So Jay-z is playing into this whole Illuminati thing with that Drake line??

Originally Posted by quiickz

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

"I'm a star, no spangled banner..."



I think hes talking about the Star of David


But then again I could be "reaching"
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Ya'll got too much ##%#%+! time on your hands.

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

some of yall need a hobby...or a *#!+$...maybe both...too bored...

Man in the mirror. Worry about what youre doing and Ill worry about what Im doing.
Atleast do your own damn research y'all sitting around waiting on another $%$*! to tell u how to think : {
Off top. I don't even know how someone could read the song title, listen to the chorus, hear the line and not realize that Jay was alluding to the occult.

Whether its reality or not, whether you believe in "Illuminati" or not..he was definitely playing into the perception and hype, which is what OP asked.

Those of y'all claiming reach...y'all do know that the Owl is probably the most well known and most used anthropomorphic occult symbol right?

Even if you didn't know that, just listen to the line that follows it up.."H.oes turn they head like owls...triple entendre don't even ask me how. Con Edison flow, im connected to a higher power. "

So he's letting you know that he carefully thought out the line and its meaning by calling it a "triple entendre" and then he makes sure that you know its in regards to something spiritual with the followup phrase. If that wasn't enough, hes talking about Illuminating lights propelling his love for money...I mean hes laying it out in plain English.
Now y'all always criticizing me for speaking on Ancient Egypt but then not seeing whats going on until I take it back to that frame of reference.

I showed you Ishtar and Athena, the Owl Goddesses and it seemed like a reach to y'all...well lets take it back to the origin....back to Auset or as the "Europeans" called her ISIS

I hear it already...

" Jay don't know nothing bout no Isis...he ain't thinking bout that. He just talking about how an Owl turns it head...thats it"


" Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it? "

"Poor ISIS, that's his momma name..." - MEET THE PARENTS

Isis is featured on one of his most thought out concept think he ain't familiar with the stories? He don't know who Isis, is or what she is symbolized by? You think he randomly picked that name out of the millions of possible female names?

Modern Freemasonry is simply a reinterpreted carry over of the Cults of "Isis, Horus and Osiris"

Isis is the female principle, associated with Owls.

Stop playing with me.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I hear it already...

Stop playing with me.
Yeah, I done told you _'s
9 or 10 times stop %#+$@* with me
I done told you _'s
9 albums posts, stop %#+$@* with me

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I hear it already...

Stop playing with me.
Yeah, I done told you _'s
9 or 10 times stop $*$%*# with me
I done told you _'s
9 albums posts, stop $*$%*# with me

One of the spiritual characteristics attributed to the Owl is Wisdom/Knowledge/Vision. That is partly because of its unique eyes and visual setup....Thats all these symbols are, physical embodiments of spiritual/esoteric concepts.

The Owl came out at night and peered straight through the dark, closing one eye, winking the other, rotating its head like a satellite until it found a prey, then it swooped down from above to deliver death to an unsuspecting victim.

"The eyes Chico...they never lie "





" Getting busy, cause [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]I'M A STAR[/color] no spangled banner..."



Draco is among the earliest of the constellations to have been defined; in one of the oldest known astronomical records, the ancient Egyptians identified it as Tawaret, the goddess of the northern sky in their pantheon of deities. Considered ever-vigilant because the constellation never set

Make it all [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]LIGHT UP[/color]....[color= rgb(255, 153, 0)]Even when the Sun goes down[/color] imma make it all [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]LIGHT UP[/color].

I be trying to told y'all cats.
Y'all gotta think critically. Its not about having too much time on your hands or trying to reach to far...its just about seeing things for what they are.

Sometimes we just accept things without giving any thought to why they are there are what they represent.

Remember the Tootsie Pop commercials...


Lil homie went to the owl in hopes that he could answer his question because of Mr. Owl's vast intelligence.

The owl represented something.

If I told you that the owl has always symbolized time and wisdom since ancient times, you would be able to easily accept and come to terms with that but when I tell y'all the back story of a rap line, y'all get up in arms.

Ain't no need to get spooked out over new found info...especially when its really thousands of years old.

Knowledge can take you for a ride on the Wings of Time...



and you too can be a " of the HOUR"
It's not a reach when even Angie Martinez asks him on the radio about Secret Society/Illuminati connections - people are talking and rumors are spreading...

...but instead of quieting all doubt and distancing himself from any perceived occult customs or affiliations, this man chooses to sprinkle said references in his music.

Let's just say for the sake of argument that this is Jay's new way of staying relevant and controversial - let's just say for the sake of argument that he has no ties to any nefarious organizations and believes none of the jive he spits in the booth - let's just say he's doing all this only with the underlying purpose to be talked about on the internet and in barbershops...

...either way, it's **@**+' lame.

Hey not to be the guy that gets on some Nas vs Jay +%%* again, but the fact that I've spent the last couple weeks listening to Mr. Jones try his best to wake his people up on the masterpiece of an album we know as ''Distant Relatives'' speaks volumes in comparison to Mr. Carter play around with this ''Paranormal Activity'' bull +%%*...

...rewind to '98/'99 and you see yungin' wasn't lying - ''much success to ya', even if you wish me the opposite. Sooner or later, we'll all see who the prophet is.''

And Haze, I can't say that I agree with everything you post (partly because I'm not as well-versed in the subject matter as you are)...

...but I can definitely say that I respect it.
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