Orion's Belt
Some African peoples (Nubians, Egyptians, and Dogon) believed the origin of man began with Orion's belt. Greek's, the original translators of the Septuagint (Bible), referred to heaven/sky as Ouranos (ουρανός), where we get the the word Orion. So when the religious texts mention that we come from heaven they are really saying we come from the Orion Star system. The Dogon say we specifically come from Sirius B.
Orion Star Nebula
The Orion Star nebula in turn gave birth to our Sun. Our sun then gave birth to the planets. The planets gave birth to water and the Earth's atmosphere. The water gave birth to single celled organisms. These single celled organisms eventually gave birth to human life.
We are all children of the sun.
Life/Energy evolves as represented by the Egyptian diety Khepri
These concepts can be all found in Memphite Theology
Shabaka Stone: Outlines the creation of the universe derived from the Memphite Theology
The primate God Ptah, conceived in his heart, everything that exist and by his utterance created them all. He first emerged from the primeval waters of Idun in the form of a primeval Hill. Closely following the Hill, the God (Atum) also emerged from the waters and set upon Ptah...out of the primeval chaos contained 10 principles: 4 pairs of opposite principles, together with two other gods: Ptah, Mind, Thought, and Creative utterance. While Atum joins himself to Ptah and acts as Demiurge and executes the work of creation.
- Water is the source of all things
- creation was accomplished by the unity of two creative principles: Ptah and Alum, the unity of Mind (Nous) with Logos (creative utterance).
- Atum was Sun-God or fire-God
- Opposite Principles control the life of the universe.
- the elements in creation were fire (Atum), water (Nun), Earth (Ptah) and Air.
The gods whom Atum projected from his body were:
1. Shu (Air)
2. Tefnut (moisture)
3. Geb (earth)
4. Nut (sky)
Who are said to have given birth to four other Gods:
5. Osiris
6. Isis
7. Seth (opposite of good)
8. Nephthys (unseen world)
The Egyptian concept of cosmology, like the Chinese doctrine of Yin and Yang, and the East Indian system of Tridosha (Pitta, Vata, and Kapha), offered a comprehensive explanation of the natural forces of the universe. There were other ideals which the Egyptians developed such as the Doctrine of the Soul. They believed that the soul and body were not two distinct things, but one in two different aspects, just as form related to matter. The soul is the power which a living body possesses, and it is the end for which the body exist, the final cause of its existence.
This doesn't even scratch the surface, but its just a glimpse of just how deep the Egyptian cosmology is. The Memphite theology gives rise to some of the most complex scientific concepts we have today (i.e. big bang theory, existance of atoms, etc.)