So my Ex decides to text me out of the blue after not hearing from her in almost a year. *CLOSURE*

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by bogusreality

What is this marshmallow %%%$%#+%
my god

idk why but this 
Originally Posted by ballislife32688

Originally Posted by FDUB
 its more ppl in this thread looking out for your best interest, its not about holding grudges its about wising up as a man. I don't want to assume but its clear your young, and somebody needs to hip you to the game, we live in a world where women no longer think as women, they have the mindset of a man so dont act so brand new, a lot of things women do behind your back will shock you, get some female friends and listen to what they do to there men on the low. Were not talking about some 4+ year relationship where things got bad, its a 6 month relationship and she hasn't contacted you in over a year wake up she running game at one of her weaker points, its plenty of wiser men in this thread who been where you at and made the same mistake and the results were clearly not desirable. Its called human nature you can meet the kindest ppl on this planet man or woman but what someone knows they can get away with they continue to do, so if she knows she can walk in and out your life she will do so. As the saying goes ppl only do to you what you allow them to. I know you want to say you will never give her a chance again, we all been there its called denial
. Your responses to her and even your choice to make this thread speaks otherwise to your feelings OP. Like I said its about wising up, and im pretty sure your not gonna take my advice god knows when others tried to school me I didnt but im sure others on NT can appreciate this. Btw im not one of those bitter dudes, I been hurt before like we all have, I just wised up, and I do believe there are good women, just not at this point in my life thats down the line for now I focus on me and run through some broads here and there no games. IM OUT
My man..i have to agree with you on this. Be strong OP, iv'e been in your situation. Focus on you and ONLY you and get where you want to be for yourself.
Dead her out..anything that ties back to her will only make things harder for you. Oh and like Fongstarr said, "Out of sight, Out of mind."

Originally Posted by ballislife32688

Originally Posted by FDUB
 its more ppl in this thread looking out for your best interest, its not about holding grudges its about wising up as a man. I don't want to assume but its clear your young, and somebody needs to hip you to the game, we live in a world where women no longer think as women, they have the mindset of a man so dont act so brand new, a lot of things women do behind your back will shock you, get some female friends and listen to what they do to there men on the low. Were not talking about some 4+ year relationship where things got bad, its a 6 month relationship and she hasn't contacted you in over a year wake up she running game at one of her weaker points, its plenty of wiser men in this thread who been where you at and made the same mistake and the results were clearly not desirable. Its called human nature you can meet the kindest ppl on this planet man or woman but what someone knows they can get away with they continue to do, so if she knows she can walk in and out your life she will do so. As the saying goes ppl only do to you what you allow them to. I know you want to say you will never give her a chance again, we all been there its called denial
. Your responses to her and even your choice to make this thread speaks otherwise to your feelings OP. Like I said its about wising up, and im pretty sure your not gonna take my advice god knows when others tried to school me I didnt but im sure others on NT can appreciate this. Btw im not one of those bitter dudes, I been hurt before like we all have, I just wised up, and I do believe there are good women, just not at this point in my life thats down the line for now I focus on me and run through some broads here and there no games. IM OUT
My man..i have to agree with you on this. Be strong OP, iv'e been in your situation. Focus on you and ONLY you and get where you want to be for yourself.
Dead her out..anything that ties back to her will only make things harder for you. Oh and like Fongstarr said, "Out of sight, Out of mind."

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