So INCEPTION is One of the BEST Movies I have ever seen... Vol. Christopher "The Man" Nolan

I plan on finally seeing it tomorrow night. I heard nothing but great reviews over the weekend. I mean literally NOTHING BUT great reviews.
I plan on finally seeing it tomorrow night. I heard nothing but great reviews over the weekend. I mean literally NOTHING BUT great reviews.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by CruThik3

Did it seem to anyone else that Arthur was the real leader of the team since Cobb was unstable?
Not really, but Arthur was THAT dude.

Him and Tom Hardy (Eames) made the movie for me.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by CruThik3

Did it seem to anyone else that Arthur was the real leader of the team since Cobb was unstable?
Not really, but Arthur was THAT dude.

Him and Tom Hardy (Eames) made the movie for me.
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

First...anyone who needs to tell people they're intelligent are in fact, not. Calling Nolan pretentious? Sounds like you're just mad that you're too fickle to follow a movie.

Everyone wants everything spoon fed to them...the best thing about this movie and all great movies and works of art is the ability to introduce discussion. When you look at a painting, everyone sees something different...this movie leaves you wanting to see something different. It's just not whether if he's in a dream or if he's in reality...the movie offered so many other things...there was an awesome love plot between cobb and mal, an equally beautiful relationship building between Gordon and Page. The masterpiece hallway fight.

The movie was great. if you disagree then you're simply a moron. If you can't appreciate a work of art then go watch a spoof.

FYI, watched it twice and it gets better every viewing.
Calling someone a moron is just as unintelligent as claiming your intelligence. And what on earth makes Gordon and Page's relationship beautiful? The fact that he stole a kiss from her? There was too little development between the two characters to have a beautiful relationship building between the two of them.

And the more I think about this movie, the more I come to realize that the COD scene hurt the movie more than it helped.  The action and everything regarding the fortress was forced.
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

First...anyone who needs to tell people they're intelligent are in fact, not. Calling Nolan pretentious? Sounds like you're just mad that you're too fickle to follow a movie.

Everyone wants everything spoon fed to them...the best thing about this movie and all great movies and works of art is the ability to introduce discussion. When you look at a painting, everyone sees something different...this movie leaves you wanting to see something different. It's just not whether if he's in a dream or if he's in reality...the movie offered so many other things...there was an awesome love plot between cobb and mal, an equally beautiful relationship building between Gordon and Page. The masterpiece hallway fight.

The movie was great. if you disagree then you're simply a moron. If you can't appreciate a work of art then go watch a spoof.

FYI, watched it twice and it gets better every viewing.
Calling someone a moron is just as unintelligent as claiming your intelligence. And what on earth makes Gordon and Page's relationship beautiful? The fact that he stole a kiss from her? There was too little development between the two characters to have a beautiful relationship building between the two of them.

And the more I think about this movie, the more I come to realize that the COD scene hurt the movie more than it helped.  The action and everything regarding the fortress was forced.
I saw it earlier today. I was really looking forward to it after reading some reviews. I was not disappointed.
I saw it earlier today. I was really looking forward to it after reading some reviews. I was not disappointed.
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

 but i still don't understand how he gave her the idea that the real world was fake?
Also if all you got to do to get out of limbo is kill yourself then why was everyone afraid to go there in the first place? All the way have had to have done is kill themselves and they would have been kicked all the way back to the real world right? Perhaps limbo distorts reality so much that you don't realize you're in it.
he blatantly tells you how he gave her the idea in the movie .....................................

limbo is different than what they were all doing throughout the movie ... limbo is what saito was in at the beginning/end of the movie ... you cant just kill yourself and get back out of limbo unless you are rescued/realize why you are there through interaction ... remember when ellen page told fisher on the beach after they floated up from the van that everything was ok because cobb was behind getting saito?

   naw not really he just explained that Mal didn't want to wake up i guess because she wanted to continue playing god or whatever, and so she locked away the totem to detach herself even further from the real world. then it just showed him going in the vault and finding the totem. so am i supposed to assume that she got the idea that the real world was fake because he told her if they died they would just reach another level of the dream state?

Even if this were the case wouldn't it contradict the entire premise of the movie, because the whole reason they couldnt give fisher the idea in one level of dreaming is because he would be able to trace that idea back to its creater and so it wouldn't be original.

another thing that didn't even make sense about the whole Mal and Cobb being in limbo is that if they had supposedly grown old together through the years then why the hell where they young again when Cobb convinced Mal to invision the train?

TurboMan lied to you. To get out of any dream, all you have to do is die or have someone wake you up. That's why everyone was pissed when the chemist told them, he made a special mix to get that many dreams in a dream. So if they die, they go into the deepest dream, limbo. His special sedatives leave your inner ear function, which controls balance and will wake you up from the sensation of heavy falling. 
Mal and Cobb were in a normal dream, so all they had to do was die. My thinking is, it wasn't all that normal. They were experimenting with dreams and managed to get to make limbo in a normal dream. It's why they were only asleep for maybe hours instead of years when they spent those decades in the dream.

Fischer and Ariadne jumped off the porch and woke up in the snow fortress from the sensation of falling, then the falling fortress, then the elevator, then the van in the water.

Saito didn't die the way Cobb did.

I think of the levels as:

Level 1 the street/van in the water = minutes

Level 2 the hotel/elevator = hours

Level 3 snow fortress/explosion = days

Limbo Cobb's dream/basement = years

Cobb went into his own dream through a machine the first time to get into limbo. So he was completely aware of why he was there and what he needed to do: get Fischer. Saito on the other hand, got shot in the first level. He was almost dead when they jumped to the hotel, but that bought them more time. When he finally died of the gunshot, it was before the van hit the water. 

Cobb died when he drowned in the van and went brain dead which would take minutes. So he got pulled out of the snow fortress where he was using the dream machine and got dropped into limbo on the beach. He wasn't as aware of what was going on, because he didn't use a dream machine to get there, but Saito was there decades before him, because he died minutes before Cobb in the first level. 

My theory is, if they got out by dying, it was because The Chemist turned off the sedatives and that let them out of limbo. I don't think they would've needed to jump through the levels, because the levels would've stopped existing, when the dreamer who dreamt them left. The chemist made the first level, the point man made the hotel and either the forger or the mark made the ice fortress (don't remember). They all made it out of the dream, so all that was left was Cobb's dream. And if the sedative was off, all they needed to do was remember that world wasn't real and to let go of it (die).


This seems like the most complete explanation thus far.
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

 but i still don't understand how he gave her the idea that the real world was fake?
Also if all you got to do to get out of limbo is kill yourself then why was everyone afraid to go there in the first place? All the way have had to have done is kill themselves and they would have been kicked all the way back to the real world right? Perhaps limbo distorts reality so much that you don't realize you're in it.
he blatantly tells you how he gave her the idea in the movie .....................................

limbo is different than what they were all doing throughout the movie ... limbo is what saito was in at the beginning/end of the movie ... you cant just kill yourself and get back out of limbo unless you are rescued/realize why you are there through interaction ... remember when ellen page told fisher on the beach after they floated up from the van that everything was ok because cobb was behind getting saito?

   naw not really he just explained that Mal didn't want to wake up i guess because she wanted to continue playing god or whatever, and so she locked away the totem to detach herself even further from the real world. then it just showed him going in the vault and finding the totem. so am i supposed to assume that she got the idea that the real world was fake because he told her if they died they would just reach another level of the dream state?

Even if this were the case wouldn't it contradict the entire premise of the movie, because the whole reason they couldnt give fisher the idea in one level of dreaming is because he would be able to trace that idea back to its creater and so it wouldn't be original.

another thing that didn't even make sense about the whole Mal and Cobb being in limbo is that if they had supposedly grown old together through the years then why the hell where they young again when Cobb convinced Mal to invision the train?

TurboMan lied to you. To get out of any dream, all you have to do is die or have someone wake you up. That's why everyone was pissed when the chemist told them, he made a special mix to get that many dreams in a dream. So if they die, they go into the deepest dream, limbo. His special sedatives leave your inner ear function, which controls balance and will wake you up from the sensation of heavy falling. 
Mal and Cobb were in a normal dream, so all they had to do was die. My thinking is, it wasn't all that normal. They were experimenting with dreams and managed to get to make limbo in a normal dream. It's why they were only asleep for maybe hours instead of years when they spent those decades in the dream.

Fischer and Ariadne jumped off the porch and woke up in the snow fortress from the sensation of falling, then the falling fortress, then the elevator, then the van in the water.

Saito didn't die the way Cobb did.

I think of the levels as:

Level 1 the street/van in the water = minutes

Level 2 the hotel/elevator = hours

Level 3 snow fortress/explosion = days

Limbo Cobb's dream/basement = years

Cobb went into his own dream through a machine the first time to get into limbo. So he was completely aware of why he was there and what he needed to do: get Fischer. Saito on the other hand, got shot in the first level. He was almost dead when they jumped to the hotel, but that bought them more time. When he finally died of the gunshot, it was before the van hit the water. 

Cobb died when he drowned in the van and went brain dead which would take minutes. So he got pulled out of the snow fortress where he was using the dream machine and got dropped into limbo on the beach. He wasn't as aware of what was going on, because he didn't use a dream machine to get there, but Saito was there decades before him, because he died minutes before Cobb in the first level. 

My theory is, if they got out by dying, it was because The Chemist turned off the sedatives and that let them out of limbo. I don't think they would've needed to jump through the levels, because the levels would've stopped existing, when the dreamer who dreamt them left. The chemist made the first level, the point man made the hotel and either the forger or the mark made the ice fortress (don't remember). They all made it out of the dream, so all that was left was Cobb's dream. And if the sedative was off, all they needed to do was remember that world wasn't real and to let go of it (die).


This seems like the most complete explanation thus far.
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Dont know if this was asked already or not but,

Why werent they floating/getting tossed around in the third stage, whenever in the second stage, everything was getting tossed around/floating, whenever in the first stage, the car was swerving and tumbling down the hill.

I think once they missed the first kick it just made the second level zero gravity right? So they weren't moving around much at all then.
Or it could of just been one of the few holes in the script actually. Because that third child still doesn't make any sense to me, unless Cobb really was that tweaked out
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Dont know if this was asked already or not but,

Why werent they floating/getting tossed around in the third stage, whenever in the second stage, everything was getting tossed around/floating, whenever in the first stage, the car was swerving and tumbling down the hill.

I think once they missed the first kick it just made the second level zero gravity right? So they weren't moving around much at all then.
Or it could of just been one of the few holes in the script actually. Because that third child still doesn't make any sense to me, unless Cobb really was that tweaked out
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Dont know if this was asked already or not but,

Why werent they floating/getting tossed around in the third stage, whenever in the second stage, everything was getting tossed around/floating, whenever in the first stage, the car was swerving and tumbling down the hill.

I think once they missed the first kick it just made the second level zero gravity right? So they weren't moving around much at all then.
Or it could of just been one of the few holes in the script actually. Because that third child still doesn't make any sense to me, unless Cobb really was that tweaked out
They were so close to being awaken it caused the dream to collapse/floating
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Dont know if this was asked already or not but,

Why werent they floating/getting tossed around in the third stage, whenever in the second stage, everything was getting tossed around/floating, whenever in the first stage, the car was swerving and tumbling down the hill.

I think once they missed the first kick it just made the second level zero gravity right? So they weren't moving around much at all then.
Or it could of just been one of the few holes in the script actually. Because that third child still doesn't make any sense to me, unless Cobb really was that tweaked out
They were so close to being awaken it caused the dream to collapse/floating
I just got back from watching it a second time. I'm not sure if everything concerning the "kicks" actually works out to make sense, or if I'm missing something or possibly just overthinking things, but where I stand now on the issue is that the logic given explaining the kicks isn't consistent.

We know that to wake up from a dream the kick has to occur the level above, so the van hitting the water wakes them up from the hotel, the elevator wakes them up from the snow level, and the crumbling fortress wakes up the dreamers from limbo. Right? That's my interpretation at least. So the problem comes up when Fischer, Araidne and Cobb go into limbo, and first 2 then "kick" themselves there by jumping off the building. That shouldn't have been necessary, because the fortress falling was their kick. They woke up into the van when the van hit the water, not when the elevator hit the wall. So why the extra kick? And why is Cobb able to resist this kick and stay in limbo? Or is that not what he does? It certainly seems that he is still asleep in the van when the other dreamers have awoken back into the first level. Also, because there isn't another kick, doesn't that mean they are stuck on level one until the sedative wears off, which they already explained would take 7 days on that levels time, of which only several hours has passed?

The whole storyline of Cobb and Mal in limbo the first time doesn't work for me either. Cobb tells Ariadne "he couldn't live that way", but it still took him 50 years to kill himself? Assuming that is what woke them up? Or did they sedate themselves and I missed the movie explaining that?

It's the sign of a good movie that it's making me think this much, but it's also a sign that the movie isn't a 10/10 or perfect because of how even after in depth thought things are still (and not for any enigmatic or plot purpose) unclear.
I just got back from watching it a second time. I'm not sure if everything concerning the "kicks" actually works out to make sense, or if I'm missing something or possibly just overthinking things, but where I stand now on the issue is that the logic given explaining the kicks isn't consistent.

We know that to wake up from a dream the kick has to occur the level above, so the van hitting the water wakes them up from the hotel, the elevator wakes them up from the snow level, and the crumbling fortress wakes up the dreamers from limbo. Right? That's my interpretation at least. So the problem comes up when Fischer, Araidne and Cobb go into limbo, and first 2 then "kick" themselves there by jumping off the building. That shouldn't have been necessary, because the fortress falling was their kick. They woke up into the van when the van hit the water, not when the elevator hit the wall. So why the extra kick? And why is Cobb able to resist this kick and stay in limbo? Or is that not what he does? It certainly seems that he is still asleep in the van when the other dreamers have awoken back into the first level. Also, because there isn't another kick, doesn't that mean they are stuck on level one until the sedative wears off, which they already explained would take 7 days on that levels time, of which only several hours has passed?

The whole storyline of Cobb and Mal in limbo the first time doesn't work for me either. Cobb tells Ariadne "he couldn't live that way", but it still took him 50 years to kill himself? Assuming that is what woke them up? Or did they sedate themselves and I missed the movie explaining that?

It's the sign of a good movie that it's making me think this much, but it's also a sign that the movie isn't a 10/10 or perfect because of how even after in depth thought things are still (and not for any enigmatic or plot purpose) unclear.
saw the film twice this weekend, and I loved it. I'm hesitant to say I loved it though because I'm just not sure I did. Certainly one of my top 5 of the year so far, but I'm just not ready to say #1. I love Nolan's visual style and the score was incredible as expected. Acting was good overall, but all the exposition in the dialogue (especially in the first half and ESPECIALLY with Ellen Page's character Ariadne) took me out of it for a little in the beginning. The third act is really fantastic.

The film is definitely flawed, and I can easily say The Dark Knight is the better film of the 2. My 2 biggest beefs plot-wise are:

A) how do Cobb and Ariadne get to limbo from the snow level if they didn't die? They clearly said you get to limbo when you die in a dream but you're too sedated to come out of the dream. Maybe this was explained in the thread and someone could give a real quick explanation. I see how Cobb got there from dying in the van (to save Saito, opening sequence), but i'm confused how they got there from the snow.

B) how is there no gravity in the hotel while the van's falling, but gravity's all fine and dandy in the snow level which is all happening at the same time?

Part of me is just happy this film exists. A sci-fi heist film with dudes in fresh suits and slick hair where the heist is placing something in someone's mind instead of stealing something. and its an original story with a high-budget out of hollywood. dope
saw the film twice this weekend, and I loved it. I'm hesitant to say I loved it though because I'm just not sure I did. Certainly one of my top 5 of the year so far, but I'm just not ready to say #1. I love Nolan's visual style and the score was incredible as expected. Acting was good overall, but all the exposition in the dialogue (especially in the first half and ESPECIALLY with Ellen Page's character Ariadne) took me out of it for a little in the beginning. The third act is really fantastic.

The film is definitely flawed, and I can easily say The Dark Knight is the better film of the 2. My 2 biggest beefs plot-wise are:

A) how do Cobb and Ariadne get to limbo from the snow level if they didn't die? They clearly said you get to limbo when you die in a dream but you're too sedated to come out of the dream. Maybe this was explained in the thread and someone could give a real quick explanation. I see how Cobb got there from dying in the van (to save Saito, opening sequence), but i'm confused how they got there from the snow.

B) how is there no gravity in the hotel while the van's falling, but gravity's all fine and dandy in the snow level which is all happening at the same time?

Part of me is just happy this film exists. A sci-fi heist film with dudes in fresh suits and slick hair where the heist is placing something in someone's mind instead of stealing something. and its an original story with a high-budget out of hollywood. dope
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Dont know if this was asked already or not but,

Why werent they floating/getting tossed around in the third stage, whenever in the second stage, everything was getting tossed around/floating, whenever in the first stage, the car was swerving and tumbling down the hill.
That's a really good point. It seemed like it would only affect the dreamer who was having the dream. In the street level, they all went into the point man's dream and he was flailing around in the van. But in the hotel level, they were in the forger's dream and his body was pretty calm for most of it. The hotel level lost it's gravity, but it wasn't like their bodies were slamming against the walls there. Maybe the effect is only felt one dream deep. I mean the avalanche happened when the van hit the guard rail going off the bridge, so some force did come through.
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Dont know if this was asked already or not but,

Why werent they floating/getting tossed around in the third stage, whenever in the second stage, everything was getting tossed around/floating, whenever in the first stage, the car was swerving and tumbling down the hill.
That's a really good point. It seemed like it would only affect the dreamer who was having the dream. In the street level, they all went into the point man's dream and he was flailing around in the van. But in the hotel level, they were in the forger's dream and his body was pretty calm for most of it. The hotel level lost it's gravity, but it wasn't like their bodies were slamming against the walls there. Maybe the effect is only felt one dream deep. I mean the avalanche happened when the van hit the guard rail going off the bridge, so some force did come through.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

saw the film twice this weekend, and I loved it. I'm hesitant to say I loved it though because I'm just not sure I did. Certainly one of my top 5 of the year so far, but I'm just not ready to say #1. I love Nolan's visual style and the score was incredible as expected. Acting was good overall, but all the exposition in the dialogue (especially in the first half and ESPECIALLY with Ellen Page's character Ariadne) took me out of it for a little in the beginning. The third act is really fantastic.

The film is definitely flawed, and I can easily say The Dark Knight is the better film of the 2. My 2 biggest beefs plot-wise are:

A) how do Cobb and Ariadne get to limbo from the snow level if they didn't die? They clearly said you get to limbo when you die in a dream but you're too sedated to come out of the dream. Maybe this was explained in the thread and someone could give a real quick explanation. I see how Cobb got there from dying in the van (to save Saito, opening sequence), but i'm confused how they got there from the snow.

B) how is there no gravity in the hotel while the van's falling, but gravity's all fine and dandy in the snow level which is all happening at the same time?

Part of me is just happy this film exists. A sci-fi heist film with dudes in fresh suits and slick hair where the heist is placing something in someone's mind instead of stealing something. and its an original story with a high-budget out of hollywood. dope

They went and shared Fisher's "dream" after Mal killed him to get to limbo I think?
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

saw the film twice this weekend, and I loved it. I'm hesitant to say I loved it though because I'm just not sure I did. Certainly one of my top 5 of the year so far, but I'm just not ready to say #1. I love Nolan's visual style and the score was incredible as expected. Acting was good overall, but all the exposition in the dialogue (especially in the first half and ESPECIALLY with Ellen Page's character Ariadne) took me out of it for a little in the beginning. The third act is really fantastic.

The film is definitely flawed, and I can easily say The Dark Knight is the better film of the 2. My 2 biggest beefs plot-wise are:

A) how do Cobb and Ariadne get to limbo from the snow level if they didn't die? They clearly said you get to limbo when you die in a dream but you're too sedated to come out of the dream. Maybe this was explained in the thread and someone could give a real quick explanation. I see how Cobb got there from dying in the van (to save Saito, opening sequence), but i'm confused how they got there from the snow.

B) how is there no gravity in the hotel while the van's falling, but gravity's all fine and dandy in the snow level which is all happening at the same time?

Part of me is just happy this film exists. A sci-fi heist film with dudes in fresh suits and slick hair where the heist is placing something in someone's mind instead of stealing something. and its an original story with a high-budget out of hollywood. dope

They went and shared Fisher's "dream" after Mal killed him to get to limbo I think?
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

B) how is there no gravity in the hotel while the van's falling, but gravity's all fine and dandy in the snow level which is all happening at the same time?

I think with this part the snow was falling more and the whole land was getting shaky and bad to run around, so in its own way it was its own movement in that level like the no gravity in the hotel. I think its similar to when Dom was first in and he got dunked in the water and the water was coming through the building.
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