Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Watching the vids now. But I was reminded of a quote I had saved. Don't know where it's from, or why I've had it sitting in a text file on my desktop for 3 years. I guess it spoke to me for some reason at the time, doesn't seem particularly important now and it's not like I have any other quotes saved on my desktop, just this one. Anyway, maybe it means something, figured i'd post it up since I wasn't doing anything else with it.

"if you keep throwing sand on the sound plate, the sound will not be able to get the sand in perfect shape - you are not giving it time to place the sand grains in order - you just keep piling more and more on it - and it's spilling out the sides just like the meat on your waist/waste line - get in shape - true shape - and you will not need to sleep - sleep is the cousin of death - death is unnecessary and unnatural - death occurs when you are no longer able to keep the body in shape - it cannot be retuned by the sound source that animates it because you keep throwing meat in your mouth and you need constant sleep in order to heal the damage done by your intake"
I think you are giving these people way too much credit. We may not know who the blank face Villain is, and we might know exactly who our oppressors are. I don't believe they are that smart. Doesn't take a genius to figure out people are easily controllable, especially if you have all the resources to keep the people manipulated. They figured it out first. Simple as that. Or they stole it from whoever did figure it out and decided to keep it all for themselves. I'll go with the ladder of the two, but either way it doesn't matter.

You make very rational and logical points. I applaud you. Most can't have a rational discussion these days without turning it into a debate. But ask yourself this; what would the oppressors have to gain from the people waking up? Financially? Well they can market more to karma free appliances, organic goods, fair trade everything etc. but they already make a gazillion dollars promoting and selling the opposite so it can't be that. Physical imprisonment? Hmmm. That's a tough sell for me. I think there is more risk for violent revolt in physically imprisoning billions of people. They already have 7 billion people Imprisoned and the prisoners don't even have a ******* clue they are imprisoned. Why would they **** that up?

How is waking up designed when the idea is older than the oppressors themselves? This isn't new dogma. It's only new to us on the west. It took the internet to wake us up. And the paper trail shows no motives that this is the work of the oppressors. They have nothing to gain from it and everything to lose.

I agree, illuminati, new world order, freemasonry, conspiracies. All distractions. Even if there is truth to them, they are all distractions. So yes, our oppressors could be behind letting this information float around the internet because people let it consume them and keep them in yet another box, remaining enslaved. But not spirituality. Not love. Not compassion. Not truth. Not empathy. Those things lead to a collapse of the current structure and a rebirth of the utopia we once had. That my friend, is not designed by our oppressors. Those ideas are as old as time.

As far as DMT goes. I agree with you to extent. Dmt is not a one way ticket to enlightenment. I don't even think it's the selling point. I think it just opens up your mind to a world you never imagined. Just went you thought you had it al figured out, you find this. Just when you thought you were the **** and it don't stink, it shows you that you are just a hiccup in the universe and you'll be long forgotten. I think it's another experience that leads to more doorways. It isn't vital to our survival so it isn't necessary, but by god does it change everything. IT DID change everything if you agree with the stoned ape theory. Remember just because you perceived the video to be what you said it is, doesn't make it true to the intent of the people discussing it or to the man who spliced those clips together. It's just your perception. If you feel it's bs, then it is bs. You shape your own reality. But don't judge the drink if you've never sipped it. Maybe it is all the things you say it is. But if you never try it how will you find out? "Enlightenment"or whatever the cool new word for it may be in the next 1000 years, is gained by experience. And dmt is one that I have tried and will try again. It isn't needed. I'm not looking for answers anymore. But it is one worth having in my opinion.

Doesn't hold a candle to meditation tho ;-)
Im at the conclusion that what is not loving doesnt matter love will conquer all, and pretty much everything else is a distraction. Just keep positive vibes and enjoy life given that people in other parts have had even the idea of such a thing being real taken away from them. All the things in between are subect of your own interpretation. Whether you take what your told as the answers or you go and search for them yourself thats on you. Just be the positive light in the vast amount of darkness were covered in. And enjoy the time we spend in this space ship called earth whether its all a simulation or not.
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I had Two Dreams. Someone help me figure out what my mind is trying to tell me

Seth Rollins/Damian Sandow/Mysterious NXT Type dude were wrestling in front of my house. Like in the middle of the street. Bomani Jones shows up and I said to him, while pointing to Seth, "Dude is aight." Bomani says, "Yea that is my baby." I looked at him like huh? Other than talking to some neighbors, I really don't remember anything else.

We drove to Chicago. I first remember us being on the Metro but we clearly weren't in DC or CHI at the time. We were riding over Rivers on the Metro. I knew it was a city train because it went through the city.

But yea, we somehow ended up in a car and we took a few minutes to get onto the freeway. Once that happened we were in CHI within a few minutes. So once we were there we went to some type of children's museum and I parked there. So we were walking and somehow me and Ultimo got kidnapped and ended up in some dude's house. He wouldn't let us go and just kept pointing his gun at us.

The thing is we knew dude. He might have been from around Deanwood. But he kept having internal battles with himself whether or not he should let us go. So he went to the basement to do something. While he was down there, this mail-lady opened his door and we ran out. We didn't know where we were going but we were trying to find my car. So we are running through yards and we were dodging these weird animals. One animal was a walking catfish. Imagine an animal with the skin of a seal/walrus. He had the face of a catfish without the whiskas. But he had legs like a regular car. So we here jumping over those but they didn't seem to be a real threat. He then ended up on this super steep hill but we couldn't run down without falling forward so we hit under a car. We didn't find my car so we ended up in my other man's car. Not sure where he came from.

So we get in the 2nd car, and we drive through this street. You know how black people like standing in the middle of the street and act like streets aren't supposed to be used for cars and just take their time standing/talking or doing whatever they do. But yea, no lie. This street probably went on for a mile and there were THOUSANDS of folks in the middle of the street. We were like, "I thought we just RAN from trouble. Now we are driving through it." So we were driving hoping we would find my car. But I knew my car wasn't on THIS street. So it was taking too long for us to get through because black people wouldn't move out of the street.

So we magically appear on a bus. It was just two of us now. Not sure where the 3rd dude went. So me and dude were sitting and there are some girls around us. One points toward the back of the bus and says, "Oooh I remember him from the comedy show." She was talking about some other dude, not one of us. So as she says this, somebody just comes right up to dude and shoots him. Man it was broad daylight. The funny thing is the bus driver kept driving. I guess he is used to this in Chicago? (Damn I am letting the media control my dreams now). So my man looks at me and says, "We can't look like outsiders. Do you think people can tell we aren't from here." I said, "I don't know." He said, "Watch this." So he goes over to the dude that just got shot, patted his pockets and takes his watch. He sits back down and puts the watch on. The girls around us were like, "Oooooooooo you see that? He go hard!" I just looked at him and shook my head.

I really don't remember anything else after that but this was a good dream.
NT fam, the journey is suddenly taking me to the holy land. Just found out Im going to go to India for 3 months with my cousin...for free. My cousin is opening a micro brewery for a major company out there and they said he can bring someone. They are paying for our flights, visas, passports, food and housing expenses. I couldn't say no.

He is going on business but I'll be there in full tourist mode. Planning on taking full advantage of this opportunity to further venture down this path of spiritual awakening I've been on.

I'm thinking of buying a goPro camera and documenting everything. I'll start off in mumbai india, Visiting sages, gurus etc. Then taking the train to China, Japan and who knows where else and experiencing what they have to offer.

Don't know if ill turn it into a blog or keep it only on youtube but I'll post the videos here if anyone is interested in watching.
johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm thanks bro. I'm trying to come up with a good name for the vlog. So far I only got "Holy Smokes!"

Holy - spiritual journey to the holy land
Smokes - cause I'm a stoner and I'm pretty sure I'll be partaking in a bunch of smoking rituals lol

Contrary to what my posts show, I'm actually not cereal like this all the time. Mostly sarcastic and obnoxiously funny (maybe even annoying).

Any ideas fill free to throw them my way. I know you guys are more creative than me.
I had Two Dreams. Someone help me figure out what my mind is trying to tell me

Seth Rollins/Damian Sandow/Mysterious NXT Type dude were wrestling in front of my house. Like in the middle of the street. Bomani Jones shows up and I said to him, while pointing to Seth, "Dude is aight." Bomani says, "Yea that is my baby." I looked at him like huh? Other than talking to some neighbors, I really don't remember anything else.

We drove to Chicago. I first remember us being on the Metro but we clearly weren't in DC or CHI at the time. We were riding over Rivers on the Metro. I knew it was a city train because it went through the city.

But yea, we somehow ended up in a car and we took a few minutes to get onto the freeway. Once that happened we were in CHI within a few minutes. So once we were there we went to some type of children's museum and I parked there. So we were walking and somehow me and Ultimo got kidnapped and ended up in some dude's house. He wouldn't let us go and just kept pointing his gun at us.

The thing is we knew dude. He might have been from around Deanwood. But he kept having internal battles with himself whether or not he should let us go. So he went to the basement to do something. While he was down there, this mail-lady opened his door and we ran out. We didn't know where we were going but we were trying to find my car. So we are running through yards and we were dodging these weird animals. One animal was a walking catfish. Imagine an animal with the skin of a seal/walrus. He had the face of a catfish without the whiskas. But he had legs like a regular car. So we here jumping over those but they didn't seem to be a real threat. He then ended up on this super steep hill but we couldn't run down without falling forward so we hit under a car. We didn't find my car so we ended up in my other man's car. Not sure where he came from.

So we get in the 2nd car, and we drive through this street. You know how black people like standing in the middle of the street and act like streets aren't supposed to be used for cars and just take their time standing/talking or doing whatever they do. But yea, no lie. This street probably went on for a mile and there were THOUSANDS of folks in the middle of the street. We were like, "I thought we just RAN from trouble. Now we are driving through it." So we were driving hoping we would find my car. But I knew my car wasn't on THIS street. So it was taking too long for us to get through because black people wouldn't move out of the street.

So we magically appear on a bus. It was just two of us now. Not sure where the 3rd dude went. So me and dude were sitting and there are some girls around us. One points toward the back of the bus and says, "Oooh I remember him from the comedy show." She was talking about some other dude, not one of us. So as she says this, somebody just comes right up to dude and shoots him. Man it was broad daylight. The funny thing is the bus driver kept driving. I guess he is used to this in Chicago? (Damn I am letting the media control my dreams now). So my man looks at me and says, "We can't look like outsiders. Do you think people can tell we aren't from here." I said, "I don't know." He said, "Watch this." So he goes over to the dude that just got shot, patted his pockets and takes his watch. He sits back down and puts the watch on. The girls around us were like, "Oooooooooo you see that? He go hard!" I just looked at him and shook my head.

I really don't remember anything else after that but this was a good dream.

Lol, I stopped reading after the first paragraph but bro just write down everything you remember in a note pad as soon as you wake up and also go buy you a book that deciphers numbers, colors, symbols, etc...dream interpretation book and you good to go. Those types of dreams you have to piece together and deciphers. It's usually not that clear cut in terms of meanings.
Man i swear i was just thinking this. Like this **** isnt normal
This. Feels like I graduated from HS last yeah..
Now I have a bachelors degree and my own place and ideal job. 0.o. Time is flying.
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When you're faced with an overwhelming, life-threatening crisis as in the Titanic being hit by an iceberg, and you happen to be aware before anybody else is that the ship is going to sink and that there aren't enough lifeboats, and you know how to build lifeboats, and you try to deal with that in however long the Titanic had before it went down — you're likely to run across three types of passengers.

You'll run across a type that is basically deer in the headlights: "Ship's been hit! What does that mean? What do I do? I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. Should I do that? I don't know." That's one group.

There's another group that says "We get that the ship's going to sink. We get that we're all going to die unless we make some lifeboats, and do it fast. Show us what to do."

And then you have a third group that says: "This is the Titanic. It's absolutely unsinkable. So we're going back to the bar for a drink and all you doomsday sayers can just take a hike."

Now if you're the one who knows how to build the lifeboats, which group of people are you going to help?

-Michael C. Ruppert, COLLAPSE

if you have not seen Collapse, it is a fascinating look into what seems to be a VERY realistic and horrifying scenario...
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