Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Interesting thought. And could be a smoke screen for wanting people to go underground when it could be pointless. More the same with shows like doomsday preppers that often advertise people buying and building underground bunkers. I always knew there was a reason why that show existed and I think I found the reason why.

yeah i peeped that show.

The architects and designers are making hella money off paranoid people. Multi million dollar projects for people building doomsday bunkers. I remember the interview with one of the architects saying he really didn't believe anything would happen but it's his job to do what people pay him for. .

I think if the a doomsday scenario like they have been hyping people for were to happen, there's nothing we could do about it. Preparation for the end of the world is futile and almost laughable.
yeah i peeped that show.
The architects and designers are making hella money off paranoid people. Multi million dollar projects for people building doomsday bunkers. I remember the interview with one of the architects saying he really didn't believe anything would happen but it's his job to do what people pay him for. .
I think if the a doomsday scenario like they have been hyping people for were to happen, there's nothing we could do about it. Preparation for the end of the world is futile and almost laughable.

Yes I saw that episode too where the architect was building for a prepper and was asked if he had built a bunker for himself and he told them no he didn't believe in doomsday and they gave him the >D.

But what I really cant wait for is for the hype to hit facebook and all sheep go on there talking about Its December 1st (yea peeps will start hyping it up tomorrow), 20 days til the end of the world and junk like that. I quit using facebook a long time ago cause I like to watch how addicted people are to it.
The Osirian Mysteries

When we look into the night sky, one star shines paramount above all others. By moving towards us, Sirius creates an axis of rotation with Earth relative to the heavens. Because of this, the heliacal rising of Sirius matches the length of our solar year. Like clockwork it rises on July 23 annually, which was celebrated as the new year in ancient Egypt. Indeed, it was the first day that Sirius appeared from behind our sun.

We know that Sirius appears in our sky as a dominant star called Osiris next to a smaller companion star called Isis. But there is actually a third subtle body in the system—Nephthys.


The Lady of the Temple Nephthys is a dark star. As a collapsed solar body she has cooled even further than Isis but still emits rays and flares. Although she is below the hydrogen burning baseline, Nephthys is still found at the centre of this system in a seven year orbit. With a low mass and tiny amplitude the "Emerald Goddess" has a circumference of 700,000 kilometres.

The Throne Goddess Isis (Sirius B) the “white dwarf” is intensely hot and heavy. Spinning on her axis about 23 times a minute, she generates huge magnetic storms which create disruptions between all three. Her circumference is 36,700 kilometres. She and Osiris orbit the barycenter every 49 years. Despite being smaller than Earth, Isis is almost as dense as our Sun.

The Lord of Love Osiris (Sirius A) is the blue “main sequence” star. Compared with our Sun he is almost twice the size, much hotter and 25 times brighter. Because of his brightness he is visible from Earth with a circumference of nearly 7,477,000 kilometres.

The triquetra or vesicae piscis governs the Sirius system:


Below is an image of Nephthys, Osiris and Isis:


Notice the colour scheme and how Nephthys and Isis hold their hands up to Osiris's light. The twin suns are portrayed as female because they are both collapsing solar bodies: the polarity of stars was shown as a male to female shift in this culture. Osiris faces away from Nephthys because she is the "dark star," secret and hidden. Indeed, the geometries above their heads give us a clue to their stellar characteristics—one sun is of the darkness, the other is of the light:


Astute observers will notice that each goddess is identified by their respective headdresses. But each crown means something—both use sacred geometry in their designs. Indeed, the conjunction of two circles contain the dimensions of the vesica piscis rectangle. So the two crowns above reflect points N and I below:


If you look carefully you can see how these two stars are described—even Anubis makes an appearance. Born and unborn stars are cosmic eyes and hence ruled by the same geometry. Sirius remains the closest sympathetic culture to Earth but these stellar coordinates haven't helped us find Nephthys. She is hidden in plain sight—with a disguised orbit around the barycenter which makes her hard to see or hear.

Isis is the bright "birth-mother" and Nephthys is the dark "nursing-mother" of our Sun, Horus. Horus is a creative god with the head of a falcon. Set is a destructive god with the head of an oryx. Notice the statue below featuring Horus, Osiris and Set. Click here if you noticed the angle of their left and right elbows:


The image above hints at a great secret: our Sun (Horus) has a dark uncle called Set. Horus and Set are gravitationally bound to each other and have a binary orbital dance that brings them close cosmologically. As Nephthys's twin brother and husband Set has a circumference of over 660,000 kilometres. But as Set and Horus get closer their rotations produce sheer (comets)—the ancient battle between these two dieties.

In fact Horus's angular momentum, the difference between the sidereal/solar year and the changing rate of precession all hint at our binary system: the only way the Earth’s axis can appear to precess relative to inertial space is if our solar system is curving through the cosmos. It can only do this at a rate of 50 arc seconds per year if it is gravitationally affected by another large mass: a companion star.


Any understanding of Horus is impossible without an understanding of Set. Enlightenment is predicated on both: Queens of the 1st Dynasty bore the title "She Who Sees Horus and Set". Indeed, the entrance to the temple of Ptah was flanked by the plant emblems of both—only through their cooperative efforts was stability maintained. This is also known as the alchemical wedding of Horus and Set: the union of our exoteric and esoteric natures.


So the mythology of Heliopolis is a good way of understanding our binary sound system:

Do they still make those "Things They Don't Want You To Know" videos?

I killed mad time watching those when they were first posted in here :lol:
coasttocoast a.m.

Sunday December 2, 2012

Founder of End Time Ministries, Rev. Irvin Baxter, will discuss the Biblical implications of 2012, prophecy for 2013, and how the Federal Reserve, the Council of Foreign Relations and the Brookings Institution exert control on the world. He'll also explain how implementation of Real ID could be the mechanism for the Mark of the Beast. Hosted by George Noory.
^ maybe the gunman shot the skull after unearthing the remains. Possibly by accident. Makes more sense than a timetraveling rifleman.
2012 Strange Events

coasttocoast a.m.

Monday December 3, 2012

Abductee Jim Sparks will discuss how he went from resistor to cooperator with the alien beings who abducted him. The first six years of his experience were traumatizing and terrible, but the next six years were filled with education and enlightenment. He'll update us on his knowledge of the global plan in place for helping the human species to evolve.
Large Blue Planet looked like some kind of effect from the sun reflecting on the lens of that camera. I say that only because as they focused in and out, or just moved the camera, not sure which, the blue dot gained and decreased in size.
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