So...You think YOUR life sucks?

Today, I got a text message saying "I'm sorry I know its our 4 month but its not working out, I need to break up with you" followed by hercomplaining I never called her as well. @%+? I haven't had a girlfriend for 6 months. FML
Today, I made a Craigslist ad looking for hot and horny women that wanted some. I only got one reply, from another guy asking me if this kind of thing actually works. FML

today i bought a $15 burger and left it on the counter. FML
i also waved down the bus driver, he stopped, looked at me, and drove off. FML
i also bought an 80 dollar cologne, opened the box and it was smaller than my fist, F.P.Diddy FML
Today, I wake up, switch on TV and the first thing I see is the picture of a wanted rapist who looks just like me. I'm afraid to leave home. FML

Today, during the trailer at the movies, my boyfriend elbowed me in the ribs and smiled during an ad for a weightloss institute. FML

Today, I got up at 8am and didn't take a shower so I could hear the postman at the door. He never came. I stink. FML

Today, I carefully approached my boyfriend from behind and put my hands on his eyes saying: "Who's there?" he answered: "Mary? Camilla? Kate? ». Annoyed, I said « You lose; it's your beloved one… ». After a while, he said « Oh! Amanda! ». My name is Chloe. FML

Today, my 63 years old neighbor jumped out of his window… I was the first to find him alive, naked and stuck in a bush… I shouldn't have laughed at him while waiting for the ambulance to rescue him… he was my landlord. FML
Today, in the forest, I hit my foot against a half-buried metal thing. I dig into the ground and find a beautiful box, heavy enough not to be empty. I alreadyimagine myself with gold coins. It's the corpse of a dead cat. FML
this might be the best thing on the internet right now, i dont even care if most of it is fake. i have been crying for about 15 minutes straight
Today, my little sister and I were reading a book together and out of nowhere, she said "I love you". My heart melted and I told her that I love her too. Then she told me that she was talking to her stuffed animal, not me. FML

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Today, my little sister and I were reading a book together and out of nowhere, she said "I love you". My heart melted and I told her that I love her too. Then she told me that she was talking to her stuffed animal, not me. FML


Today, I had a wet dream. When I woke up I was touching myself. Unfortunately, I also woke up to find that I had fallen asleep on the couch after eating too much turkey at a family reunion. When I looked around the room over 20 relatives were giving me nasty looks. FML
Today, I was with the guy I am seeing and I were fooling around in my room. I asked him if he wanted to have sex. He said he didn't have time because he had to go play Mario Kart. FML

Today, I fell down the stairs twice. I fell from the top, stopped in the middle, stood up, stepped down one more step, tripped, and fell down the rest of the stairs. FML

Today, I had dinner on my own. My cat came and sat on the chair on the other side of the table. We stared at each other during the whole meal. Pathetic. FML

Today, I went on a date with my really attractive neighbor, and at the end, when I leaned in to make out with her, she shook my hand. FML

Today, my roomate took the toilet paper out of my bathroom. I went into his room to look for it, only to find a large wad of it balled up near his laptop and mouse. FML

Today, I was watching 'Tool Academy' with my girlfriend. When asked which Tool I would be, I replied with Power Tool. She then stated I would be 'Tiny Tool'. I'm 240 pounds. I don't know if she was calling me fat, or saying I have a small %!$*. My best guess would be both. FML

I'm done...
Today, it's my birthday. My girlfriend gave me the present she bought for me. I said joking: "I hope it's not a tie!" It was a tie. FML
Today, my girlfriend and I broke up. She told me I just wasn't her type, but gave me the phone number of one of her friends. Since all the friends I had met had been pretty hot, I called it later. Her friend was a guy. FML

This site is hillarious, real or not.
Today, the girl I'm in love with told me she might be a lesbian. She then asked me if I wanted to have sex with her. Does she wanted to make 100% she was a lesbian? Her reply was: "No, I just think you'd be a good transition."
I picked up this girl i was seeing for a date and went to kiss her hello, but sneezed and spit mucus right in her mouth. she got out of the car and never spoketo me again. FML lol....

it really happend to me. =/
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Today, my little sister and I were reading a book together and out of nowhere, she said "I love you". My heart melted and I told her that I love her too. Then she told me that she was talking to her stuffed animal, not me. FML

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