Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Giant hole and Tunel found in Mars

Explanation: What created this unusual hole in Mars? The hole was discovered by chance on images of the dusty slopes of Mars' Pavonis Mons volcano taken by the HiRISE instrument aboard the robotic Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter currently circling Mars. The hole appears to be an opening to an underground cavern, partly illuminated on the image right. Analysis of this and follow-up images revealed the opening to be about 35 meters across, while the interior shadow angle indicates that the underlying cavern is roughly 20 meters deep. Why there is a circular crater surrounding this hole remains a topic of speculation, as is the full extent of the underlying cavern. Holes such as this are of particular interest because their interior caves are relatively protected from the harsh surface of Mars, making them relatively good candidates to contain Martian life. These pits are therefore prime targets for possible future spacecraft, robots, and even human interplanetary explorers.
Lil Wayne's new video "My Homie Still"...The last scene is a Movie Theater filled with skeletons...something to think about

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Archeologists Uncover a New 1600-year-old 'Night Sun' Mayan Temple

A TEMPLE built 1600 years ago to honour a Mayan king by streaming sunlight around his tomb is being excavated in the dense forests of Guatemala.

"The sun was a key element of Maya rulership," lead archeologist Stephen Houston explained in announcing the discovery by the joint Guatemalan and American team that has been excavating the El Zotz site since 2006.

"It's something that rises every day and penetrates into all nooks and crannies, just as royal power presumably would," said Houston, a professor at Brown University, Rhode Island.

U.K. To reveal ALL UFO Files. 07/17/2012
Anyone know anything about The Anubis Oracle: A Journey into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt? I just moved into an apartment and found the cover to this tarot card game in one of the drawers.


Seems like some really deep stuff.. description mentions reaching out to ancient spirits.
i also need to start contributing to this awesome thread

i'll just start with these...


Chariots of the Gods? - Erich Von Daniken (the godfather of ancient alien theory)
Forgotten Worlds - Robert Charroux
The Morning of The Magicians - Louis Pauwels & Jaques Bergier

These 3 vintage classics are probably old hat to most in here yet compulsory readings nonetheless
& figured i'd share what got me into a lot of this stuff many years ago
Metal Library Found in Tayos Cave in Ecuador

In what maybe one of the biggest discoveries ever, a team of explorers is claiming that they have found the legendary golden library and other mysterious treasures in the Tayos Cave system in Ecuador. The team announced that they accidentally found some hidden tunnels that were obviously dug out artificially sometime in the ancient past while inside one of the main chambers. The team was able to follow one of these tunnels for approximately ½ mile and came upon a large room containing the golden library and various other treasures.

Top Russian Admirals: UFOs Patrol Bermuda Triangle
Twin Peaks ran from 1990 to 1991 before X-Files or Northern Exposure & shares the distinction of being my favorite all-time show along with Cheers.
If you never watched it...and you're in this should go watch it along with the original pilot & subsequent prequel movie.

Don't watch part 2 if you are all interested in watching the whole series. Start from the begining. If this show doesn't blow your
mind, I don't know what will....Eraserhead perhaps.

David Lynch is one of the only celebrities I honesly would like to have a conversation with.
Lil Wayne's new video "My Homie Still"...The last scene is a Movie Theater filled with skeletons...something to think about

'Dark Knight Rises' Shooting Suspect James Holmes Hated Rap Music, Especially Lil Wayne


In addition to being an accused psychotic killer, James Holmes, apparently also hated rap music. According to a Reuters report the 24-year old, who authorities believe murdered 12 people and injured 58 others inside a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado expressed a deep dislike for Lil Wayne and rap music in general.

When not in school, Holmes would sometimes hang out on the stoop of his building, located in a part of Aurora where drugs and gunshots were not uncommon, according to one neighbor.

Police arrived at the apartment on Friday to find it booby-trapped with sophisticated explosives, creating a hazard for law-enforcement and bomb squad officers who swarmed to the building.

Near the scene, another neighbor, Rachel Reed, 25, recalled seeing Holmes a number of times on the stoop, with his backpack. A couple of months ago she ran into him at the Zephyr, where she had put a Lil Wayne rap song on the jukebox.

Holmes disapproved, she said, preferring rock 'n' roll music. He came over and "made some racially charged comments about rap," she said.

"He seemed like he was a normal dude," she said. "He was a little buzzed."

Obviously there is nothing normal about Holmes. He's currently sitting in a Colorado jail cell after making his first court appearance today, He will be formally charged July 30th for his crimes. It's still being decided whether or not he will be eligible for the death penalty.
The first video will add perspective to the second video

(4:10 - 4:25)

That second video was a super reach, IMO. The whole left eye thing with the mask, and no shadow passing behind it... the reason there was no shadow was because that was more of the mask blocking the shadow of the car. I couldn't sit through most of the video.I didn't even bother looking at the 3rd video.
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