Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Man I remember when I first heard about the illuminati... crazy **** they def are out there man... someone who I feel is getting stressed with them and is fed up is Eminem.. his body language looks off hes been MIA for a min... look at dudes twitter icon... also in his music he exposes them in 25 to life.. I feel he wants to leave this lifestyle but he can't 
But I thought that both Ye and Kimmy Cakes were Christians?

They've been claiming this pretty frequently as of late... :rolleyes

Mason's pose really bothers me here. He looks dead or like a mannequin/ventriloquist dummy.

Also, I believe that is a picture of baby North looking like Jesus. Notice the neon "Coming Soon" above.

So much fail in this pic...
Man I remember when I first heard about the illuminati... crazy **** they def are out there man... someone who I feel is getting stressed with them and is fed up is Eminem.. his body language looks off hes been MIA for a min... look at dudes twitter icon... also in his music he exposes them in 25 to life.. I feel he wants to leave this lifestyle but he can't 

I totally agree with you in regards to Em. He REALLY seems sick and tired of it all and it's like he wants out.

Outside of his daughter, there's like NO happiness in his life.

He's made several songs alluding to it. Though, since it's Eminem, I doubt many take him serious.
man seriously the greys sound like some straight up cowardly *** holes....

damn the government to hell if they really do have something going on with them...

wonder if these dudes show any emotion at all...

can you imagine cussing one out? :lol:

Atlas Obscura recently put up this very cool map of the notable American lake monsters. That site as a whole is incredible...hours and hours worth of reading to do. Fortean Times is another one of my favorite sites and they also cover a lot of cryptozoology stories. I would love to subscribe to the magazine, but 90 dollars for 12 months is way too much.
Yea man, bring on vids, links, pics. Love that stuff.


I'm interested in the possibility of the rare types that have survived in pockets of good habitat isolated from time.

Also deep see life is mind boggling. Especially when you think about all the meteors with biology from other parts of the universe landing in water. All those super exotic literally alien looking creatures down there.

Speaking of meteors, anybody keeping up with ISON?




Comes across on Tanksgiving

Comes back for christmas and the new year :nerd:
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Great video!

One thing I picked up on watching the video is that just like nature implodes one has to follow it. To explain, we have all this stuff going on around us such as War, Politics, Religion, Technologies etc... that distract us from ourselves, so called "implode," from within. To generate our thoughts/energies on to ourselves and be service to each other is to be one with nature which "implodes" rather than "explodes."

I don't know if all what I just said made sense to you guys, but I threw it out there. I can't really explain it but it made lots of sense to me. haha

As above, so below.
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Great video!

One thing I picked up on watching the video is that just like nature implodes one has to follow it. To explain, we have all this stuff going on around us such as War, Politics, Religion, Technologies etc... that distract us from ourselves, so called "implode," from within. To generate our thoughts/energies on to ourselves and be service to each other is to be one with nature which "implodes" rather than "explodes."

I don't know if all what I just said made sense to you guys, but I threw it out there. I can't really explain it but it made lots of sense to me. haha

As above, so below.

Made perfect sense. Taking it a step further, out of the chaos came order. So naturally you'd have entertain ideas like the elite, illuminati etc
Just listened to 25 to life for the first time in a while. Def can see what y'all are saying.

There's always been something different about Marshall.

That imploding stuff is good. Once I learned about the heart coming first, a lot of other things made sense.

GHIMS, you have any cliffs on that coast to coast with the brain dude about certain music and its effects you mentioned earlier?

I'm looking for something really thought provoking to read, anyone have any recommendations? Could be a physics book, something metaphysical, etc. Just looking for something that's not fictional to read that'll make me think and learn.
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Great video!

One thing I picked up on watching the video is that just like nature implodes one has to follow it. To explain, we have all this stuff going on around us such as War, Politics, Religion, Technologies etc... that distract us from ourselves, so called "implode," from within. To generate our thoughts/energies on to ourselves and be service to each other is to be one with nature which "implodes" rather than "explodes."

I don't know if all what I just said made sense to you guys, but I threw it out there. I can't really explain it but it made lots of sense to me. haha

As above, so below.

Made perfect sense. Taking it a step further, out of the chaos came order. So naturally you'd have entertain ideas like the elite, illuminati etc

May be on to something.
Its taking years to come to this conclusion, but I don't believe planes were used on 9/11. 

I use to always think the people who said no planes flew into the building were flat out crazy, or they just wanted to put out the most outlandish cause for the attack. 

But after watching the live footage again, there are people who call in and they say the building just blew up, and when they turned on the news that's when they first heard about the planes...

So most of the callers that day seemed to be actors for the most part. I often come back to 9/11 just because the media was complicit in the whole thing. 

If you go back to the live CNN footage from that day, just watch on youtube, but there are several callers who state that they did not see anything fly into the building, but they only heard about the planes once turning on the news. 

Even in the CNN live footage you can sense the reporters are trying to rush some of the callers off who are not with the program; also before the plane hit, on the video there is black out for a few seconds, and then the plane mysteriously appears on camera. 
Its taking years to come to this conclusion, but I don't believe planes were used on 9/11. 

I use to always think the people who said no planes flew into the building were flat out crazy, or they just wanted to put out the most outlandish cause for the attack. 

But after watching the live footage again, there are people who call in and they say the building just blew up, and when they turned on the news that's when they first heard about the planes...

So most of the callers that day seemed to be actors for the most part. I often come back to 9/11 just because the media was complicit in the whole thing. 

If you go back to the live CNN footage from that day, just watch on youtube, but there are several callers who state that they did not see anything fly into the building, but they only heard about the planes once turning on the news. 

Even in the CNN live footage you can sense the reporters are trying to rush some of the callers off who are not with the program; also before the plane hit, on the video there is black out for a few seconds, and then the plane mysteriously appears on camera. 

I've come to the conclusion that the planes were just for show. If there were any planes they were military drones. Phone calls from 35k feet and crystal clear reception? Doesn't add up jack. There's an interview out there where you can hear one someone yelling its a frame during one of the conversations.

At any rate, look at the "why" of the equation. If you wanna move to a new world order, how do you go about it? You'd have to have supreme control over transportation within and out of your borders. Thus the TSA is introduced.

People are quick to shoot down conspiracies, and for those that are I ask them this : set aside your personal beliefs and convictions, if you wanted to go about starting world orders or what ever you wanna call it how would you do it? What would be your process?

Compare it to what's happening.....

Edit: IMO, to bring things full circle it's all constructed as illusion to make you think were "propelling" our selves to a slave like nature, when In reality all you have to do is make this thing implode on itself to see the true nature of things/yourself
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Yeah man, totally agree with you on that. I was reading recently that once the crimes of one administration are made public, e.g., the Bush administrations excuse for WMD's being the pretext for the Iraq invasion, and the public has some sort of inkling to what is going on behind the scenes a new administration has come into office, and the cycle continues for another 4 to 8 years. 

That's why Obama came in off of the change you can believe in slogan, and people ate it up, including myself... but look what he turned out to be?

Almost par for par with Bush, and they knew the masses would fall for it, but the agenda will never change. The order wasn't going to stop with Obama. 

We are lead to believe the election process is legit, but this whole system is designed off of deception. Everything is laid out according to plan. I'm just waiting on the next false flag to be honest. 
gllahone84 gllahone84

Too be honest, I've realized none of it matters. It was a bitter sweet process along the way, but it was necessary.

I'd say 99% of the stuff we see on TV/Media is deliberately placed there to paralyze the consciousness.

When you get caught up in the external affairs, there is always an extrinsic source of happiness that has finite resources.

Not saying this is the case for you, but when I saw all the world around me was jacked, it brought me to depressed mind states where I felt like it was no recovering.

Once I started embracing the kingdom of heaven is with in me, it was enlightening knowing where ever I go, I got what it takes for things to be okay.

With that said, I still have the desire to manipulate the reality around me, but I do it by setting the example internally to the best of my ability.

You're hear a lot war mongers try and justify war saying it's been around since mans conception. They're right, albeit it misconceived. It's the war that's been waging internally that matters.
With the internal battle that you're alluding to, the battle between Heru and Set symbolizes that very act, the tug of war dynamic between good and evil. 

As is the case with most ancient teachings, this battle was never ending while in our mortal state, but external forces here in the US make it very hard for anyone without understanding of the ploy at hand to rise above the madness. If you're somewhat able to discern between the real and fake then more power to you, but if most of the masses are deluded into thinking no strings are at play then it continues. 

Appreciate the feedback...
Deception, lies and manipulation .. How do we break the cycle ? We don't have an true revolutionaries, everyone pretty much goes with the program, if not.. they are eventually dealt with.

How do you destroy the wall protecting the city from oceans of the world.. without flooding ?

damned if we do, damned if we don't.

- much luv, stay freshhh
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