Somebody make a Gif. Serena Williams Crip Walk

That dougie

I swear people always want to put you down and put in a box. She had just reached the pinnacle of tennis lore and this dude has the nerve to shake his head in disgust. She doesn't owe him, nor any of us, a damn thing. Serena has always been one for controversy, but in that moment it wasn't a long ball or a judge who wanted to do her in, it was just her relishing in a feat that very, very few have achieved - at the ripe old tennis age of 30 no less. Who can really blame her being like a child back in her cali days.

Image is everything, but damn if it isn't blown out of proportion sometimes.
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That twerk video my goodness

yo isn't it said that she is actually still a Virgin.......???
I read an article about all the famous stars, and her name came up... I was thinking no way....

The hypocrisy is amazing...
this. lochte wants to wear a grill on the podium and it's an "interesting" "pecuilar" fashion choice and people get over it. But Serena obviously is bringing down the entire black community for dancing :smh:
this. lochte wants to wear a grill on the podium and it's an "interesting" "pecuilar" fashion choice and people get over it. But Serena obviously is bringing down the entire black community for dancing :smh:

Wow what a DUMB comparison.
What does a grill symbolize? Violence? Murder? Gangs?

It's Lonnie Lynn and Kim Kardashian's, she wasn't acting like that until she started hanging with them 
Wow what a DUMB comparison.
What does a grill symbolize? Violence? Murder? Gangs?

the point is, if Kobe or Lebron wanted to wear a grill on the podium it would be a non stop media storm of how their being disrespectful etc. But lochte does it and its only a smaller story for a few hours

People like to criticize everythign Serena does. If you dont know that, well you dont watch alot of tennis. Was her dancing the right thing to do? Idk, btu who cares. let her do her and not worry about it. If I won a gold medal, Im doing whatever I want to do right after it.
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