Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I've never really "tripped" off mushrooms the same way you see in movies.

I didn't see things that weren't there. Just a major shift in how I perceived things. 
^yeah I had the same experience didn't see neon lights or cartoon characters but did see things appear as if they were moving.

If you want to have a SERIOUS TRIP you smoke some dmt. It's going to reveal everything to you and you'll never look at or think about things/ "reality" the same way again
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Tried DMT 3 times and never broke through. I didn't have a vape at the time and that's the best way to use it.

I tried to sandwich it between some trees but I burned the DMT each time and once fire touches's useless.
Ive tried DMT about 4/5 times now.
My boy gave me about 20 doses of it and i still have some left.

I broke thru the 3rd time i tried it.
Its amazing, i cant even begin to explain the experience.

I smoked it out of a bowl on top of some tree.
This has been my most successful way.
Ive tried it in a blunt, COMPLETE WASTE.
Is it possible to NOT "go on a trip" after eating those things?

From the time i spent researching and reading stories on it and a couple friends talking to me on their experiences doesnt look like it. I didnt have the type of trip where you see little men or anything. But alot of odd stuff was happening for sure.

Yes it is. Depends on dosage.

Small doses are used for therapeutic purposes, they're quite relaxing. Anyone who wants to try them that hasn't, I tell them to start on a low end dose (1.5-2g of some golds) just to know what the initial effects feel like. The antidepressant and anti anxiety effects begin at those low doses.

If you're not breaking through on 3.5-4.5g I would chalk it up to a low dose, weaker batch, weaker specimen, or duds.

Tried DMT 3 times and never broke through. I didn't have a vape at the time and that's the best way to use it.

I tried to sandwich it between some trees but I burned the DMT each time and once fire touches's useless.

That sucks man. Incredible experience.

invest in a glass vape if you plan on trying again.

DMT is next level. Other psychs don't hold a candle to it, would not recommend anyone who is inexperienced in this realm to try it as your first.

boomers are easily my favorite but 4AcO-DMT and DMT itself are both stupendous experiences.

Ive tried DMT about 4/5 times now.
My boy gave me about 20 doses of it and i still have some left.

I broke thru the 3rd time i tried it.
Its amazing, i cant even begin to explain the experience.

I smoked it out of a bowl on top of some tree.
This has been my most successful way.
Ive tried it in a blunt, COMPLETE WASTE.

you're doing yourself an incredible disservice. burning the crystals themselves is literally the worst way to go about it.
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Yeah my first few attempts with DMT were fails because I tried using weed as a base which ur not supposed to do and I was using a direct flame. U gotta vape it straight up. U need somebody there with u to help u take the 3rd toke cuz after u start feeling like your soul is leaving ur not gonna wanna hit it again
^^Can you speak on the nature of the experience? Was is euphoric, trippy, enlightening ?

psychedelics saved me from suicide.

no two people will have the exact same experience but there are similarities. Intense euphoria, on DMT I had a full blown conversation with a glowing woman of what seemed to be Native American descent with a soft yet booming echoing voice that I could hear inside my body. Conversation went from day to night, which was in reality about 11 minutes. Coming out of it my brain was wrecked and I just started sobbing because I didn't know how to piece everything together but over the weeks following I would write things I remembered down.

It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't tried it but it rips the universe apart on high doses. You'll recognize that everything around you has its own force and energy. You literally NEED another person to sit while you trip because once you take that first rip its already starting to kick in on exhale.

You just can't fight it once it starts. I always say the boomers are alive and can feel when you don't trust them and will adjust accordingly. Bad trip = not trusting mama nature = boomers desytoying your ego.

DMT skips the first steps and just wrecks your ego.
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psychedelics saved me from suicide.

no two people will have the exact same experience but there are similarities. Intense euphoria, on DMT I had a full blown conversation with a glowing woman of what seemed to be Native American descent with a soft yet booming echoing voice that I could hear inside my body. Conversation went from day to night, which was in reality about 11 minutes. Coming out of it my brain was wrecked and I just started sobbing because I didn't know how to piece everything together but over the weeks following I would write things I remembered down.

It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't tried it but it rips the universe apart on high doses. You'll recognize that everything around you has its own force and energy. You literally NEED another person to sit while you trip because once you take that first rip its already starting to kick in on exhale.

You just can't fight it once it starts. I always say the boomers are alive and can feel when you don't trust them and will adjust accordingly. Bad trip = not trusting mama nature = boomers desytoying your ego.

DMT skips the first steps and just wrecks your ego.

Thanks for sharing that. It sounds amazing and terrifying.. Life changing to say the least. I can conceptualize and speculate on what you're describing but I can't even fathom what that experience would actually feel like. How has it affected your life in the present if you don't mind me asking ?
mainly the fact that I'm still alive honestly.

Currently: I still eat fungus, I've cut back tremendously on smoking herb, I have dreams again and they're not all stress based, overall higher appreciation of life and living things. Suicidal thoughts are basically a distant memory now. I still deal with depression and even though it fluctuates its never as bad as it was.

Its helped me appreciate nature so much more. I was the guy flicking beetles off outdoor tables, turned into the dude catching bugs and releasing them outside so no one would kill them.

The friends I've kept around all notice a change. My family noticed although most of them think its from the medication that I stopped taking forever ago.
I think appreciating and respecting nature is the key. Being considerate of all forms of life is equally as important. Seems to me that you've come to understand that..and it's not like I know you or anything but I am glad to know that you're doing much better than before. Thanks for your insight man, very much appreciated :smokin
dude was tryin' to be appropriately discreet
i for one never want to see this thread jeopardized

......da classic revisted.........


Yeah my first few attempts with DMT were fails because I tried using weed as a base which ur not supposed to do and I was using a direct flame. U gotta vape it straight up. U need somebody there with u to help u take the 3rd toke cuz after u start feeling like your soul is leaving ur not gonna wanna hit it again
did you hit it again after that?
from my experiences it heightened my awareness of everything around me. i was thinking better, feeling more, and seeing clearer...and appreciating it.

the first experience i watched this video at least 30 times on a tv sittin like 2 ft from the screen.

the glowing eyes scenes are ethereal.

its like it was made to be watched with marios favorite.
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did you hit it again after that?

Not on my first attempts and that's why I didn't break through. I was experiencing the first stages but I was too scared too keep going. The last time I did it we used a vape contraption my homie built and it only took 2 hits. He said I hit it a 3rd time but I only remember a 2nd exhale before I couldn't keep my eyes open. Sleazyy described it accurately by saying it shatters the ego it's so hard for me to accurately describe the trip and do it justice. It's more than the ego it's like it shatters the whole concept of being human you feel like pure information like an infinite feeling but also a feeling of being very welcomed.
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you're doing yourself an incredible disservice. burning the crystals themselves is literally the worst way to go about it.

Well ****, educate ya boy fam. Lol

There's a few different methods that I've seen utilized but I use one and one only, which is a vape.

Direct flame wastes a lot if not all of the chem.

I recommend a glass vape (vaporgenie GLASS ONLY) or a tobacco water pipe with no water inside. Use the layering method. You can either use ash or plant matter to layer but I wouldn't recommend plant matter because it throws off the experience.

deep bowl, bottom layer, middle layer chem, top layer. flame to top ONLY TO GET GOING. Lightly touch whatever is on top, you just need it to get started. then pull DEEP and hold for 10-15 seconds.

If you get a decent sized rip you won't need to keep going. Have someone there with you, make sure you're sitting, make sure they're holding whatever piece you're using.

Be in complete silence. No one should be making a sound but you.

Blast off and enjoy.
So here's my trip report:

A few things i jotted down during my trip that really resonated with me

"I'm not sure if i remember who I am, or creating who i wanna become but its better then who i was"

"If a picture is worth a 1,000 words then a symbol is worth a 1,000 pictures"

In preparation for the trip I've been fasting all week with only water, and one meal after sundown. I'm an experienced tripper (LSD, Shrooms, DMT) 
I was a little worried going into the trip since my stomach was shriveled, and it would absorb the shrooms faster making it more intense.
I've been feeling really in tune with "it" lately, so for the duration of the trip i felt an extreme magnification of things i already had been thinking on, with a few trippy visuals but nothing compared to things ive experienced in the past. 

My first thought: 

The original woman of color was created in the reflection of god. When i first experienced this through DMT it was life changing, but its more or less become a simple truth to me. People who think God is a man dont realize theyre most likely worshipping the devil. The way men came to exist was god spit herself out with a masculine projection to see her polar opposite. Once she had knowledge of self she took her self back into complete the understanding and began creation. You see this manifested on a physical level everytime we have sex. This is the reason we spend a large portion of our time in preparation for acquistion of the yambs. You see this at an atomic level as well through +/- energy. 

Matter isnt real. It's just a paradigm created to keep people caught in a cycle pursuing an illusion without ever obtaining knowledge of self. the reason this cycle is needed is because our consciousness is an energy that constantly creates. most people life their life never realizing the soul lives in prison created by the ego. much like a prisoner pleads for food and water, youll see when the soul is yelling out for help. most people cant hear the yells over the tv and cell phone ringers. 

Word's powers are beyond measure. If you really look deeply at words they can help jog your memory. some words i were toying with in my head and intentionally mispronouncing:

africa= a free king, a free queen, 
frequency= free queen see, free king see
sirius=see we us
allah-all us
-Side note if allah is all then, that mean it is positive, to be without the all, you would be negative thus a neg-uh
DNA is held in male sperm aka cum thus cumplex

Not sure if those meant anything, but in my opinion we've all got things we intentionally created in the past to help us remember who we are. The all seeing eye was originially meant to remind us to look for the truth.

The most significant thing i focused on this trip is positivity. based off the simple laws of attraction if youre positive in life youll attract all that you are lacking. Being positive is such a strong thing that anytime it's brought into physical existence the devil tries to take energy from it. The most obvious symbol being the cross in christian religion. A symbol that stood for being positive has been perverted with a story of a man that never existed. literally millions of people pour their energy into a false idol while churches priests pastors rake in the dough and peoples energy. the stealing of this energy even exist at a gramatical level as well

notice how a cross is in the middle of these words 

sain+nick(biggest holiday of the year)
sain+ etc
and to downplay the benefit of being positive, anything not of intelligence


I know all the above maybe nonsense, but it's helping me obtain my knowledge of self. The true alchemist is the one who realizes consciousness is the philosophers stone and  can make something out of nothing.

I guess to rap it up, im not sure what the devil is or if its real, but I've gotten to the point where i dont care. If it isnt positive, about love or light it has to go by any means necessary.

I know that was kind of scattered brain, i'd be happy to discuss something that's coming off as jibberish to others.

Also forgot to mention this song. I always knew its meaning in the back of my head but today it really came to the fore front of my thinking and I was able to appreciate its beauty.
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I was offered some dirty 25 last week ish, i cant find any straight up right now. Anyone have any experience with it?
The most significant thing i focused on this trip is positivity. based off the simple laws of attraction if you're positive in life you'll attract all that you are lacking. Being positive is such a strong thing that anytime it's brought into physical existence the devil tries to take energy from it. The most obvious symbol being the cross in christian religion. A symbol that stood for being positive has been perverted with a story of a man that never existed. literally millions of people pour their energy into a false idol while churches priests pastors rake in the dough and peoples energy. the stealing of this energy even exist at a grammatical level as well
this really speaks to me, i cant rep it enough
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