Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Dudes will read that ^ and scream conspiracy theory when the information is right there clear as day.

Um, it's true too.

People saying no way should just look up the Fema Camps and do a little math.
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Social Security needing 174 million rounds of hollowpoints.

DHS ordering 450 million rounds ..


Think about that **** for a min

And people are talking about ban guns ..
I'm watching the Enigma 2012 video. Very interesting information. But I really REALLY hate when these people giving lectures give poor source information. The guy bases his sources on Black Ops experiments and "secret government" things.

This dude cited a movie. :rofl:

I can't. I just can't. The man said Gaddafi had a BUILDING used for time travel, gave it to Bin Laden, and Bin Laden knew the future, that's why the US went after him. No sources cited. No proof. The simple fact that he believes the one person gave another person A TIME TRAVEL BUILDING which caused a war, is outrageous. I looked passed him saying The Vatican and Templars were spiritually connected because they had Egyptian like objects in the Vatican Courtyard (they had to be spiritually connected because it's completely impossible for the Templars to steal objects >D) but that's where I draw the line and call complete ********.

Lol @ this propaganda. Towards the end of the video (starting at about 1:28:05) he says "As one of our panelists was saying, this is a future that we create. 2012 appears to be an energy field in which is largely dependent on our focus, about how we choose to go into it" or, more simply put, PERCEPTION. :lol: And one of those idiots has the nerve to say "Wow" after Wilcock says that. :smh: Then he says something about whoever is looking through the Looking Glass in Project Looking Glass (the time travel machine that sparked a war) looking will shape the future. Or, more simply put, GOD. This new age Pseudo-"Religion" based on conspiracies and information with absolutely no backbone is the same as when Christianity was being spread through the world.

I enjoy watching and reading this stuff, which is why I frequent this thread, but when someone is citing movies, "black ops", and "government secrets" as your sources of information, your argument loses validity. 85% of the stuff in this video has been absolutely foolish and anyone who believes it just as foolish.
I'm watching the Enigma 2012 video. Very interesting information. But I really REALLY hate when these people giving lectures give poor source information. The guy bases his sources on Black Ops experiments and "secret government" things.
This dude cited a movie. :rofl:
I can't. I just can't. The man said Gaddafi had a BUILDING used for time travel, gave it to Bin Laden, and Bin Laden knew the future, that's why the US went after him. No sources cited. No proof. The simple fact that he believes the one person gave another person A TIME TRAVEL BUILDING which caused a war, is outrageous. I looked passed him saying The Vatican and Templars were spiritually connected because they had Egyptian like objects in the Vatican Courtyard (they had to be spiritually connected because it's completely impossible for the Templars to steal objects >D) but that's where I draw the line and call complete ********.
Lol @ this propaganda. Towards the end of the video (starting at about 1:28:05) he says "As one of our panelists was saying, this is a future that we create. 2012 appears to be an energy field in which is largely dependent on our focus, about how we choose to go into it" or, more simply put, PERCEPTION. :lol: And one of those idiots has the nerve to say "Wow" after Wilcock says that. :smh: Then he says something about whoever is looking through the Looking Glass in Project Looking Glass (the time travel machine that sparked a war) looking will shape the future. Or, more simply put, GOD. This new age Pseudo-"Religion" based on conspiracies and information with absolutely no backbone is the same as when Christianity was being spread through the world.
I enjoy watching and reading this stuff, which is why I frequent this thread, but when someone is citing movies, "black ops", and "government secrets" as your sources of information, your argument loses validity. 85% of the stuff in this video has been absolutely foolish and anyone who believes it just as foolish.
so what/who does have 'validity'...and why?
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so what/who does have 'validity'...and why?

Movies have little to no validity. Nothing is being "hidden in plain sight." The writers read about something outlandish on the internet, like some of the entries on this dude's site, and create a story around it. He's trying to sell the idea that government is behind it, that they're putting it in movies intentionally to "hide it in plain site." That's a pretty extreme belief, and the actuality of it is extremely slim, not to mention, moving an entire building from one country to another country and NO ONE noticing, NO ONE getting pictures is completely absurd.

He tries to make an argument that, the objects in the Vatican Courtyard were created by members of the church years ago, and they used Egyptian influence with Christian iconography. Is it impossible for the Templars to go to Egypt and simply steal these things?

Wilcock says the information is in Black Ops files, secret government files, and from a man he met with, named Daniel, he didn't give any dates, file names, etc. Then when he speaks about how he met from the Montauk Project, he met him in a Denny's, they talk for hours IN DENNY's about the things that took place, he says Daniel "just so happen to have the day off" so his memory didn't get wiped when the monster from another dimension got through (anyone seen The Mist?), as if he was never going to go back to work, as if, if these experiments are as top secret as Wilcock says they are, the government wouldn't have tracked him down by now. Then he refers to him later in the lecture and he says Daniel doesn't like to go out in public often and he doesn't want to come forward about what took place at Montauk. Why in the **** would a man involved in secret government testing, who has information that could change humanity, who's trying to remain hidden, eat at Denny's, talking to, pretty much, a stranger, GIVE OUT GOVERNMENT SECRETS IN A PUBLIC PLACE FOR HOURS? Come on, b.

Common sense should tell you that NONE of that adds up. Common sense should tell you that that's ********. Common sense and a little bit of knowledge has validity.
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He tries to make an argument that, the objects in the Vatican Courtyard were created by members of the church years ago, and they used Egyptian influence with Christian iconography. Is it impossible for the Templars to go to Egypt and simply steal these things?
are you serious? do you know how many artifacts have been stolen from Egypt by European invaders over the course of history? :lol: and here you are acting like it never happened (of course) :lol:

your in here saying 'common sense' (which is?)...because your common...most people don't have the ability to perceive what this guy is talking about so just continue living your average life :lol:

its just funny how your attempting undermine what this guy is saying with 'common sense' as if the govt holding secrets from the sleeping general populous isn't common sense....come on guy :lol: :smh:

its not hard to believe he ran into somebody who had confidential information...people who know these type of secrets like talking about it because they're so secluded..and like he explained, Wilcock obviously had the initiative within himself to attract somebody who had this kind of information.

I agree a lot of this sounds farfetched, but your 'common sense' doesn't really hold up as an argument either.....
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I told you what he said. Your reaction to me should be the same to him. Wilcock was the one saying the Vatican had a spiritual connection to the Egyptians. I'm well aware of the pillaging of Northern Africa by European countries, and seems you are too, obviously, Wilcock isn't.

To me, common sense is the ability to know ******** when you hear it. So maybe our ideas of common sense are different, but I know ******** when I hear it.

It's like this dude OD'd on Stephen King novels and is now trying to argue they're fact not fiction. :lol:
Your saying everything he said people would say 'this guy is watching too many movies...too much TV'

carry on, you obviously have a keen ability to discern bull ****

I see my black Siddhartha post was deleted huh >D
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The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary)

For those who do not believe the story we are being told by the government and media. The James Holmes Conspiracy. Several witness testimonies, news reports, theories and ideas behind the motives of the crime. Topics discussed include the second suspect, weapons, police audio analysis, James Holmes education and bio, LIBOR scandal, MK Ultra, Project Gunrunner, and several other important elements. Several new pieces of evidence and testimonies all in one video.


Yesterday i left to 
 at midnight with some friends. we were at the park and it was really cloudy but the thing is that the clouds out far by the mountains looked like they had a red color to them. I been to that park late night before and the clouds never looked like that. **** was tripping me out.
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This is how the sky looks over here. Its all sunny and good but when it starts getting dark its all cloudy
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