Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I used to believe this crap , but then i got a job and grew up and matured.. Also education helped and socializing with people of all backgrounds and social stature , as well as playing sports and not sitting behind a computer all day thinking about coincidental numerology , or which celeb made a pact with the devil and how all black success is derived from some sort of Elite illuminati cult ...

Sometimes life sucks and some of ppl hide that pain by jumping all in on the hope that some person who succeed in life can't possibly do so by means of hard work and dedication but by some invisible hand that controls the fates of all , and thus they are able to reflect their own sad and anonymous life as not their own fault..And that makes them happy i guess..
While I agree with you, I think the recent surge in posts here come from people trying to cope with the sudden and tragic loss of one of their heroes, combined with the general sentiment of conspiracy theorists.
If he and his daughter never boarded that helicopter, of course his family knows.

Yeah I doubt that. But I could be wrong. There’s no way to know. We’ll see if and when Vanessa makes a statement. You can’t fake that type of pain. If something like that took place there will be some obvious tell tale signs from her or one of his daughters. Kobe gone fam |l
oh god.
Quite the contrary. I can only speak for myself but I actually try and provide resources so people can look into stuff on their own. Find out for themselves. Draw their own conclusions. If you’re so convinced that you have it all figured out why would you waste your time reading anything in this thread?

I come in this thread because:

1. Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee summons me here

2. I am actually able to be interested in ideas without fully embracing know...thinking for myself...drawing my own conclusions
Quick tip for those actually vested in this thread......

skeptical >>>>>>>>>> GULLIBLE

dont get caught slippin.
Big pharma company was involved in a lawsuit with Kobe too before he blind if you want to.

Yup I remember this. He shouldve dived on that. I also seen a similar thing in the nba. It was during the cavs vs warriors 2016 playoffs. cavs won the ship that year. I think it was game 7. Steph had several nonchalant turnovers. I watched his reaction/demeanor many times over. He intentionally turned those balls over.
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The one mistake people make is using the term "rigged" when it comes to sports and future events alike.

Rigging assumes that someone has control over how things are going to play out.
Predetermined is more the phrase that should be used when talking about the outcomes of sporting events......

Assuming that men are setting in this room and pulling these strings to make X happen is a little extreme but they are privy to the outcome because they've "cracked the code"....... if you can just fix your mind to go to a place that can understand that ALL OF THIS THAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW IN THE WORLD, has already been written, all this makes a bit more sense.
The Gematria and numbers can explain more than you know.

Sports aren't rigged.
There are those who may be privy to the outcomes, though.
What is going on today was known yesterday.
What is going to happen tomorrow might as well be yesterday to some, because they already know the outcome.
Choice? We only think we have it.
I’m legit asking... if Kobe not dead what would he be doing?
This is a great question.
There are so many possible answers to that question.

We live in a World where you can get in an automobile, push a button and then go to sleep, waking up 3hours later at your destination.

We live in a world where they can 3D print Organs from dead cells, and a few hours later transplant that Organ into a human, and make it work.

We can grow people.

We can build cities.

We have artificial intelligence.

We have mastered Invisibility.

We have Alien Technology.

We can do anything.

No telling what that man would be doing, if he faked his death.

My man could have downloaded his Memories and Uploaded them into a completely different baby body, and started his life all over.

Anything is possible, today.
So yall think Steph Curry "made a deal"?

He's rich and famous. Got a christian clean cut image thats transcendent.
Showed promise early on in his career but his ankles kept failing him and almost derailed it.
Then, no more ankle issues and he's ascended to a historic greatness, changed the game and became a top player in the nba.

What yall thinking? Did he dance with the devil?
I don't get the cam gif.

Anyway, like my man mentioned's so many possibilities. So many answers that none of us will ever know.

Kobe getting on that plane hasn't been proven to me. Not much has though, when it comes to what the media pushes.
General question for all. Something I was thinking about this morning when it comes to "The Pact." What do you think happens to a child when their parent offers them up to to an entity in exchange for riches/success/abilities.

(For example) For example, I think of prominent child stars, Biebers, Mike Jackson, and whether or not their PARENTS made a pact "for" the kid to ensure they are put in a position to BE successful.

Of course nobody KNOWS the answers but just curious as to everyone's thoughts on the topic.

Man, Kobe really got this thread/folks' brains moving.

Good to see.
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