Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Remembered part of my dream last night. Here is what I wrote down when I woke up "3/8 3AM something about a duck/large bird flying from side to side in the living room and asking my dad to get it out and he says what do u want me to do about it. Woke up scared"

I'm looking to venture off into Mario land again soon. Haven't went all in with the ayahuasca yet
C.Magneto C.Magneto over the rep limit but I will be coming back to this post. we seem to think somewhat alike.

The original woman of color was created in the reflection of god. When i first experienced this through DMT it was life changing, but its more or less become a simple truth to me. People who think God is a man dont realize theyre most likely worshipping the devil. The way men came to exist was god spit herself out with a masculine projection to see her polar opposite. Once she had knowledge of self she took her self back into complete the understanding and began creation. You see this manifested on a physical level everytime we have sex. This is the reason we spend a large portion of our time in preparation for acquistion of the yambs. You see this at an atomic level as well through +/- energy.

I love this passage. I am what would be considered an atheist but for a long time I have subscribed to the idea that IF there was a singular divine creator, it would be viewed as a feminine being. It started with my first intense trip and seeing the Native woman. Every trip since she has been present in some form. Seems like some kind of guide, she's always there to help me reach a good place within myself. She's told me plenty of times how important positivity is, and how its the job of every being who is able to spread it in any way we can. The energy generated from positivity and teaching and loving one another can and will save humanity, to paraphrase. I've never been clear on if energy is a metaphor for something else but I'm sure in time it will make sense.

It's crazy that the mind creates these images, or as some believe, opens your eyes to what's really in front of you that is being blotted out by a haze of chemicals, radio waves, and programming.

I think that the "devil" is just the label that we give to bad energy. It's a way to shirk responsibility by saying an outside force is making you behave a certain way. It's a method of preserving the ego. What person really wants to openly admit that they have a problem, or they're a bad person if they can use a scapegoat like the devil.

Everything comes back to ego. Your ego is keeping you from yourself, from your truth.

I don't know man I could go on for days about the stuff my trips have helped me realize but when you type it out or write it down it all seems like rambling. It's incredibly difficult to share those kinds of experiences in a way that people will be able to read and understand.

Iike your Sirius break down also. If you've never looked into Sirius and everything connected to the system, now would be a perfect time.

Meditation VI: Concerning the Existence of Material Things, and the Real Distinction between Mind and Body
In Meditation VI: Concerning the Existence of Material Things, and the Real Distinction between Mind and Body, Descartes addresses the potential existence of material outside of the self and God. First, he asserts that such objects can exist simply because God is able to make them.

Insofar as they are the subject of pure mathematics, I now know at least that they can exist, because I grasp them clearly and distinctly. For God can undoubtedly make whatever I can grasp in this way, and I never judge that something is impossible for Him to make unless there would be a contradiction in my grasping the thing distinctly. (Descartes, Meditation VI: On the Existence of Material Objects from Body).

Knowing that the existence of such objects is possible, Descartes then turns to the prevalence of mental images as proof. To do this, he draws a distinction between imagination and understanding; imagination being a non-linguistic "faculty of knowledge to the body which is immediately present to it [...] without intellection or conception", which therefore exists like a mental photograph; and understanding (or apprehending) being something that is not necessarily pictured. He uses an example of this to clarify:

When I have a mental image of a triangle, for example, I don't just understand that it is a figure bounded by three lines; I also "look at" the lines as though they were present to my mind's eye. And this is what I call having a mental image. When I want to think of a chiliagon, I understand that it is a figure with a thousand sides as well as I understand that a triangle is a figure with three, but I can't imagine its sides or "look" at them as though they were present (...) Thus I observe that a special effort of mind is necessary to the act of imagination, which is not required to conceiving or understanding (ad intelligendum); and this special exertion of mind clearly shows the difference between imagination and pure intellection (imaginatio et intellectio pura). (Descartes, Meditation VI: On the Existence of Material Objects and the Real Distinction of Mind from Body).[11]

Descartes has still not given proof that such external objects exist. At this point, he has only shown that their existence could conveniently explain this mental process. To obtain this proof, he first reviews his premises for the Meditations — that the senses cannot be trusted and what he is taught "by nature" does not have much credence. However, he views these arguments within a new context; after writing Meditation I, he has proved the existence of himself and of a perfect God. Thus, Descartes jumps quickly to proofs of the division between the body and mind and that material things exist:

Proof for the body being distinct from the mind

It is possible for God to create anything I can clearly and distinctly perceive.
If God creates something to be independent of another, they are distinct from each other.
I clearly and distinctly understand my existence as a thinking thing (which does not require the existence of a body).
So God can create a thinking thing independently of a body.
I clearly and distinctly understand my body as an extended thing (which does not require a mind).
So God can create a body independently of a mind.
So my mind is a reality distinct from my body.
So I (a thinking thing) can exist without a body.
Proof of the reality of external material things

I have a "strong inclination" to believe in the reality of external material things due to my senses.
God must have created me with this nature.
If independent material things do not exist, God is a deceiver.
But God is not a deceiver.
So material things exist and contain the properties essential to them.
After using these two arguments to dispel solipsism and skepticism, Descartes seems to have succeeded in defining reality as being in three parts: God (infinite), minds, and material things (both finite). He closes by addressing natural phenomena that might appear to challenge his philosophy, such as phantom limbs, dreams, and dropsy.
Remembered part of my dream last night. Here is what I wrote down when I woke up "3/8 3AM something about a duck/large bird flying from side to side in the living room and asking my dad to get it out and he says what do u want me to do about it. Woke up scared"

I'm looking to venture off into Mario land again soon. Haven't went all in with the ayahuasca yet
With Syrian Rue dawg... Foul beyond all imagination.

It's what's been keeping me from another experience. Easily the worst thing I've ever had to taste in life.

It's like a double whammy between the foul taste of Syrian Rue and the purge.
After using these two arguments to dispel solipsism and skepticism, Descartes seems to have succeeded in defining reality as being in three parts: God (infinite), minds, and material things (both finite). He closes by addressing natural phenomena that might appear to challenge his philosophy, such as phantom limbs, dreams, and dropsy.

Three dimensions? Clearly I need to start reading this mans work.
Descartes was the one that said "I think therefore I am"

the only thing one really knows for sure is his own existence
There's a few different methods that I've seen utilized but I use one and one only, which is a vape.

Direct flame wastes a lot if not all of the chem.

I recommend a glass vape (vaporgenie GLASS ONLY) or a tobacco water pipe with no water inside. Use the layering method. You can either use ash or plant matter to layer but I wouldn't recommend plant matter because it throws off the experience.

deep bowl, bottom layer, middle layer chem, top layer. flame to top ONLY TO GET GOING. Lightly touch whatever is on top, you just need it to get started. then pull DEEP and hold for 10-15 seconds.

If you get a decent sized rip you won't need to keep going. Have someone there with you, make sure you're sitting, make sure they're holding whatever piece you're using.

Be in complete silence. No one should be making a sound but you.

Blast off and enjoy.

Thank you very much fam.
Has anyone made Ayahuasca?
Im watching ancient aliens episode on Shamans and as i predicted in the midst of watching, they mentioned DMT.
So now im starting to do my research on Ayahuasca and take it to the next level. (Life wise)
Like I said man, one of my boys smoked some weed and reacted a certain way. Mind has been completely altered ever since. I want to take a trip but I don't want to risk going "crazy." What do you reccomend?
@hallywoodxo over the rep limit but I will be coming back to this post. we seem to think somewhat alike.
I love this passage. I am what would be considered an atheist but for a long time I have subscribed to the idea that IF there was a singular divine creator, it would be viewed as a feminine being. It started with my first intense trip and seeing the Native woman. Every trip since she has been present in some form. Seems like some kind of guide, she's always there to help me reach a good place within myself. She's told me plenty of times how important positivity is, and how its the job of every being who is able to spread it in any way we can. The energy generated from positivity and teaching and loving one another can and will save humanity, to paraphrase. I've never been clear on if energy is a metaphor for something else but I'm sure in time it will make sense.

It's crazy that the mind creates these images, or as some believe, opens your eyes to what's really in front of you that is being blotted out by a haze of chemicals, radio waves, and programming.

I think that the "devil" is just the label that we give to bad energy. It's a way to shirk responsibility by saying an outside force is making you behave a certain way. It's a method of preserving the ego. What person really wants to openly admit that they have a problem, or they're a bad person if they can use a scapegoat like the devil.

Everything comes back to ego. Your ego is keeping you from yourself, from your truth.

I don't know man I could go on for days about the stuff my trips have helped me realize but when you type it out or write it down it all seems like rambling. It's incredibly difficult to share those kinds of experiences in a way that people will be able to read and understand.

Iike your Sirius break down also. If you've never looked into Sirius and everything connected to the system, now would be a perfect time.
Not to take away from the fact that we share a similar thought process, but i think anytime you base your thoughts in love and being positive you can find a connection and build with anyone. 

In regards to the woman, I think she is Sophia. If you check out the gnostic gospels it'll give a break down of how this world came to be the matrix. Also, the source of all wisdom is said to be a woman. Sophia shortened to Phi gives you philosophy and Phi, the golden ratio which is ever present in "mother" nature. 

As far as the devil. I've got conflicting thoughts. I do think what most people would attribute to wrong doings in the world are because of the ego. To downplay their responsibility, they chalk it up to an outside force. I think this is breeded into us at an early age though. Starting with Jesus, everyone is looking for a vicarious atonement, so if my saviour isnt coming through myself, then why wouldn't the cause of evil be a vicarious force as well? Not saying it's right, but understanding the psychology behind it as well make its easier to deal with. With that said,i do think there are evil forces in the world on a spiritual plane. IDK if they have a head honcho, or what. From my personal experience I've seen things sober/tripping that really made me start seeking the light as almost a necessity. This demons live within us at our darkest moments:tongue:orn,drugs,alcohol,rape. They're more or less a spectator to the flesh while we move in a zombie like mindset through the actions. This verse has always stuck with me: 

Euphisians 6:10-15

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,  15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  

If you got anything on DOGON/Sirius shoot it to me please. someone posted the book dogon science a while back and I've been skimming through that lately. Im not getting as deep as i need to in it though. I'm trying to make the connection of how did we come from sirius to earth. Was it just a descencion of coming from the heavens into hell/matter or what. 
been awhile, watching right now

Would like to read more in depth trip reports on dmt, if anyone has anything to share, seems to be the most amazing substance ive ever read about... :smokin
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