Socially awkward moments. Volume 3 * *Pictures full of Lulz Page 7**

Originally Posted by rockenjayz247

Dropping a duece in the restroom, and when your coming out all sweating... your boss or co-worker is there washing their hands...ishh is embarrassing

You need more fiber in your diet.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by Dip

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Making out with a lady at a college party... memories of what happened afterwards are hazy... and then seeing her face-to-face on campus the next day... smh

Making eye contact with a homeless dude begging

Finishing your meal and looking around to notice that everyone else has barely started
Those are good ones
How about, I'm at the Cheesecake Factory on a Sunday Evening w/ my co-workers (about 10 of us) to welcome two new members onto our program, and I'm starving! The spot is packed, and we wait at least 1 hour to be seated. We're finally seated, and about 30 minutes in, we receive our food. I noticed everyone has a plate but my one co-worker who is seated right in front of me. I thought nothing of it, so I start to chow down, I'm talking I was knee deep in this food, totally oblivious to anything outside of that plate. Then all of a sudden the waiter finally brings his food, and everyone starts clapping, and a few yell out 'yayyy!'...I realize that everyone was waiting on him to eat, but me. I was so damn embarrassed, I couldn't even finish my meal. Its like they collectively made a big deal out of his food coming, to make me feel like an *$!#*+!...and it worked.
While im glad that didn't happen to me, i probably would have done the same thing
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by Dip

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Making out with a lady at a college party... memories of what happened afterwards are hazy... and then seeing her face-to-face on campus the next day... smh

Making eye contact with a homeless dude begging

Finishing your meal and looking around to notice that everyone else has barely started
Those are good ones
How about, I'm at the Cheesecake Factory on a Sunday Evening w/ my co-workers (about 10 of us) to welcome two new members onto our program, and I'm starving! The spot is packed, and we wait at least 1 hour to be seated. We're finally seated, and about 30 minutes in, we receive our food. I noticed everyone has a plate but my one co-worker who is seated right in front of me. I thought nothing of it, so I start to chow down, I'm talking I was knee deep in this food, totally oblivious to anything outside of that plate. Then all of a sudden the waiter finally brings his food, and everyone starts clapping, and a few yell out 'yayyy!'...I realize that everyone was waiting on him to eat, but me. I was so damn embarrassed, I couldn't even finish my meal. Its like they collectively made a big deal out of his food coming, to make me feel like an *$!#*+!...and it worked.
While im glad that didn't happen to me, i probably would have done the same thing
the look i get from people when i tell them i have never ridden public transportation
the look i get from people when i tell them i have never ridden public transportation
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

After finishing a game of pick-up, saying "good game" to someone and then realizing right after that they weren't playing.


True True..
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

After finishing a game of pick-up, saying "good game" to someone and then realizing right after that they weren't playing.


True True..
Originally Posted by JPZx

You see someone in a grocery store that you're only semi-friends with, you talk for a while, and then you part ways. 7 minutes later, you see each other in another aisle and do that awkward waive/nod bit

I hate this with a passion. 
Originally Posted by JPZx

You see someone in a grocery store that you're only semi-friends with, you talk for a while, and then you part ways. 7 minutes later, you see each other in another aisle and do that awkward waive/nod bit

I hate this with a passion. 
Laughing at something with someone then someone else tries to laugh their way into the convo.
Laughing at something with someone then someone else tries to laugh their way into the convo.
Seeing someone for the first time in a long time and not remembering their name when they clearly know yours..

They: Hey john!

You: heyyy therrrreee?? Buddy!
Seeing someone for the first time in a long time and not remembering their name when they clearly know yours..

They: Hey john!

You: heyyy therrrreee?? Buddy!
Awkward eye contact with car next to you at red light
Writing out a tip for a meal in front of the waiter/hostess/cashier

Relatives try to make you eat crappy food but you can't reject them so you pretend to like it... word to Kanye's Family Business

Your grandma asks your brother "how is college" at a family get-together and he says "it's going ok" even though dude failed out last year... you're sitting there like 
Awkward eye contact with car next to you at red light
Writing out a tip for a meal in front of the waiter/hostess/cashier

Relatives try to make you eat crappy food but you can't reject them so you pretend to like it... word to Kanye's Family Business

Your grandma asks your brother "how is college" at a family get-together and he says "it's going ok" even though dude failed out last year... you're sitting there like 
Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

When you stop at a red light and there's a car next to you.  You get that feeling like they're staring over at you, so you look left (or right) and you accidentally make eye contact with them.

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

When you stop at a red light and there's a car next to you.  You get that feeling like they're staring over at you, so you look left (or right) and you accidentally make eye contact with them.

Originally Posted by rockenjayz247

Dropping a duece in the restroom, and when your come out... your boss or co-worker is there washing their hands and look at you through the mirror...ishh is embarrassing

kinda what happened to me.
I went into a bathroom to drop one and no one was there, so I just let it all out. Then outta nowhere 5 people just walk in and i'm sitting there not wanting to walk out
Originally Posted by rockenjayz247

Dropping a duece in the restroom, and when your come out... your boss or co-worker is there washing their hands and look at you through the mirror...ishh is embarrassing

kinda what happened to me.
I went into a bathroom to drop one and no one was there, so I just let it all out. Then outta nowhere 5 people just walk in and i'm sitting there not wanting to walk out
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