Ellen Page as the audiences bridge to the movie was well done
4. Hans Zimmer is basically as consistent as Nolan when it comes to success in their respective creative fields
5. Most importantly, I hope that the critical and financial success of this film will change the way summer blockbuster's are looked at. The Dark Knight really pushed the envelope for comic book films and I hope Inception does the same for the usual summer fodder.

1. The screenplay needed work. I really wish his brother, Jonathan, would have been given some say in the film
2. Other than the Level 2 (Hotel) action sequences, all the other action scenes just dragged on and on
3. The attempts at trying to get the audience to really buy into Cobb and his heist was futile IMO. Really, I just wanted the heist to work because I more or less rooting for Arthur and Eames.

With all that being said, even with it's shortcomings, Christopher Nolan never ceases to amaze. Hopefully after Batman 3 and his involvement in Man of Steel, he'll conjure up another mind scrambling film like this.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

they don't need to share fischer's dream.
it's Leo's world he created
I think Cobb and his wife were both architects. They went deep into a dream into a dream, etc. until they found a big enough one to build everything they did. And the architect imposes their ideas on everyone else in the dream, so Fischer fell into Leo's limbo.
But they had to plug into Fischer's dream to find where exactly he was, not lose their minds (like Saito did) and pull him back through at the same time he was getting shocked in the snow level.
First off, I'm a big Christopher Nolan fan. After my second viewing last night, I must say, as much as I'd love to say this was a masterpiece, I'd have to say it is a 4 out of 5 stars flick. And really, I know there's a lot of "analysis" being done for the film, but just as one would analyze a dream, it seems pointless to me. I mean, just when you think you've pieced a somewhat plausible explanation for the movie, you begin questioning it. I feel that Nolan just gave us enough information and parameters within the movie so we can start piecing things together, but in the end, the movie can be interpreted in so many different ways.

1. Nolan finally was able to utilize female characters in a way that they were truly involved in the story. I guess the fact that one was an Oscar nominee and the other won didn't hurt..
2. In my opinion, Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy held their own with high caliber talent and themselves put in some very solid performances.
3. The basic idea of the film, though not totally original, was woven in such a way that it really was thought provoking to watch. Using Ellen Page as the audiences bridge to the movie was well done
4. Hans Zimmer is basically as consistent as Nolan when it comes to success in their respective creative fields
5. Most importantly, I hope that the critical and financial success of this film will change the way summer blockbuster's are looked at. The Dark Knight really pushed the envelope for comic book films and I hope Inception does the same for the usual summer fodder.

1. The screenplay needed work. I really wish his brother, Jonathan, would have been given some say in the film
2. Other than the Level 2 (Hotel) action sequences, all the other action scenes just dragged on and on
3. The attempts at trying to get the audience to really buy into Cobb and his heist was futile IMO. Really, I just wanted the heist to work because I more or less rooting for Arthur and Eames.

With all that being said, even with it's shortcomings, Christopher Nolan never ceases to amaze. Hopefully after Batman 3 and his involvement in Man of Steel, he'll conjure up another mind scrambling film like this.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

they don't need to share fischer's dream.
it's Leo's world he created
I think Cobb and his wife were both architects. They went deep into a dream into a dream, etc. until they found a big enough one to build everything they did. And the architect imposes their ideas on everyone else in the dream, so Fischer fell into Leo's limbo.
But they had to plug into Fischer's dream to find where exactly he was, not lose their minds (like Saito did) and pull him back through at the same time he was getting shocked in the snow level.
Just got back from the movies.

excellent movie

also there was like maybe only 15 people in the theatre. Are people not attracted to this movie despite the great reviews?
-The Juice
Just got back from the movies.

excellent movie

also there was like maybe only 15 people in the theatre. Are people not attracted to this movie despite the great reviews?
-The Juice
Hmm, can someone explain to me how they planted the idea into Fisher's safe inside the Fortress so that when he confronted his dad, the dad would tell him what they wanted.

I need to watch it again.
Hmm, can someone explain to me how they planted the idea into Fisher's safe inside the Fortress so that when he confronted his dad, the dad would tell him what they wanted.

I need to watch it again.
Just got back from the theater.

Wow. This movie was @#$#@$#@ AMAZING. So incredible on so many different scales.

My mind is blown, all I can think about is the movie. I think I'm going to go to sleep and dream about it now
just kidding.... but seriously
Just got back from the theater.

Wow. This movie was @#$#@$#@ AMAZING. So incredible on so many different scales.

My mind is blown, all I can think about is the movie. I think I'm going to go to sleep and dream about it now
just kidding.... but seriously
ahhhh now im going to have to read 19 pages of info in here .. since i have so much questions..

but a quickie. the end, was leo stuck in the dream when his totem was spinning/wobbling?

2. did he save SAITO to get out of the limbo? my argument was saito was old as dirt when he was found and Leo was still his age.. So he had to get out and get back in the limbo in order to stay in youth.. (but how did he wake up and get in the dream if he was "stuck")

but the movie shows Leo waking up in the plane with everyone staring and smiling at him and Saito waking up.. but shouldnt it have taken alot longer like months since Saito was found almost in a dying stage in the limbo/

(sorry i cant make out my question in a simple formm... very confused.)
ahhhh now im going to have to read 19 pages of info in here .. since i have so much questions..

but a quickie. the end, was leo stuck in the dream when his totem was spinning/wobbling?

2. did he save SAITO to get out of the limbo? my argument was saito was old as dirt when he was found and Leo was still his age.. So he had to get out and get back in the limbo in order to stay in youth.. (but how did he wake up and get in the dream if he was "stuck")

but the movie shows Leo waking up in the plane with everyone staring and smiling at him and Saito waking up.. but shouldnt it have taken alot longer like months since Saito was found almost in a dying stage in the limbo/

(sorry i cant make out my question in a simple formm... very confused.)
Originally Posted by kidUFC

ahhhh now im going to have to read 19 pages of info in here .. since i have so much questions..

but a quickie. the end, was leo stuck in the dream when his totem was spinning/wobbling?

2. did he save SAITO to get out of the limbo? my argument was saito was old as dirt when he was found and Leo was still his age.. So he had to get out and get back in the limbo in order to stay in youth.. (but how did he wake up and get in the dream if he was "stuck")

but the movie shows Leo waking up in the plane with everyone staring and smiling at him and Saito waking up.. but shouldnt it have taken alot longer like months since Saito was found almost in a dying stage in the limbo/

(sorry i cant make out my question in a simple formm... very confused.)
They were deep into inception when he found Saito, so even for that small amount of time that took place outside of the dream, many years had already gone by in the dream.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

ahhhh now im going to have to read 19 pages of info in here .. since i have so much questions..

but a quickie. the end, was leo stuck in the dream when his totem was spinning/wobbling?

2. did he save SAITO to get out of the limbo? my argument was saito was old as dirt when he was found and Leo was still his age.. So he had to get out and get back in the limbo in order to stay in youth.. (but how did he wake up and get in the dream if he was "stuck")

but the movie shows Leo waking up in the plane with everyone staring and smiling at him and Saito waking up.. but shouldnt it have taken alot longer like months since Saito was found almost in a dying stage in the limbo/

(sorry i cant make out my question in a simple formm... very confused.)
They were deep into inception when he found Saito, so even for that small amount of time that took place outside of the dream, many years had already gone by in the dream.
Question. When Adriande is in Cobbs dream for the very first time and she makes weird things happen to the world around her, why can't they do that in other people's dreams? Essentially she is manipulating the dreamers subconscious right? I thought that was not possible? Or were they in her dream? I can't remember.
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