Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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"if you keep throwing sand on the sound plate, the sound will not be able to get the sand in perfect shape - you are not giving it time to place the sand grains in order - you just keep piling more and more on it - and it's spilling out the sides just like the meat on your waist/waste line - get in shape - true shape - and you will not need to sleep - sleep is the cousin of death - death is unnecessary and unnatural - death occurs when you are no longer able to keep the body in shape - it cannot be retuned by the sound source that animates it because you keep throwing meat in your mouth and you need constant sleep in order to heal the damage done by your intake"
awesome qoute
took an ayahuasca journey on friday... the purge was ugh disgusting but the experience was well worth it. My memory is cloudy. For the most part I recall bits and pieces but I am unable to piece it all together so that it makes sense to others. Definitely recommend for everyone to try :smokin
took an ayahuasca journey on friday... the purge was ugh disgusting but the experience was well worth it. My memory is cloudy. For the most part I recall bits and pieces but I am unable to piece it all together so that it makes sense to others. Definitely recommend for everyone to try :smokin

In the jungle or somewhere local ? And good stuff man, the jungle and ayuhuasca are making small little calls to me. Its on my list of things.
Took it at my house and just laid down and closed my eyes once it kicked in. I remember at one point it was like Inception but I had about 10 different trains of thought in my mind and I was trying to follow each. Pretty crazy

Funny you said the jungle cuz the chick I'm talking to calls it jungle juice
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I feel the need to read a book. But in physical form lol don't like kindles and iPad use. I want it to be one of those "Ra" books mentioned several times on this thread or anything of the sort in terms of oneself and inner acknowledgement. I'll pretty much buy anything you guys recommend. You guys and especially Ben as of late have been dropping jewels. So a collection of your NT essays would also suffice lol.
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[h1]Why is Time Speeding Up?[/h1]
By  wmw_admin  on  July 18, 2011

[h3]Universe of Success – January 30, 2007[/h3]
More and more frequently people are suggesting that time is speeding up. We hear people saying things like “I never seem to have enough time to get everything done anymore” or “where has the time gone to”. The years are certainly flying by faster than ever and there is a scientific reason why time is speeding up. There are also a number of reasons why we are changing so rapidly and it is all related to time speeding up. Human beings are becoming more consciously aware and people are being drawn towards spirituality and personal development in greater numbers than ever before. Why is this happening?

Scientists discovered many years ago that the earth gives off a pulse. This pulse or frequency which has been likened to a heartbeat has been stable at approximately 7.8 cycles per second for thousands of years. However, since around the year 1980 the earth’s heartbeat began to speed up. It has currently been measured at 12 cycles per second but the most incredible thing is some scientists believe the earth will actually stop rotating when this pulse reaches 13 cycles per second. When the earth stops rotating on its axis it is believed that it will remain still for around 3 days and then start spinning in the other direction. This will cause a reversal in the magnetic field around the earth but what will happen after this point is unclear. At this point you are thinking one of two things. Either you are thinking this sounds pretty amazing or you simply cannot believe it. I’m kind of in the middle myself, I think it’s hard to believe but I’m prepared to keep an open mind. Since I have become interested in spirituality I have seen wonderful things happen in my life and because of this I believe almost anything is possible.

It is due to this increasing pulse rate that we feel as though time is speeding up. Why do we “feel” as though time is moving faster than it used to be? The reason is what we once perceived to be a period of 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours. Our clocks still move in seconds, minutes and hours and still click over a full day in 24 hours but due to the earths increased heartbeat, we perceive it to be only two thirds as long or a perception period of merely 16 hours.

As far fetched as all this may seem, a number of reports suggest that we will reach this critical mass or zero point when the earth stops rotating, very soon. It could well be in the next 5 years which happens to be at the end of the well documented and controversial Mayan Calendar which ends in the year 2012. Everything that is happening to people and our planet has been predicted in the Mayan Calendar. From my research into this phenomena and the changes I can see happening in my body and mind as well as what I see happening around the globe, I believe as do many others that we are now moving into the 4th dimension. The fourth dimension is where our thoughts will manifest almost instantly. This period of life on earth is where our good and bad karma will come back to us almost immediately. This is why so many people, although perhaps unaware as to why, are becoming consciously aware and turning towards spirituality and away from materialism and greed. We are feeling the urge to not only do the right thing for our own body and mind but we are more willing to help others than ever before in history.

The growth rate in awareness is off the charts. What once took years of reading, learning and watching to become more spiritually aware may now only take a year or even months. There is so much more information than ever before on spirituality available in books and on the internet that is serving to accelerate our learning and helping us move away from the darkness of fear and towards the light of love. As we feel the need to change our direction in life and release our bad habits we are starting to meet others who feel the same way and collectively we are helping each other. We are realizing that we are part of something greater than our individual self and this further accelerates our spiritual evolution.

As time continues to speed up and as we move through the 4th dimension into the 5th dimension, when the earth stops rotating, our karma will come back to us in an instant. Those of us still not aware of this changing world or not prepared to accept it and who feel they can get away with treating others, themselves or nature unjustly will receive their due karma. This will mean before we move into a better world and a period of love there will be much chaos as all the negative karma comes back to those individuals or collective groups.

We are leaving the Age of Pieces, a destructive and oppressive period and moving into the Age of Aquarius, a period of love and peace. This is a difficult time for many people as they struggle to come to terms with what is happening around them and what is happening to their mind and feelings. The key is to let go and trust in this natural process of change and not to fight your feelings. As we move closer to the fifth dimension and as time speeds to an all time high, our thoughts, feelings and intentions will manifest into our reality in the twinkling of an eye. What this means effectively is that those of us living with thoughts of fear and trepidation, will manifest just that into their lives causing untold pain. However, those of us feeling happy and positive will manifest only love and joy into their lives. It’s all about choice, and it’s your choice to make, nobody can make it for you.

How has this information changed my life? It hasn’t really, although maybe in some ways it has. I’m usually a pretty positive person and this only serves to enforce the idea that I should remain positive at all times. I try and take more notice of the people and events around me, this has made the relationships with the people I care about even stronger. I give more of my time and money to help those less fortunate than me. I have started this website and thoroughly enjoy sharing information with others and receiving mostly positive feedback on the articles I write. Although, I still get up and go to work each day to earn, spend and save money and I still think about my plans for the future no matter what dimension I will be in.

As we continue through this exciting period of history the entire world will change along with everyone in it. Eventually we will be forced to release our fears, there is no other way. Fear will cease to exist and the greatest causes of fear, being time and money, will no longer be a part of our existence. Can you imagine reality in a place without time and money? I must say it’s most definitely a concept I find hard to fathom. It’s an exciting period to be alive so I’m going to go with the flow and enjoy the ride, I hope you’ll join me.
I feel the need to read a book. But in physical form lol don't like kindles and iPad use. I want it to be one of those "Ra" books mentioned several times on this thread or anything of the sort in terms of oneself and inner acknowledgement. I'll pretty much buy anything you guys recommend. You guys and especially Ben as of late have been dropping jewels. So a collection of your NT essays would also suffice lol.

When it comes to knowing self and going inward for answers rather than going outward, I always recommend Zen Buddhism books. As well as this ram dass book I am currently reading. I recommend these, in order from easiest to read to hardest. Good luck on your journey my brother. The change is coming.


victor page victor page

Interesting read. Makes a lot of sense, but obviously all of us aren't smart enough to decipher if that's bull **** or not lol.

However, being an example of this change. I can see and feel the change happening. The old ways are dying out. There's a new age approaching and we are at the very beginnings of it all. It's us who are going to birth the children that are the prime examples of the change, instead of being 1 aware out of 50 sleep walkers, it's going to progress to 10 out of 50 and so on and so forth.

They can't stop it. They are going to try their hardest, but the light is too strong. The Indian teacher Yogananda said: “It doesn’t matter if a cave has been in darkness for 10,000 years or half an hour, once you light a match it is illuminated.”
Anyone feel like discussing our origins? I tried to open the door to it in the "AFRICAN HISTORY X" thread. But then I ended up typing around 2 pages worth of material and realized it was pointless to post it there.
save yourself some time and copy and paste it from that thread
if its word for word what your trying to come across

also bought Training In Compassion yesterday.
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I absolutely love this thread. This thing brought me back to NT. Been here since 99'. MuRpHyLeE23 was my first name lol.

Haha I didn't even save what I wrote. I can do it again. The knowledge didn't go anywhere.

Before I get into what I think, let's watch a video together:

Orion's Belt

Some African peoples (Nubians, Egyptians, and Dogon) believed the origin of man began with Orion's belt. Greek's, the original translators of the Septuagint (Bible), referred to heaven/sky as Ouranos (ουρανός), where we get the the word Orion. So when the religious texts mention that we come from heaven they are really saying we come from the Orion Star system. The Dogon say we specifically come from Sirius B.

Orion Star Nebula

The Orion Star nebula in turn gave birth to our Sun. Our sun then gave birth to the planets. The planets gave birth to water and the Earth's atmosphere. The water gave birth to single celled organisms. These single celled organisms eventually gave birth to human life.

We are all children of the sun.

Life/Energy evolves as represented by the Egyptian diety Khepri

These concepts can be all found in Memphite Theology

Shabaka Stone: Outlines the creation of the universe derived from the Memphite Theology

The primate God Ptah, conceived in his heart, everything that exist and by his utterance created them all. He first emerged from the primeval waters of Idun in the form of a primeval Hill. Closely following the Hill, the God (Atum) also emerged from the waters and set upon Ptah...out of the primeval chaos contained 10 principles: 4 pairs of opposite principles, together with two other gods: Ptah, Mind, Thought, and Creative utterance. While Atum joins himself to Ptah and acts as Demiurge and executes the work of creation.

  • Water is the source of all things
  • creation was accomplished by the unity of two creative principles: Ptah and Alum, the unity of Mind (Nous) with Logos (creative utterance).
  • Atum was Sun-God or fire-God
  • Opposite Principles control the life of the universe.
  • the elements in creation were fire (Atum), water (Nun), Earth (Ptah) and Air.

The gods whom Atum projected from his body were:
1. Shu (Air)
2. Tefnut (moisture)
3. Geb (earth)
4. Nut (sky)
Who are said to have given birth to four other Gods:
5. Osiris
6. Isis
7. Seth (opposite of good)
8. Nephthys (unseen world)

The Egyptian concept of cosmology, like the Chinese doctrine of Yin and Yang, and the East Indian system of Tridosha (Pitta, Vata, and Kapha), offered a comprehensive explanation of the natural forces of the universe. There were other ideals which the Egyptians developed such as the Doctrine of the Soul. They believed that the soul and body were not two distinct things, but one in two different aspects, just as form related to matter. The soul is the power which a living body possesses, and it is the end for which the body exist, the final cause of its existence.

This doesn't even scratch the surface, but its just a glimpse of just how deep the Egyptian cosmology is. The Memphite theology gives rise to some of the most complex scientific concepts we have today (i.e. big bang theory, existance of atoms, etc.)
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Got to catch up on alot of stuff.

Haven't listened to coasttocoast in 3 weeks. Any good ones to listen?
"Water is the source of all things"

I saw/interpreted this on my journey. Since I'm into stocks as well I've been looking into investing in water companies for the long term
^ I agree to an extent. Is it "evil" or "wrong" for me to speculate about/in a possible profitable investment? I'm torn myself but I strongly believe clean water will become a commodity in the future as opposed to a natural resource
spottieottie305 spottieottie305 have you ever read the emerald tablets of Thoth?

I'm not into debating. I have no stake in the outcome. Makes no difference to me whether or not certain people were black or white or purple or green or reptiles or aliens.

In order for me to express my realizations/findings of truth I'd have to show you step by step how I came to these realizations and understandings of truth and that would in turn rob you of the beauty of finding it for yourself.

Can't pave the way but I can show you where you can start. Read the emerald tablets of Thoth. Study it. Really get a grasp of what you are reading and pay attention to time periods and other civilizations mentioned. You'll find what you are looking for.
^ I agree to an extent. Is it "evil" or "wrong" for me to speculate about/in a possible profitable investment? I'm torn myself but I strongly believe clean water will become a commodity in the future as opposed to a natural resource

Have you watched the documentary "last call at the oasis"? It's a documentary, on netflix, about the water crisis. Very intriguing and eye opening. I believe they state that we will run out of clean water by 2020. Don't quote me on that, it's been a while since I've watched it.
Also, figured I'd post this video here since I believe it will resonate with most of us in here.

Discussing these topics, these tragedies, these "conspiracies", consciousness, awareness, enlightenment etc. are extremely important. But then what? What comes after awareness? Action.

Call it chance, call it luck, call it an amazing roll of the dice. Call it what you want. But we are in the minority of the people on earth. The "knowers" if you will. Or at the very least, the people on the path to knowing. It's only by chance that our circumstances have led us down this path. We are lucky enough to have not been born in extreme poverty in Africa or Sweden. Lucky enough to have access to information. But what good is this knowledge if we don't take action? How good are we if we "KNOW" what is going on in the world but yet we make no changes to fix it? It's worse than being ignorant. It's being irresponsible.

If change isn't made, the cycle continues. Not to put everyone in a state of fear, but I'm encouraging that we come together and do whatever it is we can in our peaceful fight for truth, love, freedom and understanding.

Albert Einstein — 'Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.'

Truest words. Doesn't mean you have to start a revolution and become Che or Dr. King, although it's needed. But these changes start with each individual playing their part and living their passion with the creeds of truth, love, compassion,fairness and understanding.

This is why I don't debate on trivial **** that truly makes no difference. I side with unity.

I'm venting and I gotta go lol thanks for listening
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