Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I'd like challenge the follow NT bro's to come up with reasons why they think a similar messiah exists across the board. Will post my thoughts later.

If aliens believe in god im inclined to believe the aliens because they can make **** that blows our minds.
Oakland County Child Killer

Between 1976 and 1977, an unidentified killer stalked the roads of sleepy Oakland County, Michigan, abducting and killing at least four children, two girls and two boys: Mark Stebbins, 12, Jill Robinson, 12, Kristine Mihelich, 10, and Timothy King, 11. Mark was strangled and sexually assaulted with an object. Jill was killed by a shotgun blast to the face, Kristine was smothered, and Timothy suffocated and assaulted in the same fashion as Mark. Each child had been held captive for several days before being murdered, and laid out neatly where they were meant to be found. Jill Robinson was found within view of a police station. The killings resulted in a mass paranoia in the area; children were rarely left alone for a second, and at least one innocent man was beaten for the mistake of talking to a child.

A massive investigation heralded several suspects, but no solid case has ever been built. Recently, some have come to believe noted serial killer John Wayne Gacy has been implicated in the murders, but it seems unlikely, as it did not match his modus operandi of raping and killing older teenage boys. In 1978, the killing stopped cold.

Perhaps the most chilling aspect of the case was a letter written by Timothy King’s mother in the “Detroit News”. Marion King begged her son’s captor to let him go so that he might return home and enjoy his favorite meal, Kentucky Fried Chicken. When the boy’s body was found, an autopsy showed that the killer had fed him fried chicken.

That is some evil foul **** right there. Disgusting.

Julius F. Wrek

most cases of people being abducted by aliens say the aliens acknowledge there being a higher being greater than all.

I love saying this because alot of atheists use aliens to put down people who believe in god.

Such as they believe that aliens exist more so than a god. wouldnt it be so hilarious that the beings they believe exist believe in something they do not think exist? lol
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Just do you all feel about the concept of a "hell"? Do you believe such a place exists or not and why do you feel that way?

I personally haven't ever believed in one, nor a "Satan". I've always felt there's a median of heaven/hell on Earth and our society chooses (subconsciously while being manipulated by the powers that be) to revolve moreso around the negative energy than positive energy (for lack of better terms) if that makes sense to you all, but I want to hear different views...

What made me choose a stance on this was when I was young (like 6-7) and my teacher asked us 'what would we do if we were president' and me not knowing any better, I thought that the World should be like a Heaven on Earth where we learned, helped each other and played games all day etc you know, all the fun stuff 
 it kinda stuck with me

I hope this post makes sense, I'm tired as a mofo
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I've heard and seen about things on the existence of "Hell" and I've always come to the conclusion that for there to be "good" in the world or in existence there has to be "bad" to reflect the other spectrum. if their was only "good" then there would be no function in the word "good"

So if there's a good place after this life there should be a bad one by definition right?

As for Satan, in the bible (Christianity) there are angels of course. depending on the version of the bible you were raised with they discuss among them how many their are and which ones are shown more. in cathloicism (one I was raised to learn) they only name 3, Michael Gabriel and Raphael but acknowledge they are others. the other versions of the bible and in different churches (orthodox, protestant Catholic etc) they all pretty much have a general conciseness of about 7 or 8 angels. 1 angel "fell" from the path of good and god and that angel was Lucifer. 

So Lucifer knows good and bad, is and has been there. and we all give him the negative spotlight for keeping the baddies away? that's like hating the Warden of a Maximum security prison

also taken out of many versions of the bible Lucifer means morning star, only the King James version still has Lucifer in the book. Isaiah 14:12

when you say we believe more on concentrating on the negative energy then the positive I can personally agree because in my life I F---ed up in school and for 10th grade I had to go t o a private christian school. it was terrible to say the least, I was Catholic at the time but never mentioned that to my protestant school and the general message in bible class was "dont F--k up cuz this will be the consequences" while Catholicism concentrated on how to be good uplift the people around you. the Virgin Mary is a big symbol for them, obviously if you've been living around. I immediately noticed this and my mom gave me a lecture explaining this to me

plus I hated the christian rock music
For real, tho?

I'm pretty sure Satan is kind of like God's inside man.

Like, he's working FOR God in keeping the balance our divine and base natures and not letting evil go unpunished.


God = Saul

Satan = Carrie
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No, just no. 

Lucifer was in charge of music/worship in heaven and decided one day that he wanted to overthrow the throne and use 1/3 of the angels to back him. God said I don't think so and cast him and those angels out of heaven. 

God ALLOWS Satan to roam the earth and bring sin and tempt people but in the end God ultimately wins. Satan is just trying to take as many people from God as he can before the final judgement day where God throws him into the lake of fire. 
So why ALLOW Satan to roam anywhere?

Why ALLOW Satan to be in charge of what happens to bad people?

Why didn't God just destroy Satan and the other rebels? Isn't that what you usually do to the leaders of a rebel force after a failed uprising?

1/3 is a lot of angels, in turn creating a lot of demons. Why allow such a great force, who actually was able to wage and sustain a war in Heaven for a short time, to keep on existing with even MORE incentive to mess everything up?

Why does God wait until the final judgment day?
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So why ALLOW Satan to roam anywhere?

Why ALLOW Satan to be in charge of what happens to bad people?

Why didn't God just destroy Satan and the other rebels? Isn't that what you usually do to the leaders of a rebel force after a failed uprising?

1/3 is a lot of angels, in turn creating a lot of demons. Why allow such a great force, who actually was able to wage and sustain a war in Heaven for a short time, to keep on existing with even MORE incentive to mess everything up?

Why does God wait until the final judgment day?

this realm, or dimension within many dimensions is the realm created for a physical creation, that mimics the worlds above it, only in dense matter. According to many esoteric works and older versions of the bible, this realm also exist as a way to trap the souls of good angels and the generation of light that will be born after so many incarnations.

In this context, that would make were we are hell, and whatever may be around this place to be better the further up we go.

Satan wasn't necessarily the leader of the rebellion. Maybe a captain, but the creator of the realm of physical living actually came from the divine mother. It was a creation on her behalf that she created without her holy male consort. She rejected what she made because it was hideous to her yet it had the power of all the others she created, it was missing the balance of the trinity. It was begotten by the mother alone becoming an anomaly and outcast. it created this trap realm as revenge. the angels that left heaven to join his side became archons and demons watching post over this realm.

But keep in mind that this world is a copy of what the higher realms are like. Just different regime in power.
You sorta kinda just described Gnosticism.

I find it interesting that here is a chance that this planet or even universe was the creation of a vain and jealous being, and that we would wish to rise above it through love and positivity, hopefully earning a trip to the next level at the end of this life.

Something I've been thinking about lately:

Is it just me, or is it always negative, pessimistic people who are the ones trying to tell you "This is how the world works!"
I've come to the conclusion that as humans, we will never understand the mind of The Creator. We ate the apple, and until this day we try as humans to have the knowledge it possesses. |I
You sorta kinda just described Gnosticism.

I find it interesting that here is a chance that this planet or even universe was the creation of a vain and jealous being, and that we would wish to rise above it through love and positivity, hopefully earning a trip to the next level at the end of this life.

Something I've been thinking about lately:

Is it just me, or is it always negative, pessimistic people who are the ones trying to tell you "This is how the world works!"

You are correct. Just recently reread the Nag Hamadi codex and lost scriptures. I find it interesting how there is a narrative of continuing dialogue of other religions yet one story of how they all fit in reference to history and empires. Some chapters even read like tweets.

As far as the negative people, I agree and I feel that it's a defeatist mentality to have if you are spiritual. You have to be the change you want to see in the world. Stand out and be remembered. Not be quiet and forgotten to history.

I also find it interesting that this narrative of driving out the archons is behind some of the fundamental radical political cliques of the past few years like the Tea Party and other conservative special interest groups in politics.
I've come to the conclusion that as humans, we will never understand the mind of The Creator. We ate the apple, and until this day we try as humans to have the knowledge it possesses. |I

But what about the other trees.

The trees with fruit to heal the generations?

We know about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but what about the tree of life?

What about all the other foods from the garden we have been banished from partaking in?

I honestly think religion is missing this which draws me back to the topics being discussed in this thread like


What would communion really be like in church if we consumed these instead of the representative cracker?
I've come to the conclusion that as humans, we will never understand the mind of The Creator. We ate the apple, and until this day we try as humans to have the knowledge it possesses. |I

But what about the other trees.

The trees with fruit to heal the generations?

We know about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but what about the tree of life?

What about all the other foods from the garden we have been banished from partaking in?

I honestly think religion is missing this which draws me back to the topics being discussed in this thread like


What would communion really be like in church if we consumed these instead of the representative cracker?
There's so much we don't understand yet, or haven't found out, I honestly wouldn't mind leaving earth just to find out these things. The answer to the millions of questions, but taking the easy way out, where is the lesson learned from the process of life?
Too heavy a focus on the story of Christianity as the origins of the world.

Am I the only one that feels like every religion is just a baseless lie?
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