So my Ex decides to text me out of the blue after not hearing from her in almost a year. *CLOSURE*

Originally Posted by r33p04s

I was in a twilight zone cause my ex has been trying to get back in touch with me on the sly lately after I froze her out for a new years resolution...messaged me on gtalk but i wasnt on then she want to call me 2 times but I was sleep so she text me talmbout "please call me. veryyyy important."
So I call thinking if it is important lets see what it rings 2x n goes to voicemail
I text "I voicemail" and no call back...these broads I tellya

Not to derail the thread or anything but maybe you can deliver, where OP has fallen short.
Originally Posted by r33p04s

I was in a twilight zone cause my ex has been trying to get back in touch with me on the sly lately after I froze her out for a new years resolution...messaged me on gtalk but i wasnt on then she want to call me 2 times but I was sleep so she text me talmbout "please call me. veryyyy important."
So I call thinking if it is important lets see what it rings 2x n goes to voicemail
I text "I voicemail" and no call back...these broads I tellya

Not to derail the thread or anything but maybe you can deliver, where OP has fallen short.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This. Her loss.
What is this marshmallow %%%$%#+%
my god
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Oh sorry, I guess he was supposed to curse her out etc huh? Get a grip.[/color]
Nah, he didn't have to curse her out but he shouldn't have said what he said. The possibility of him getting hurt again by her is real.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This. Her loss.
What is this marshmallow %%%$%#+%
my god
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Oh sorry, I guess he was supposed to curse her out etc huh? Get a grip.[/color]
Nah, he didn't have to curse her out but he shouldn't have said what he said. The possibility of him getting hurt again by her is real.
Originally Posted by Sweettooth 17

Originally Posted by r33p04s

I was in a twilight zone cause my ex has been trying to get back in touch with me on the sly lately after I froze her out for a new years resolution...messaged me on gtalk but i wasnt on then she want to call me 2 times but I was sleep so she text me talmbout "please call me. veryyyy important."
So I call thinking if it is important lets see what it rings 2x n goes to voicemail
I text "I voicemail" and no call back...these broads I tellya

Not to derail the thread or anything but maybe you can deliver, where OP has fallen short.
Originally Posted by Sweettooth 17

Originally Posted by r33p04s

I was in a twilight zone cause my ex has been trying to get back in touch with me on the sly lately after I froze her out for a new years resolution...messaged me on gtalk but i wasnt on then she want to call me 2 times but I was sleep so she text me talmbout "please call me. veryyyy important."
So I call thinking if it is important lets see what it rings 2x n goes to voicemail
I text "I voicemail" and no call back...these broads I tellya

Not to derail the thread or anything but maybe you can deliver, where OP has fallen short.
on the realk OP she's just using you again fam, she only wants you know because she needs a good friend to talk to and lean on for support, forget that, where was she when you needed her, tell her sorry for her loss but anything between you and her is dead, aint no coming back from turning her back on u, real talk
on the realk OP she's just using you again fam, she only wants you know because she needs a good friend to talk to and lean on for support, forget that, where was she when you needed her, tell her sorry for her loss but anything between you and her is dead, aint no coming back from turning her back on u, real talk
So a relationship thread gets to 22 pgs of actual advice with no pics in any of the 22 pgs.
So a relationship thread gets to 22 pgs of actual advice with no pics in any of the 22 pgs.
Originally Posted by luxurious24

on the realk OP she's just using you again fam, she only wants you know because she needs a good friend to talk to and lean on for support, forget that, where was she when you needed her, tell her sorry for her loss but anything between you and her is dead, aint no coming back from turning her back on u, real talk

I haven't read all the pages but I do believe in what this person said. It is a selfish move on her part to have to apologize when things were already said and done with. I do commend you guys for trying to have a civil relationship but I have seen it day in and day out and most of the times it never works. I am a true believer of the phrase “out of sight, out of mind
Originally Posted by luxurious24

on the realk OP she's just using you again fam, she only wants you know because she needs a good friend to talk to and lean on for support, forget that, where was she when you needed her, tell her sorry for her loss but anything between you and her is dead, aint no coming back from turning her back on u, real talk

I haven't read all the pages but I do believe in what this person said. It is a selfish move on her part to have to apologize when things were already said and done with. I do commend you guys for trying to have a civil relationship but I have seen it day in and day out and most of the times it never works. I am a true believer of the phrase “out of sight, out of mind
Originally Posted by Put em up

ricky409 wrote:
jthagreat wrote:


this has to be the biggest piece of !*$% ive read in a while.

soo you was about to get a threesome popping but only had one condom so it didnt go down? and shorty actually believe that dumb story...

boy stop it with the lies.

Originally Posted by Put em up

ricky409 wrote:
jthagreat wrote:


this has to be the biggest piece of !*$% ive read in a while.

soo you was about to get a threesome popping but only had one condom so it didnt go down? and shorty actually believe that dumb story...

boy stop it with the lies.

Originally Posted by FDUB

Real talk though, I see what you guys are saying, but she was the one that offered the whole thing about hanging out again. I don't have an issue with that and I don't see that as "simping" if she offered it to me. Its not like I plan on hanging out with her everyday and treating her to lunch or dinner. Some of you guys here have so much grudges towards women. Yeah it's foul how she broke up with me and its did hurt me and scared me in the future of other females in the future as far as "keeping my guards up", but trust me people its not going to go any further as far as boyfriend and girlfriend is concerned. Holding a grudge on people have been the biggest set back in my life as people in most cases classify me as anti social, or introvert. I thank you guys for the advices and I promise that I will hold my ground and not get emotionally attached and involved with her. She blew her chances the first time and its not going to be a second time, trust me. I don't see nothing wrong with being cool with her again. Have a good everyone and be safe..
 its more ppl in this thread looking out for your best interest, its not about holding grudges its about wising up as a man. I don't want to assume but its clear your young, and somebody needs to hip you to the game, we live in a world where women no longer think as women, they have the mindset of a man so dont act so brand new, a lot of things women do behind your back will shock you, get some female friends and listen to what they do to there men on the low. Were not talking about some 4+ year relationship where things got bad, its a 6 month relationship and she hasn't contacted you in over a year wake up she running game at one of her weaker points, its plenty of wiser men in this thread who been where you at and made the same mistake and the results were clearly not desirable. Its called human nature you can meet the kindest ppl on this planet man or woman but what someone knows they can get away with they continue to do, so if she knows she can walk in and out your life she will do so. As the saying goes ppl only do to you what you allow them to. I know you want to say you will never give her a chance again, we all been there its called denial
. Your responses to her and even your choice to make this thread speaks otherwise to your feelings OP. Like I said its about wising up, and im pretty sure your not gonna take my advice god knows when others tried to school me I didnt but im sure others on NT can appreciate this. Btw im not one of those bitter dudes, I been hurt before like we all have, I just wised up, and I do believe there are good women, just not at this point in my life thats down the line for now I focus on me and run through some broads here and there no games. IM OUT
Originally Posted by FDUB

Real talk though, I see what you guys are saying, but she was the one that offered the whole thing about hanging out again. I don't have an issue with that and I don't see that as "simping" if she offered it to me. Its not like I plan on hanging out with her everyday and treating her to lunch or dinner. Some of you guys here have so much grudges towards women. Yeah it's foul how she broke up with me and its did hurt me and scared me in the future of other females in the future as far as "keeping my guards up", but trust me people its not going to go any further as far as boyfriend and girlfriend is concerned. Holding a grudge on people have been the biggest set back in my life as people in most cases classify me as anti social, or introvert. I thank you guys for the advices and I promise that I will hold my ground and not get emotionally attached and involved with her. She blew her chances the first time and its not going to be a second time, trust me. I don't see nothing wrong with being cool with her again. Have a good everyone and be safe..
 its more ppl in this thread looking out for your best interest, its not about holding grudges its about wising up as a man. I don't want to assume but its clear your young, and somebody needs to hip you to the game, we live in a world where women no longer think as women, they have the mindset of a man so dont act so brand new, a lot of things women do behind your back will shock you, get some female friends and listen to what they do to there men on the low. Were not talking about some 4+ year relationship where things got bad, its a 6 month relationship and she hasn't contacted you in over a year wake up she running game at one of her weaker points, its plenty of wiser men in this thread who been where you at and made the same mistake and the results were clearly not desirable. Its called human nature you can meet the kindest ppl on this planet man or woman but what someone knows they can get away with they continue to do, so if she knows she can walk in and out your life she will do so. As the saying goes ppl only do to you what you allow them to. I know you want to say you will never give her a chance again, we all been there its called denial
. Your responses to her and even your choice to make this thread speaks otherwise to your feelings OP. Like I said its about wising up, and im pretty sure your not gonna take my advice god knows when others tried to school me I didnt but im sure others on NT can appreciate this. Btw im not one of those bitter dudes, I been hurt before like we all have, I just wised up, and I do believe there are good women, just not at this point in my life thats down the line for now I focus on me and run through some broads here and there no games. IM OUT
Originally Posted by cornzilla

So a relationship thread gets to 22 pgs of actual advice with no pics in any of the 22 pgs.

bro... you're like the 6th person that's written that same thing...

no, fambs... there arent any pics... the words are enough.

Originally Posted by cornzilla

So a relationship thread gets to 22 pgs of actual advice with no pics in any of the 22 pgs.

bro... you're like the 6th person that's written that same thing...

no, fambs... there arent any pics... the words are enough.

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

This. Her loss.
What is this marshmallow %%%$%#+%
my god
Oh sorry, I guess he was supposed to curse her out etc huh? Get a grip.

this is loser talk.

sounds like a grandma tellin her grandson its gonna be aight.


he loss... chalk up the L and learn from it.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

This. Her loss.
What is this marshmallow %%%$%#+%
my god
Oh sorry, I guess he was supposed to curse her out etc huh? Get a grip.

this is loser talk.

sounds like a grandma tellin her grandson its gonna be aight.


he loss... chalk up the L and learn from it.
I was in a similar situation when I was young..Chick did me dirty and we broke up and didn't speak for weeks...She randomly hits me up because her dad got really sick and was in the hospital and like a young sucker I ran to her in her time of need..She was extra nice to me and was being all friendly and loving and then once her dad felt better a few days later and she realized he would be ok, she avoided me like I had herpes...Don't do the same thing to yourself..She wants to be your friend now because she needs you, but once she no longer needs you, she won't want your friendship.

if she wanted to be your friend she would have made the effort immediately after you broke up, not after she had her fun with other dudes and needed a shoulder to cry on.
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