Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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So to all the NYers in the thread and be cereal.....

Nah just wear sunglasses lol
On July 21st, 2001, Carey made a bizarre appearance at the Carson Daly show, which is now infamously referred to as the “Ice Cream Meltdown”. It began with Mariah pushing an ice cream cart while wearing a large men’s shirt. She then stripped it off and asked Carson Daly to “kidnap her”. She then talked about how she needed therapy and that “she wasn’t seeing any money in the bank”. Daly, visibly shaken announced: ‘

“Ladies and gentlemen, Mariah Carey has lost her mind.”

Never saw this

I stumbled across this youtube series called "Programed to Kill". It is 100+ episodes examining at least 50 serial killers and their ties to the military, occult groups, hells angels, etc.... It makes a pretty convincing case that most if not all of them did not act alone as their official stories would have you belive. The first 10 or so episodes are based on a book of the same name, the uploader continues with their own research. It is almost entirely sourced from mainstream and local news stories and interviews with the killers, victims, family members and others close to the case. Not a bunch of questionable conspiracy theory websites like is usually the case with these topics. Almost all the killers have implied to varying degrees that they had accomplices that were never implicated. Talks about police coverups/"incompetence". The fact that some of these killers have connections to each other, to sex trafficking, to occult groups, to military. Coincidentally, it also ties in with the most recent posts in here. Gacy/paske/norman were the beginnings of the pizza thing. Norman was found to have 30,000 notecards that mysteriously went missing with contact info of his "clients". Paske, normans accomplice, recieved payments from Gacys contracting company. Gacy, Hillary and the Podesta brothers all lived within a 2 mile radius of each other at one point. Dahmer was not far away. Connections such as this are neverending. Very eye opening. Heres the first episode.

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Anyone here try Bio-Hacking? Drug called Modafinil where like 80% of devs in Silicon Valley use it and say its just like the Limitless drug...

Haven’t tried or heard about that drug, but wow that was a long read.
- Fasting, good sleep, being in sync with the circadian rhythm, a low carb diet, and exercise all help cognitive function.
- There’s more and more research being done on the long term effects of hallucinogenics, looks to be pretty promising.
- Where he went off the rails was when he mentioned taking SSRI’s and then using Sapolsky as a source later in the article. Sapolsky has a whole lecture at Stanford on depression. In this lecture, Sapolsky covers how serotonin isn’t the one true culprit of depression.
- Also, he’s a little overboard with the supplements imo. One example being taking omega fatty acids and that keto product when he’s already fasting and on a keto diet

Travel like a king
Listen to the inner voice
A higher wisdom is at work for you
Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier
When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
Every ending is a new beginning
Life is an endless unfoldment
Change your mind, and you change your relation to time

You can find the answer
The solution lies within the problem
The answer is in every question
Dig it?
An attitude is all you need to rise and walk away
Inspire yourself
Your life is yours
It fits you like your skin

The oak sleeps in the acorn
The giant sequoia tree sleeps in its tiny seed
The bird waits in the egg
God waits for his unfoldment in man
Fly on, children
Play on

You gravitate to that which you secretly love most
You meet in life the exact reproduction of your own thoughts
There is no chance, coincidence or accident
In a world ruled by law and divine order
You rise as high as your dominant aspiration
You descend to the level of your lowest concept of your self
Free your mind and your *** will follow

The infinite intelligence within you knows the answers
Its nature is to respond to your thoughts
Be careful of the thought-seeds you plant in the garden of your mind
For seeds grow after their kind

Play on, children

Every thought felt as true
Or allowed to be accepted as true by your conscious mind
Takes roots in your subconscious
Blossoms sooner or later into an act
And bears its own fruit
Good thoughts bring forth good fruit
******** thoughts rot your meat
Think right, and you can fly
The kingdom of heaven is within
Free your mind, and your *** will follow

Play on, children
Sing on, lady
THis guy is on Jesus now?
Must be better pay to follow Jesus.

This is wild.
How did I not know of this.

This is standard per the NOI teaching. They’ve always used biblical/quran metaphors to teach. The further you go in the teachings the more is revealed. “Don’t give meat to babies as they say.”

The Bible says, "When I was a child, I spoke like a child... but when I became a
man I put away childish things."

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad called his Nation of Islam a "baby nation" and he
often used baby language or explanations that could be grasped by people who,
because of slavery and racial discrimination, had been denied higher education. But inside the words that seemed sometimes embarrassingly simple was a depth
of wisdom that surpassed that of most gurus, teachers and masters alive today. No divine teacher interprets himself. The full meaning of what he or she taught must wait until another happens along who sees what the former teacher was really putting down.
Moses interpreted Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and the prophets before him. But
Jesus came and interpreted Moses and the Mosaic law.When Prophet Muhammad arrived he interpreted Jesus' InjiyI (Revelation) andmuch of Jesus' life and teachings. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was initiated in the divine wisdom and science and he interpreted Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and many of the prophets back to Noah and even Adam.
But he did not interpret himself.
For a master teacher to succeed in producing deep character change and spiritual growth in his students he has to get past their little egoistic minds and reach the
depths of their being with his words.
The ego or Monkey Mind - as the Indian Yogis call it - acts like a hockey goalie. It
slaps away, guards and blocks anything truly spiritual and immaterial from getting
into the deeper parts of being. It doesn't always succeed, so things do get
through, but when they do, they are distorted, sometimes perverted and "grafted"
bits of knowledge. They grow like demons in the soul and produce "grafted
devils" when their vile work is done. To sneak past the monkey mind goalie - like a thief in the night - the master
teacher has to employ the language of symbols, mythology, allegory and pictures.”
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