Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Well about to take the Rue and start making the Ayahuasca while I wait for the Rue to run its course (take the rue 30 minutes in advance).

Waited to eat because I was starving.. So I ate, and now that I think about it if im just going to purge what I just ate im going to piss myself off.

Regardless, will post in the morning my experience. Pretty sure I'll be too messed up to type it up tonight.
set up a camera or something If someone with you can chronicle you and your movements sayings every thing etc that'll be dope. so you can concentrate on yourself
set up a camera or something If someone with you can chronicle you and your movements sayings every thing etc that'll be dope. so you can concentrate on yourself
Yeah im just going to set my iPad up on my stand and record myself.

If I do release the video it'll just be audio.
Well about to take the Rue and start making the Ayahuasca while I wait for the Rue to run its course (take the rue 30 minutes in advance).

Waited to eat because I was starving.. So I ate, and now that I think about it if im just going to purge what I just ate im going to piss myself off.

Regardless, will post in the morning my experience. Pretty sure I'll be too messed up to type it up tonight.

Just googled this...seriously want to try it. Seriously I feel i need something like this...
Well about to take the Rue and start making the Ayahuasca while I wait for the Rue to run its course (take the rue 30 minutes in advance).

Waited to eat because I was starving.. So I ate, and now that I think about it if im just going to purge what I just ate im going to piss myself off.

Regardless, will post in the morning my experience. Pretty sure I'll be too messed up to type it up tonight.
Just googled this...seriously want to try it. Seriously I feel i need something like this...
I'll post that video with audio to see if you still want to do it.

Dawg the syrian rue is so FOUL..

My god. Almost threw up just from the taste. You never get used to it... Jesus
I can't doubt the story of Jesus Christ or that there is a Creator. It's weird guys, I doubted my religion over the summer, but I just felt something that when I think about it, it honestly brings tears to my eyes. What I feel, I can't explain. But I know I can't doubt my religion. No matter how much evidence on these issues is presented to me, life is weird. I wish I could see everything from it's perspective. No human can attain that knowledge.
MAN DO I HAVE A LOT TO TELL YOU GUYS! Im going to double post, just wanted to post this first.. Im still in the trip slightly and I still feel sort of compelled (my audio video will explain this) so here we go..
Very profound experience. A lot of colors, spinning fractals, long hallways.. Feel like I spent most of my time in a library almost because of my purpose coming into the trip. Almost like what I experienced was because of my thoughts going into the trip as I focused on taking in as much as I could and really thinking critically on this existence. 

The purge was crucial. Like I sort of felt it in my chest in you know.. But then suddenly my eyes SLAM open and it was literally projectile vomit. It went like across the room but eventually I was able to get it all in the trashcan I had next to me. You guys ever see that video where Kanye looked like he was ripping out his evil in that bathroom mirror?

Literally the exact same feeling. I felt extremely light, good, and happy after I purged whereas before the purge I really feared I slipped up and was dying. I think that was just the space I was in itself letting me know without purging my body every now and then im just allowing the evil to pretty much build up continually.

Im going to go ahead and start uploading this audio video, highly recommend you watch all of it while doing nothing else as my ipad camera was pretty much facing my black blanket the entire time.

Other then the purge, and being EXTREMELY hungry right now definitely recommend it.. Make sure you know what you're getting into and you know the precautions beforehand. Im going to get some food.. Feel like I could eat my entire fridge right now.

EDIT: Also want to know about this "imprinting" thing I talk about during the video.. It feels like I was stamped. It's hard to explain but like the humming that was going on got REALLY loud and this image was literally burned into my vision even after I opened my eyes and then it started to fade out.

Not sure what it was or what it meant. For clarification it happened about twice, excluding the symbol I felt compelled to draw.

Also I was under for about an hour but the passage of time felt really weird. The experience itself was quick and I was talking I looked down at my iPad and it said like 30:26 and im like woah wut? Has it really been 30 minutes already?
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Very profound experience. A lot of colors, spinning fractals, long hallways.. Feel like I spent most of my time in a library almost because of my purpose coming into the trip. Almost like what I experienced was because of my thoughts going into the trip as I focused on taking in as much as I could and really thinking critically on this existence. 

The purge was crucial. Like I sort of felt it in my chest in you know.. But then suddenly my eyes SLAM open and it was literally projectile vomit. It went like across the room but eventually I was able to get it all in the trashcan I had next to me. You guys ever see that video where Kanye looked like he was ripping out his evil in that bathroom mirror?

Literally the exact same feeling. I felt extremely light, good, and happy after I purged whereas before the purge I really feared I slipped up and was dying. I think that was just the space I was in itself letting me know without purging my body every now and then im just allowing the evil to pretty much build up continually.

Im going to go ahead and start uploading this audio video, highly recommend you watch all of it while doing nothing else as my ipad camera was pretty much facing my black blanket the entire time.

Other then the purge, and being EXTREMELY hungry right now definitely recommend it.. Make sure you know what you're getting into and you know the precautions beforehand. Im going to get some food.. Feel like I could eat my entire fridge right now.

EDIT: Also want to know about this "imprinting" thing I talk about during the video.. It feels like I was stamped. It's hard to explain but like the humming that was going on got REALLY loud and this image was literally burned into my vision even after I opened my eyes and then it started to fade out.

Not sure what it was or what it meant. For clarification it happened about twice, excluding the symbol I felt compelled to draw.
How long before we get the video :nerd:
Very profound experience. A lot of colors, spinning fractals, long hallways.. Feel like I spent most of my time in a library almost because of my purpose coming into the trip. Almost like what I experienced was because of my thoughts going into the trip as I focused on taking in as much as I could and really thinking critically on this existence. 

The purge was crucial. Like I sort of felt it in my chest in you know.. But then suddenly my eyes SLAM open and it was literally projectile vomit. It went like across the room but eventually I was able to get it all in the trashcan I had next to me. You guys ever see that video where Kanye looked like he was ripping out his evil in that bathroom mirror?

Literally the exact same feeling. I felt extremely light, good, and happy after I purged whereas before the purge I really feared I slipped up and was dying. I think that was just the space I was in itself letting me know without purging my body every now and then im just allowing the evil to pretty much build up continually.

Im going to go ahead and start uploading this audio video, highly recommend you watch all of it while doing nothing else as my ipad camera was pretty much facing my black blanket the entire time.

Other then the purge, and being EXTREMELY hungry right now definitely recommend it.. Make sure you know what you're getting into and you know the precautions beforehand. Im going to get some food.. Feel like I could eat my entire fridge right now.

EDIT: Also want to know about this "imprinting" thing I talk about during the video.. It feels like I was stamped. It's hard to explain but like the humming that was going on got REALLY loud and this image was literally burned into my vision even after I opened my eyes and then it started to fade out.

Not sure what it was or what it meant. For clarification it happened about twice, excluding the symbol I felt compelled to draw.
How long before we get the video
About to start uploading it on youtube now so i'll let you know.

Man next time I do this it HAS to be outside. My room smells disgusting b.. Can tell im still coming out of it because my regular personality is coming back out

Tagged like 5 shirts, my razor, some nike socks, and my blanket.. Smh

EDIT: Guess the videos are both too long so im going to edit them tonight and upload them tomorrow.
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when what you took was first discussed in here someone, maybe you said that anyone looking to do this, which I am, should start with LSD or acid, or mushrooms to get your mental state in first and it might be a too big of a leap for a first timer. have you taken any of those before or any other psychedelic experience or was this your first as well?

total time how did it last?

EDIT: out of everything in this thread discussed I'm more interested in one's inner self and existence, i.e things like this and religion. and Ra postings mentioned from time to time I already believe in things like aliens and what not
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when what you took was first discussed in here someone, maybe you said that anyone looking to do this, which I am, should start with LSD or acid, or mushrooms to get your mental state in first and it might be a too big of a leap for a first timer. have you taken any of those before or any other psychedelic experience or was this your first as well?

total time how did it last?

EDIT: out of everything in this thread discussed I'm more interested in one's inner self and existence, i.e things like this and religion. and Ra postings mentioned from time to time I already believe in things like aliens and what not
Nah this was my first time and the trip wasn't bad at all. Like I said, most likely you're going to purge and it's a pretty bad trip UNTIL you purge. I purged pretty much as soon as it started so other then being happy although I was kind of lying in my own vomit it was great.

Like the mental clarity is unlike anything I've ever experienced. My thoughts were clear, words never jumbled, critical thinking was like x100 more then normal, felt infinite, etc. the usual things people report.

Trip lasted easily an hour. I started recording pretty much right before the purge and I was already 10-15 minutes in and still managed to get like 50 minutes worth of stuff. Still can't believe that much time passed, because it didn't feel like it at all.

You will explore your conscious.. It's hard to explain but as I was going into it before the purge it felt like I was going through a wormhole sort of.. Then I was like, sort of seeing layers being peeled off for awhile in this weird yellowish color.. After that I could pretty much feel the vomit coming up and I want to say it was almost biblical..

IMMEDIATELY after the vomiting was when I could think much more clearly, I felt a billion times better, I was happy and couldn't stop laughing.. It was great. I don't think I remember seeing any beings, but the space I was in kept hitting me with these like.. Pulses. It felt really funny, almost like it was amused that I was amused by it and the happier I became the more it seemed to hit me with the pulses and randomly I would just get this surge of joy.

I actually really want to try the pure DMT now.. The ayahuasca was cool, I would suggest it personally if you're a beginner, seeing as how I was one. The actual smoked experience seems to be the part that REALLY opens doors. I had to close my eyes and focus for the visuals, but a lot of people say when they smoke DMT the walls collapse around them and stuff. Did not get that at all although when I did open my eyes the world was kind of vibrating.

Another significant thing was the humming noise. It sounded almost EXACTLY like the way a monk hums in meditation except it was consistent and did not stop. Also I think it changed my personality a bit.. On top of it being a nice eye opening experience (other then the projectile vomit), negative thoughts seem almost.. Nullified. Like you try to think them and then the thought just vanishes. Not sure if that's temporary.
After action report,

Was out for about 12 hours when I went to sleep last night. Really vivid dreams, cant' really remember them at all though.

Feel really connected to with nature.. Got up to make some oatmeal this morning and I ended up staring outside for like 5-10 minutes without realizing it

Also, I made a personal request while I was in it to gift me with the knowledge I needed to get where I wanted to in life, and now I feel really weird.. Like all I can think about lately is organizing and studying.

Can't stop thinking about my brother either. Also like my brain is telling me to get him to try it, partly because he's bipolar and he's just as curious about the universe I am. Since the purge I've felt a lot better. Negative thoughts are still being instantly dismissed.

Definitely recommend this for everyone interested and knowledgeable of what they're getting into. Getting the ingredients for the ayahuasca itself if extremely simple, so is the preparation.
The strange mystery of the man from Taured

It’s July 1954; a hot day. A man arrives at Tokyo airport in Japan. He’s of Caucasian appearance and conventional-looking. But the officials are suspicious.

On checking his passport, they see that he hails from a country called Taured. The passport looked genuine, except for the fact that there is no such country as Taured – well, at least in our dimension.

The man is interrogated, and asked to point out where his country supposedly exists on a map.

He immediately points his finger towards the Principality of Andorra, but becomes angry and confused. He’s never heard of Andorra, and can’t understand why his homeland of Taured isn’t there.

According to him it should have been, for it had existed for more than 1,000 years!

Customs officials found him in possession of money from several different European currencies.

His passport had been stamped by many airports around the globe, including previous visits to Tokyo.

Baffled, they took him to a local hotel and placed him in a room with two guards outside until they could get to the bottom of the mystery.

The company he claimed to work for had no knowledge of him, although he had copious amounts of documentation to prove his point.

The hotel he claimed to have a reservation for had never heard of him either.

The company officials in Tokyo he was there to do business with? Yup, you’ve guessed it – they just shook their heads too.

Later, when the hotel room he was held in was opened, the man had disappeared.

The police established that he could not have escaped out of the window – the room was several floors up, and there was no balcony. ?

He was never seen again, and the mystery was never solved.
I can't doubt the story of Jesus Christ or that there is a Creator. It's weird guys, I doubted my religion over the summer, but I just felt something that when I think about it, it honestly brings tears to my eyes. What I feel, I can't explain. But I know I can't doubt my religion. No matter how much evidence on these issues is presented to me, life is weird. I wish I could see everything from it's perspective. No human can attain that knowledge.

I used to be like this. It is hard finding out everything you've been tought is a lie. I suggest you do your own research and find your truth. Once you are able to let go of religion and embrace true spirituality you will experience enlightenment.

Its common knowledge that the Bible has many books missing. The ruling elite chose stories and parables they felt would create a controllable working class. They wanted the masses to look outside of themselves for salvation.

The information about the fabrication of Jesus the Christ is nothing new. It is a story that has very ancient origins. Once you learn about the Council of Nicea and how Emperor Constantine took ancient information to control the people things begins to get clearer. Constantine sought the power to unite his kingdom while defeating his enemies. Modern day Christianity is all about power and control.

Sadly, these same things still go on today.

There are tribes in Ethiopia that practice the oldest form of "Christianity". All religions can be traced back to ancient spiritual systems. Modern day religion is simply the common customs and traditions of ancient people.
After action report,

Was out for about 12 hours when I went to sleep last night. Really vivid dreams, cant' really remember them at all though.

Feel really connected to with nature.. Got up to make some oatmeal this morning and I ended up staring outside for like 5-10 minutes without realizing it :lol:

Also, I made a personal request while I was in it to gift me with the knowledge I needed to get where I wanted to in life, and now I feel really weird.. Like all I can think about lately is organizing and studying.

Can't stop thinking about my brother either. Also like my brain is telling me to get him to try it, partly because he's bipolar and he's just as curious about the universe I am. Since the purge I've felt a lot better. Negative thoughts are still being instantly dismissed.

Definitely recommend this for everyone interested and knowledgeable of what they're getting into. Getting the ingredients for the ayahuasca itself if extremely simple, so is the preparation.

sounds like the day after a DMT trip. Glad you made it.

Did that hum kinda sound like a didgeridoo? My, what I assume is my spirit guide or an interdimensional entity of some sort, has a hum interlaced within her voice. I can always feel her words as well as hear them, especially with my eyes closed. Can't think of anything else that compares to that feeling.
This a drug thread in disguise? lol addicts always lean towards aliens and conspiracys

truth is they just dont understand themselves
This a drug thread in disguise? lol addicts always lean towards aliens and conspiracys

truth is they just dont understand themselves

I feel like most of the people in this thread understand that there's a lot of things we as humans do not understand about ourselves and others, where we come from, or why we're here.

Perhaps you can help, you seem to have everyone else figured out.
The strange mystery of the man from Taured

It’s July 1954; a hot day. A man arrives at Tokyo airport in Japan. He’s of Caucasian appearance and conventional-looking. But the officials are suspicious.

On checking his passport, they see that he hails from a country called Taured. The passport looked genuine, except for the fact that there is no such country as Taured – well, at least in our dimension.

The man is interrogated, and asked to point out where his country supposedly exists on a map.

He immediately points his finger towards the Principality of Andorra, but becomes angry and confused. He’s never heard of Andorra, and can’t understand why his homeland of Taured isn’t there.

According to him it should have been, for it had existed for more than 1,000 years!

Customs officials found him in possession of money from several different European currencies.

His passport had been stamped by many airports around the globe, including previous visits to Tokyo.

Baffled, they took him to a local hotel and placed him in a room with two guards outside until they could get to the bottom of the mystery.

The company he claimed to work for had no knowledge of him, although he had copious amounts of documentation to prove his point.

The hotel he claimed to have a reservation for had never heard of him either.

The company officials in Tokyo he was there to do business with? Yup, you’ve guessed it – they just shook their heads too.

Later, when the hotel room he was held in was opened, the man had disappeared.

The police established that he could not have escaped out of the window – the room was several floors up, and there was no balcony. ?

He was never seen again, and the mystery was never solved.

ah yes this is the stuff i like to read...

i love that twilight zone crazy bizarre stories stuff... i wonder if someone will bump the spooky story thread in light of halloween...
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