Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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im ready to get started. can yall pm me some stuff in the right direction? i have a good knowledge base now, just looking to expand.
im ready to get started. can yall pm me some stuff in the right direction? i have a good knowledge base now, just looking to expand.

Go through the pages on this thread

coasttocoast a.m.

Friday August 10, 2012

In the first half, author and researcher into supernatural phenomena, F.J. Lennon, will discuss the many haunted places in Los Angeles including 'Suicide Bridge' in Pasadena, as well as the Roosevelt Hotel and Devil's Gate Dam. Followed by Open Lines.


1896 Sacramento UFO sighting (Image above)

Read about it here -
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mermainds are cool....

if they had two legs and werent known as mermaids

other than that, theyre known as syrinias horezzzz.

i dont give a #$%^&*(*&^%$$% about none of this, if u come at me crazy u gettin the same.

feds, aliens, if u not actin right ill call u out real quick. gang members, ne of u.  nt members im ESPECIALLY weary of!
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YO 4 serious nt, i think radiohead might be aliens.

listen to their lyrics.  LISTEN to their beats and guitars....

straight alienphonix, b

i dunno.....i think they might b illumnati (demonic power)....they so nice tho,,,,,
ok, good looks

good day and i hope this afternoon find you well, sir.  i would prefer  to differ on this matter with you, actually. the difference is that the 'idea' does in fact happen before the new testament.  ancient greek mythology speaks of the warring heavens and their ideas stemmed from egyptian and so on.  moreover,please, if you would, show me wherein did i state that my ideas were formulated by exclusively using a christian context or approach?  no, i would like to have it known that i visualize these images and feelings as an amalgamation, a conglomerate if you will, of all i've experienced and, moreover,  what others needed to experience in order for me know and feel all that i do regarding the matter.  

you see, if you try and visualize everything as a filter with it's own steady center of hold you will realize that the currents overlap, and that no two ripples are exactly alike - in turn, take advantage of the unique qualities bestowed upon you.

l meant speclflcally satan as the "god" of thls world.... that doesnt get mentloned ln pslams or proverbs... paul mentlons lt
ok, good looks

good day and i hope this afternoon find you well, sir.  i would prefer  to differ on this matter with you, actually. the difference is that the 'idea' does in fact happen before the new testament.  ancient greek mythology speaks of the warring heavens and their ideas stemmed from egyptian and so on.  moreover,please, if you would, show me wherein did i state that my ideas were formulated by exclusively using a christian context or approach?  no, i would like to have it known that i visualize these images and feelings as an amalgamation, a conglomerate if you will, of all i've experienced and, moreover,  what others needed to experience in order for me know and feel all that i do regarding the matter.  

you see, if you try and visualize everything as a filter with it's own steady center of hold you will realize that the currents overlap, and that no two ripples are exactly alike - in turn, take advantage of the unique qualities bestowed upon you.
l meant speclflcally satan as the "god" of thls world.... that doesnt get mentloned ln pslams or proverbs... paul mentlons lt
oh so now u legitamize the works of the NT (new test) so HAPPY!!! i cant contain myself.  im a theistic troll!!! LOLOLOLOOL

thats all im good for! im good for nothing! im an idiot! LMAO

i own u, silly, meth, ne1 in this world wants it....they got it
I'm sure nothing will happen. Even though London has turrets stationed on top of people's houses I doubt they will be used.
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This vid along with all the others are BS...Olympics finished no aliens came...i'ma need a BS "Ritual Ceremony Symbolism" video explaining that foh
In the summer of 1998, Russian scientists who were investigating an area 300 km southwest of Moscow on the remains of a meteorite, discovered a piece of rock which enclosed an iron screw. Geologists estimate that the age of the rock is 300-320 million years.

Dr Sal's Warning

The gentleman in the video is an Italian who emigrated to the USA, he works (worked may be a better term after this video) within a department of NASA that analyses space signals, trying to distinguish a signal of intelligent design against the background noise of space.

He claims that in 1994 they sent out a signal, and the following year they received a reply, he says they have established two way communication, but the signals have a huge time lag, so a signal sent receives and answer 331 days later.

He says the signals are very difficult to decipher, and that communication is hard, basically die to their technology and understanding being more advanced than ours, sort of like explaining science to a chimp. But they are are to understand parts of it.

They have recently being receiving warnings, about a pole shift that will happen in 2016, he goes on to explain that this pole shift is unlike previous ones because of the speed it will happen, over a period of a few months not like in the past where they were over centuries of even thousands of years. This will cause the Van Allen belt to drop to earth as the magnetic flux that holds it will drop as the change happens.

He goes on to state that the atmosphere will absorb some of the radiation but they expect a 75 - 80% loss of life on the planet. He said it is being kept under wraps to prevent panic, and also because those in charge are in denial. He has come forward because he wants the world, everyone in the world to start thinking about ways to help.

He mentions some technology that has already been developed for other uses that can be used to de-charge the Van Allen belt, make it less radioactive, and he feels that 6 billion of us all thinking about and working on the project can come up with something, the pole reversal cannot be stopped so we have to plan what we can do.
Strange video from Scotland

coasttocoast a.m.

Sunday August 12, 2012

First Half: Ian Punnett (Twitter) is joined by Prof. David Barash who'll discuss evolutionary mysteries, and explorations into things that we don't yet know about humanity.

2nd Half: Religious scholar and Egyptologist, David Elkington, will give an update on the Jordan Codices, ancient books that could change the world’s view of biblical history. He'll share how the books make a case for the resurrection of Christ and depict the earliest known image of him.

Dr Sal's Warning

The gentleman in the video is an Italian who emigrated to the USA, he works (worked may be a better term after this video) within a department of NASA that analyses space signals, trying to distinguish a signal of intelligent design against the background noise of space.

He claims that in 1994 they sent out a signal, and the following year they received a reply, he says they have established two way communication, but the signals have a huge time lag, so a signal sent receives and answer 331 days later.

He says the signals are very difficult to decipher, and that communication is hard, basically die to their technology and understanding being more advanced than ours, sort of like explaining science to a chimp. But they are are to understand parts of it.

They have recently being receiving warnings, about a pole shift that will happen in 2016, he goes on to explain that this pole shift is unlike previous ones because of the speed it will happen, over a period of a few months not like in the past where they were over centuries of even thousands of years. This will cause the Van Allen belt to drop to earth as the magnetic flux that holds it will drop as the change happens.

He goes on to state that the atmosphere will absorb some of the radiation but they expect a 75 - 80% loss of life on the planet. He said it is being kept under wraps to prevent panic, and also because those in charge are in denial. He has come forward because he wants the world, everyone in the world to start thinking about ways to help.

He mentions some technology that has already been developed for other uses that can be used to de-charge the Van Allen belt, make it less radioactive, and he feels that 6 billion of us all thinking about and working on the project can come up with something, the pole reversal cannot be stopped so we have to plan what we can do.[/quote]

Why would they send a message and tell us but not come help and how would they know when exactly when considering where and how far the aliens are wouldnt time move differently where they are so how would they know if time is all relative
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