Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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that makes complete that video earlier joe rogan said a dmt trip was like starting over with a clean desktop with 1 folder holding all of your old ideas.

its like a reboot.

i was reviewing the work of my favorite philosopher to contribute to a friends song and it went...

Meditation II: Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind: That It Is Better Known Than the Body[edit]
In Meditation II, Descartes lays out a pattern of thought, sometimes called representationalism,[5] in response to the doubts forwarded in Meditation I. He identifies five steps in this theory:

1. We have access to only the world of our ideas; things in the world are accessed only indirectly.
2. These ideas are understood to include all of the contents of the mind, including perceptions, images, memories, concepts, beliefs, intentions, decisions, etc.
3. Ideas and the things they represent are separate from each other.
4. These represented things are many times "external" to the mind.
5. It is possible for these ideas to constitute either accurate or false representations.
For those that maybe didnt see the proposed date for now was june 6 so if that date works or doesnt for anyone so we could talk and see what works for everyone.

"A 1500-year-old bible has been discovered in Turkey. Discovered in 2000, the book that contains purportedly the Gospel of Barnabas has been transferred by the Turkish government to the Ethnography Museum of Ankara with a police escort. Barnabas was a disciple of Christ, and in the work, claims that Jesus was not crucified, instead it says he ascended to heaven alive and Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place. Furthermore, the 1500-year-old bible states that Jesus Christ was not the son of God, but simply a prophet who passed on the word of God."

"A 1500-year-old bible has been discovered in Turkey. Discovered in 2000, the book that contains purportedly the Gospel of Barnabas has been transferred by the Turkish government to the Ethnography Museum of Ankara with a police escort. Barnabas was a disciple of Christ, and in the work, claims that Jesus was not crucified, instead it says he ascended to heaven alive and Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place. Furthermore, the 1500-year-old bible states that Jesus Christ was not the son of God, but simply a prophet who passed on the word of God."

Anything to throw us off of our foundation in these last days :smh:.. No thanks
The idea of a new world order is not a bad idea if the idea of "America" is real. If you had REAL leaders and the public was taught the real truth in order to have a proper vote, I'd be all for it. Humans are a disease to ourselves, all living species and most importantly the planet. It needs to be regulated. We massively reproduce and destroy any piece of land we migrate to, then once it's destroyed we leave and do the same to the next place we call home.

We're too crazy about this idea of "freedom". I think freedom needs to be redefined. You can have free will to do anything you want, as long as you are only affecting yourself. Your freedom stops when you make choices that directly and indirectly affect other humans, other living beings and the earth in a negative or harmful way. There has to be rules and laws because not all humans are smart. Not all humans are hard workers. Not all humans are empathetic and compassionate. Not all humans are sane. But yet all these types of people have the freedom to reproduce (and humans like to **** like rabbits) so they can teach their kids to be stupid, too. And like joe rogan says "the problem with dumb people is that they don't know they are dumb".

Reproduction is one of my biggest beliefs to save the planet at this point. It needs to be regulated. I'm all for eugenics and I'm all for communism. People should have to take some sort of exam in order to reproduce and if you pass your allowed to have 2 children. **** you need 8 kids for? And not an exam with algebra and science questions. But open ended questions about your daily habits and views. Questions based on compassion, empathy, logic, critical thinking and the environment.

Somebody has to feel this lol.

Agree 100%.
I got through watching a couple of the videos in the last couple pages. I dont deny anything in the videos cause clearly just taking some time and thinking about different views and thinking about some of the news stories clearly some effery is happening and thats just putting it lightly. The one burning feeling that i have is, if the plan is to enslave us all in camps and take away our guns and freedoms and everything why do we still have so many things availiable to us to possibly prevent that. The one tool that has put so many people onto things and opened so many minds (internet) is still here. So many videos still online all over the web, nothing ever goes away. Alex jones regardless of what you think still here. NRA the advocaters for guns and for people to be able to be armed they powerfull and alive. Message boards, email, podcast. Why leave so much room for the possibilities of having their plans foiled. One day someone could wake up and revolutionize thinking and start a wave of something against them. The only reasons i can think of is that no matter the exposure, the total insane nonsense and ******* that happens with laws and just nonsensical things on the news and tv, the rediculous propoganda and utter stupidity, they know that we wont do **** about it. Or its just some sick game they are playing with us like teasing a hungry starving person with a plate of steak and taking it away and spitting in their face. What some other powerfull country one day says **** it with america and the same way we dropped bombs and missiles in iraq and still killing so many innocent people left and right they come over here and unleash a hellstorm of bombs and missiles and tanks on us here in the land of the free. Why allow the availability of tools and knowledge and hope that out of that people can all unite and just get rid of the evil crazy system they have setup. Also what is taking so damn long to get the plan going, waiting any longer and they might **** around and slip and everything they set up will fall down. If people start to wake up its a very dangerous game they are planning, because their is alot of blow back to alot of stupid things they are trying to pass or put in place, people are starting to raise their voice, albeit quietly. People little by little are catching on. There are several new corporations that are gaining some power that arent with the old way if things being and they are making moves whether its lobbist against things like net nutrality, or those people that stood ground for the cows in vegas not sure if they were a militia or not. Hell even some politians as small in number as they maybe get exposure for being somewhat for the people. The last election with ron paul getting some people to see another picture. Some crazyness man. The aliens need to come down and scare the entire world and maybe it will unite people and change stuff, or a godzilla/cloverfield type monster will make people realize that we are all one. Idk man
I got through watching a couple of the videos in the last couple pages. I dont deny anything in the videos cause clearly just taking some time and thinking about different views and thinking about some of the news stories clearly some effery is happening and thats just putting it lightly. The one burning feeling that i have is, if the plan is to enslave us all in camps and take away our guns and freedoms and everything why do we still have so many things availiable to us to possibly prevent that. The one tool that has put so many people onto things and opened so many minds (internet) is still here. So many videos still online all over the web, nothing ever goes away. Alex jones regardless of what you think still here. NRA the advocaters for guns and for people to be able to be armed they powerfull and alive. Message boards, email, podcast. Why leave so much room for the possibilities of having their plans foiled. One day someone could wake up and revolutionize thinking and start a wave of something against them. The only reasons i can think of is that no matter the exposure, the total insane nonsense and ******* that happens with laws and just nonsensical things on the news and tv, the rediculous propoganda and utter stupidity, they know that we wont do **** about it. Or its just some sick game they are playing with us like teasing a hungry starving person with a plate of steak and taking it away and spitting in their face. What some other powerfull country one day says **** it with america and the same way we dropped bombs and missiles in iraq and still killing so many innocent people left and right they come over here and unleash a hellstorm of bombs and missiles and tanks on us here in the land of the free. Why allow the availability of tools and knowledge and hope that out of that people can all unite and just get rid of the evil crazy system they have setup. Also what is taking so damn long to get the plan going, waiting any longer and they might **** around and slip and everything they set up will fall down. If people start to wake up its a very dangerous game they are planning, because their is alot of blow back to alot of stupid things they are trying to pass or put in place, people are starting to raise their voice, albeit quietly. People little by little are catching on. There are several new corporations that are gaining some power that arent with the old way if things being and they are making moves whether its lobbist against things like net nutrality, or those people that stood ground for the cows in vegas not sure if they were a militia or not. Hell even some politians as small in number as they maybe get exposure for being somewhat for the people. The last election with ron paul getting some people to see another picture. Some crazyness man. The aliens need to come down and scare the entire world and maybe it will unite people and change stuff, or a godzilla/cloverfield type monster will make people realize that we are all one. Idk man
The Rex-84 plan isn't to enslave ALL of us. 21 Million African-Americans. 

Between that, Iran Contra, and COINTELPRO...I'll let someone else speak on why they're so concerned about suppressing one specific race.
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The Rex-84 plan isn't to enslave ALL of us. 21 Million African-Americans. 

Between that, Iran Contra, and COINTELPRO...I'll let someone else speak on why they're so concerned about suppressing one specific race.

I wasnt specifically talking about the rex 84 plan, i meant all of the conspiracy videos online, there are new ones all the time, all the digging and searching through all videos, message boards, Alex Jones, ect. The illuminati exposure video craze from a couple of years ago. New exposures using old videos with government meetings and documents and interviews being brought to the surface one can go on and on. I just got a message from a friend about a bill H.R. 2487 that was passed some years ago that is going to go into affect on july 1st which is basically supposed to cause the collapse of the dollar. I mean with all these exposures and revolations what exactly are we supposed to prepare for, why with all this reality out there, we havent had some potential revolutions happening, whos going to jump start the engine to combat this, i mean all these truths have been getting put out there for years way before alot of us watching or reading about this stuff were born. Theres videos that try to shed or show us the truth have many contridicting things that are shown in other videos. So many of those videos and its not 10 or 20 of them but maybe several hundred videos maybe thousands of videos. That have millions upon millions of views combined. Not only are they being viewed here in america but all around the world. And it doesn't go beyond that. With all this now out there in the open whats holding people back. What is it. I don't mean in anyway to pick you out or anyone else out because i believe many of these videos have alot of truths, but between us and them alot of things just aren't happening or adding up.
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Like 5% of this nation understands economics and the global implications of inflation acceleration. Point blank, majority of your average Americans don't know or care about this stuff. All I can say is, if you're weary about the dollar collapsing, pay off your debts, convert some money into silver and gold, and stock up on food and other necessities.
Like 5% of this nation understands economics and the global implications of inflation acceleration. Point blank, majority of your average Americans don't know or care about this stuff. All I can say is, if you're weary about the dollar collapsing, pay off your debts, convert some money into silver and gold, and stock up on food and other necessities.

Sucks, I'm just about to graduate and I have a decent amount of school loans :frown:. Hoping the collapse won't be felt until next year, so I can pay off some of my loans and buy some more gold/silver.

Also, really good discussion going on in here :pimp:.
Like 5% of this nation understands economics and the global implications of inflation acceleration. Point blank, majority of your average Americans don't know or care about this stuff. All I can say is, if you're weary about the dollar collapsing, pay off your debts, convert some money into silver and gold, and stock up on food and other necessities.

Im not really concerned about the colapse of the dollar i could care less about that honestly, i just like having these discussions for all the other reasons i stated in my two rants, and just the mass confusion that exist. At the end of the day if no one is taking any action all anyone can do is sit and wait to see what happens. Regardless of what happens. All of life to me is all speculation and theories the only fact is that this meat space suit that houses our souls is eventually going to die. The energy that is us live's on forever whether here or in another universe or dimension. All i can do is try to elevate my mind and give as much love and positivity to the world and those around me as i can, help when and where i can and enjoy every day while im on earth.
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I dont think you know just exactly what youre saying... but hey, to each his own.


An oldie, just sharing :pimp:

I get what your saying by just quoting that part of what i said. But none of what's happening changes the fact that we're all going to one day not be alive. A enourmous space rock can come down and wipe us all out. Likely hood of it happening probably not high but with the meteorite that hit russia who know's. Also there's talk of Apocalyptic prophecies and events that are supposed to take place in religion and from many in the past so whether or not we believe the bible or religions, or all the conspiracy theories, we shouldn't really be surprised by any of this. And even with that not many in the global scale seem to be doing much as far as helping man do anything about it.
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It seems as though you guys are too worried about all these potential treats, and you all missing the big picture in your everyday lives.
C.Magneto C.Magneto - dope videos :pimp: The acoustic manipulation is so fresh. This on a bigger scale, doe.....

Second video is def on point. Still checkin it.
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T TYE_The Time Traveler

It's called fear mongering. Mass manipulation to perpetuate fear. The prison isn't the FEMA camps. The prison is the one you lock yourself into once you start reading about it and you let it manipulate your mind and if they do it right, you become fearful of it and you never do anything about it. It's a prison for your mind. You think you're free because you aren't in a FEMA camp at the moment? You aren't free. Never have been. They did better than a physical prison, the created one you cannot see or touch. Word to Morpheus. But you can be free. It won't happen because of a revolution or a revolutionary. It will happen because you found what you forgot. You freed yourself.

All of this is very interesting. Hollow earth, 9/11, Annunaki, reptilians, the collapse etc. But these are ALL distractions. None of this matters. Why would it? If a reptilian showed up on your door step today, what would that change about your life? Absolutely nothing.The truth is you are here. And this is all apart of the human experience. It has to be this way. How do I know this to be true? Because in this very moment, this is the way it is. It can't be any other way because it is this way. The sky could be red, but it isn't. Why spend your time worrying about what color the sky is, you can't control it.

Find what you forgot. It's inside of you, you just forgot where you put it. Once you find it, you represent that change you're looking for. This is what Change is necessary. Injustice won't last forever. It will change. But maybe not in your lifetime. The ego wants it now. So you can experience the utopia that this place was/is/and could be because we think it's all about me. There is no me, no you. Just us. The **** is too deep for a world wide change all at once. It's impossible. Be selfish. We are here to blossom. So blossom. You're already on the path, keep going. Those who seek, find. As long as you're seeking for truth, you'll find it. You never lost it. And when you remember where you put it, you'll laugh like you've never laughed before.
A revolutionary is part of the political world; his approach is through politics. His understanding is that changing the social structure is enough to change the human being.

A rebel, as I use the term, is a spiritual phenomenon. His approach is absolutely individual. His vision is that if we want to change the society, we have to change the individual. Society in itself does not exist; it is only a word, like "crowd" - if you go to find it, you will not find it anywhere. Wherever you encounter someone, you will encounter an individual. "Society" is only a collective name - just a name, not a reality - with no substance.

The individual has a soul, has a possibility of evolution, of change, of transformation. Hence, the difference is tremendous.

The rebel is the very essence of religion. He brings into the world a change of consciousness - and if the consciousness changes, then the structure of the society is bound to follow it. But vice versa is not the case, and it has been proved by all the revolutions because they have failed.

No revolution has yet succeeded in changing human beings; but it seems we are not aware of the fact. We still go on thinking in terms of revolution, of changing society, of changing the government, of changing the bureaucracy, of changing laws, political systems. Feudalism, capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism - they were all in their own way revolutionary. They all have failed, and failed utterly, because man has remained the same.

We have to be rebels, not revolutionaries. The revolutionary belongs to a very mundane sphere; the rebel and his rebelliousness are sacred. The revolutionary cannot stand alone; he needs a crowd, a political party, a government. He needs power - and power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Human consciousness has not grown for centuries. Only once in a while someone blossoms - but in millions of people, the blossoming of one person is not a rule, it is the exception. And because that person is alone, the crowd cannot tolerate him. His existence becomes a kind of humiliation; his very presence feels insulting because he opens your eyes, makes you aware of your potential and your future. And it hurts your ego that you have done nothing to grow, to be more conscious, to be more loving, more ecstatic, more creative, more silent - to create a beautiful world around you.

Hence a Gautam Buddha or a Chuang Tzu hurts you because they have blossomed and you are just standing there.

The world has known only very few rebels. But now is the time: if humanity proves incapable of producing a large number of rebels, a rebellious spirit, then our days on the earth are numbered. Then the coming decades may become our graveyard. We are coming very close to that point.

We have to change our consciousness, create more meditative energy in the world, create more lovingness. We have to destroy the old - its ugliness, its rotten ideologies, its stupid discriminations, idiotic superstitions - and create a new human being with fresh eyes, with new values. A discontintuity with the past - that's the meaning of rebelliousness.

These three words will help you to understand: reform, revolution, and rebellion.

Reform means a modification. The old remains and you give it a new form, a new shape - it is a kind of renovation to an old building. The original structure remains; you whitewash it, you clean it, you create a few windows, a few new doors.

Revolution goes deeper than reform. The old remains, but more changes are introduced, changes even in its basic structure. You are not only changing its color and opening a few new windows and doors, but perhaps building new stories, taking it higher into the sky. But the old is not destroyed, it remains hidden behind the new; in fact, it remains the very foundation of the new. Revolution is a continuity with the old.

Rebellion is a discontinuity. It is not reform, it is not revolution; it is simply disconnecting yourself from all that is old. The old religions, the old political ideologies, the old human being - all that is old, you disconnect yourself from it. You start life afresh, from scratch.

The revolutionary tries to change the old; the rebel simply comes out of the old, just as a snake slips out of the old skin and never looks back.

The future needs no more revolutions. The future needs a new experiment, which has not been tried yet. Although for thousands of years there have been rebels, they remained alone - individuals. Perhaps the time was not ripe for them. But now the time is not only ripe....if you don't hurry, the time has come to an end. In the coming decades, either mankind will disappear or a new human being with a new vision will appear on the earth. That new human being will be a rebel.

Excerpt from "The Book of Understanding" by OSHO
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Longest post ever? Haha. My bad fellas. Hopefully at least one reads that. If not, no worries. Just a wall of text you have to scroll by lol.
Which vid? The one about psychedelics? What's all a lie? Vague? I don't think you've seen or read enough, especially if this thread is your only source.

Sincerely asking you those questions, though. Hope to read some answers.

Yes I was referring to the psychedelic vid. But I guess I wasn't being all that clear. The video talks about the drug tearing down the constructs and showing you a different perspective on our lives and how basically everything we know is a lie. What I was saying was that I already can see its all a lie without having taken the drug and that any other descriptions of the types of experiences or knowledge gained beyond that has been vague from what I have read and seen.

But the point I was trying to make is that these vids are really selling this stuff hard which made me stop and think. I've listened to quite a few hours of McKenna, some Joe Rogan stuff as well as read various things over the years on the subject. Admittedly I have always wanted to try it, what I've heard has spoken to me and made a lot of sense and honestly seems to be exactly what I am looking for, a gateway to real knowledge and understanding. I've wanted to try freemasonry for the same reasons. If for no other reason than to be able to dismiss it and continue on in the search. But that last video gave me pause, it was just really selling it hard imo. This is the key. This is the answer. This is what you have been looking for. This is the secret they don't want you to know. So many people go their whole lives and never try it. You should try it! You have to try it! Good lord. The most worrisome thing about it all is that I pretty much believed that, that was my impression, that it was the answer, it was what I had been looking for. But I see that idea has kinda been sold to me over time through more subtle variations of the video in question. The tone of it all, the hype, the somewhat mainstreamness of it all makes it seem like it is being propagated. Seems like the lazy american path to enlightenment. Everyone wishes they could just take a pill and see the matrix for what it is. It seems too easy. Just spilling some thoughts out on it. I'm not saying it's all bs though. Perhaps jesus walked the earth spilling real truth but is christianity real truth? Something else I wondered is if this "secret" has been around for so long, maybe someone has figured out how to control that realm or accumulate power over others who enter that realm and have no clue what they are seeing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but that particular video made me stop and rethink my perception of psychedelics.

I wasnt specifically talking about the rex 84 plan, i meant all of the conspiracy videos online, there are new ones all the time, all the digging and searching through all videos, message boards, Alex Jones, ect. The illuminati exposure video craze from a couple of years ago. New exposures using old videos with government meetings and documents and interviews being brought to the surface one can go on and on. I just got a message from a friend about a bill H.R. 2487 that was passed some years ago that is going to go into affect on july 1st which is basically supposed to cause the collapse of the dollar. I mean with all these exposures and revolations what exactly are we supposed to prepare for, why with all this reality out there, we havent had some potential revolutions happening, whos going to jump start the engine to combat this, i mean all these truths have been getting put out there for years way before alot of us watching or reading about this stuff were born. Theres videos that try to shed or show us the truth have many contridicting things that are shown in other videos. So many of those videos and its not 10 or 20 of them but maybe several hundred videos maybe thousands of videos. That have millions upon millions of views combined. Not only are they being viewed here in america but all around the world. And it doesn't go beyond that. With all this now out there in the open whats holding people back. What is it. I don't mean in anyway to pick you out or anyone else out because i believe many of these videos have alot of truths, but between us and them alot of things just aren't happening or adding up.

I came to the conclusion awhile ago that all of this stuff is controlled opposition in a sense. Seeds of distrust and contempt for "government" and the system have been and are being planted in Americans. Obama is to the conservative right what Bush was to the liberal left. Now everyone hates the govt and has little faith in the democratic process. Seems like almost every single movie coming out these days is post-apocalyptic. They are all depicting a future world, post revolution or mass destruction. People don't realize that when they revolt, when they tear all this **** down, the same people who set it up are gonna be there to implement a more technologically advanced, more efficient form of oppression. Who are we overthrowing? It's not the politicians, it's not the bankers. It's not Warren Buffet or Bill Gates and it's not the Rothschild kids. People have no idea who is in control but best believe they are 13 steps ahead of any organic revolutionary commie rebuilding plan with infinitely more resources. All these conspiracy theorists, all this new, new age thinking, all this revolutionary crap. People are thinking exactly the way they are supposed to be thinking. People are being led down a carefully crafted path by the same matrix they think they are escaping. The illuminati/freemason hype. It's all a piece of the puzzle in this mass mind control experiment. This is what they want. They want people "waking up". It's clear to me this is designed.

At this point I can't really figure out the play. Is it as simple as a controlled demolition of credit system that has run it's course as a mechanism for advancement and growth? Is it a hegelian dialectic of love and enlightenment versus the fear and violence of a NWO scenario? One thing I have noticed though is that when the elite make global power plays they usually kill about 15 or 16 birds with one stone.
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