so, Jeezy finally dissed Ross. vol. how you blowin' money fast and you don't know the crew?

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Sooo What have we learned in the Jeezy Vs Ross thread? Street Cred > Good Music .. Half you %!!$%* Ain't bout that life ..

Matter fact 96% of ya'll ain't bout that life ..yet hold RAPPERS who lie in EVERY SONG to a standand that Ya'll stupid %%#%%$%%+%*!$ ain't livin up to Yourself , Nor will ever live up to


Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Sooo What have we learned in the Jeezy Vs Ross thread? Street Cred > Good Music .. Half you %!!$%* Ain't bout that life ..

Matter fact 96% of ya'll ain't bout that life ..yet hold RAPPERS who lie in EVERY SONG to a standand that Ya'll stupid %%#%%$%%+%*!$ ain't livin up to Yourself , Nor will ever live up to



Touched a nerve Did I ...

My Statement Still stands BTW ..

%*@@ what your *!%*$# Do .. What YOU DO? How can YOU hold a %*%#+ to a Standard that YOU AIN'T LIVING or LIVED?

I got a Slew homies that has done REAL bids too ..

My cousin is Doing 40 years now

I been in the fed state and city pens too

I've witnessed that same @@@#

Matter fact I've prolly witness more But thats neither here nor there

So Whats you point?

You def got the game @+#+%% up homie

Talmbout Real Life > Entertainment

We talkin street @@@# right .. the @@@# these rapper talk about?

Ain't nothin Entertaining about seeing *!%*$# get gunned down .. being Robbed .. Shot at .. Shooting at *!%*$# Serving your homies Mother .. seeing a woman blow her entire check on crack/heroin while her kids starve ect

%*@@ you talmbout %*%#+?

Thats entertaining to you?

Being Paranoid about them boys or some rival %*%#+ mad at you and ready murk you at any givin tme?

What world you livin in %*%#+?

A REAL gangsta would look at you like you're stupid for saying that @@@#

And I'm damn sure not one of these *!%*$# who lives my dreams and reality thru these rappers ..

Cuz at the end of the day ALL RAPPERS LIE..


Ya'll quick to say a %*%#+ defending Ross, but ya'll *!%*$# defending a Liar too

%*%#+ ain't been on no street @@@# in damn near 10 years .. this %*%#+ still talmbout slingin White ..

Ya'll defending a %*%#+ Who Instead of going at a person from the Jump ... He waits 4 months to say something?

What part of the games is that %*%#+?

But thats Ok and accepted ..cuz ya'll hate the person he got at

%*@@ outta here ..

That @@@# can't be honored just like Ross lying about being a CO

but ya'll *!%*$# are cool with that ..

Like I said $#@!%!% comedy

Touched a nerve Did I ...

My Statement Still stands BTW ..

%*@@ what your *!%*$# Do .. What YOU DO? How can YOU hold a %*%#+ to a Standard that YOU AIN'T LIVING or LIVED?

I got a Slew homies that has done REAL bids too ..

My cousin is Doing 40 years now

I been in the fed state and city pens too

I've witnessed that same @@@#

Matter fact I've prolly witness more But thats neither here nor there

So Whats you point?

You def got the game @+#+%% up homie

Talmbout Real Life > Entertainment

We talkin street @@@# right .. the @@@# these rapper talk about?

Ain't nothin Entertaining about seeing *!%*$# get gunned down .. being Robbed .. Shot at .. Shooting at *!%*$# Serving your homies Mother .. seeing a woman blow her entire check on crack/heroin while her kids starve ect

%*@@ you talmbout %*%#+?

Thats entertaining to you?

Being Paranoid about them boys or some rival %*%#+ mad at you and ready murk you at any givin tme?

What world you livin in %*%#+?

A REAL gangsta would look at you like you're stupid for saying that @@@#

And I'm damn sure not one of these *!%*$# who lives my dreams and reality thru these rappers ..

Cuz at the end of the day ALL RAPPERS LIE..


Ya'll quick to say a %*%#+ defending Ross, but ya'll *!%*$# defending a Liar too

%*%#+ ain't been on no street @@@# in damn near 10 years .. this %*%#+ still talmbout slingin White ..

Ya'll defending a %*%#+ Who Instead of going at a person from the Jump ... He waits 4 months to say something?

What part of the games is that %*%#+?

But thats Ok and accepted ..cuz ya'll hate the person he got at

%*@@ outta here ..

That @@@# can't be honored just like Ross lying about being a CO

but ya'll *!%*$# are cool with that ..

Like I said $#@!%!% comedy
N I done visited my moms in jail... & Yall Ns in here supportin COs, miss me with that sucka $#$$...

And you N I respect, we just got 2 diff philosophies on this $#$$...

It is what it is...
N I done visited my moms in jail... & Yall Ns in here supportin COs, miss me with that sucka $#$$...

And you N I respect, we just got 2 diff philosophies on this $#$$...

It is what it is...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

N I done visited my moms in jail... & Yall Ns in here supportin COs, miss me with that sucka $#$$...

And you N I respect, we just got 2 diff philosophies on this $#$$...

It is what it is...

I have respect for you also

But You can Miss me with that sucka %@%$ too homie ..

Who and What I listen too Don't make me no faker or realer than the next man ..

It don't hold no bearings on my values as Man and What I believe real is

Cuz there alot %$#%%$ who are Vaginal Discharge that listen to Jeezy religously ...

And Vice Versa ..
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

N I done visited my moms in jail... & Yall Ns in here supportin COs, miss me with that sucka $#$$...

And you N I respect, we just got 2 diff philosophies on this $#$$...

It is what it is...

I have respect for you also

But You can Miss me with that sucka %@%$ too homie ..

Who and What I listen too Don't make me no faker or realer than the next man ..

It don't hold no bearings on my values as Man and What I believe real is

Cuz there alot %$#%%$ who are Vaginal Discharge that listen to Jeezy religously ...

And Vice Versa ..
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

At da end of da day, these N's that aint bout that life gonna get N's that are bout that life kilt.

And you know what, its 15 year old Ns blowin other teenagers brains clean the !@@$ out in broad daylight...

These Ns aint listenin to Lady Gaga & Pink in they ipods ot whatever...

They listenin to these police $%% Ns on these records LYIN, then you got Ns that know better afraid to check them...

Thats the problem with the black community, Ns scared to call it like they see it... Ns NEVER proactive, but when someone say the N word everyone becomes Malcolm X, but they sit back and let corny #!** like this continue...

We let these "other" people that control the entertainment industry take control of our CULTURE and convince Ns it was "enetertainment" so it gave Ns the green light to protect ignorence, while Ns gettin locked up, killed, we seein gentrification in Harlem that breaks my %#%!!% heart... But if all the men of the community is either dead in jail or steppin back and lettin this bafoonery continue...

That #!** could ONLY happen with US...

As young blacks, Hip Hop is our voice to the world... My family from a 3rd world %#%!!% country, one of the 5 poorest countries in the world, Ns is over there with 2Pac and Biggie ARMYS, Ns in the slums wearin Pac & BIG T shirts, them Ns idolize the #!** that we created on this side of the ocean... so Ns talkin this "entertainment" #!** need to quit it,n cause ANYone in the inner city that doesn't see the influence of this so called "entertainment" and how its DESTROYING our race need to wake the !@@$ up...

And THATS why Ns was runnin around with the whole "Hip Hop is dead" #!**, cause the foundation this was built on 37 years ago has long been forgotten and Ns done took what these white execs told us about ourselves and our community to heart...

Just like KRS Said:
People DIED so I can rhyme...
You think I'm goin get on the mic and WASTE my nations time...

These so called Gs in the industry wanna bang on another brotha or sister while they suck a rich white mans !%%* in some office...

But if you give a N scraps, enuff so he can make another N jealous he goin feel like he doin somethin... That's somethin they've learned from 400+ years of us living in captivity, now they'll just use that SAME #!**...

I'm goin end this with a !%%* Gregory quote cause its fitting:
Just being a Negro doesn't qualify you to understand the race situation any more than being sick makes you an expert on medicine. 
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