Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Thread | EP. 13 "Papa's Goods" 12/9 SERIES FINALE

Y'all really think Chucky is a simp? IMO, he's just super grateful for all she's done for him. I mean, she did give him fingers :lol:
Nah Breaking Bad > SOA by a mile in writing, acting, and story progression. This show is a mess through and through. The only reason I still watch is because I have so many years invested in it.

I've never really broken down TV shows until NT. I watch shows simply for the entertainment. SOA does its job by entertaining. I can definitely see the drop off in writing and i can see which episodes Sutter uses as fillers...

but i definitely echo the same sentiments as i've invested time into this series and i want to see my wish of Gemma getting her shoulders clapped in the worst possible way.

i also want to see Carmelo be the 'last man standing'.
I still wonder who sitter names as the rat...imagine if was really rat the rat


Smits phoned in to EW Radio to talk about that moment when Nero desperately wanted Gemma to talk to him and buckled his knees like an impatient child. “From this guy who I really perceived as being somebody who’s very solid in a lot of ways in this kind of outlaw world, there’s a sensitivity to him but he’s a kind of guy-guy, that was an interior little boy moment that was able to kind of peek through,” he said. “I think it was because of the relationship. When two people are in love—real love—you’re able to let down all of those guards that you put out there for the world. What the audience sees physically that moment is, ‘Stop the lies. No more deceit between us if we say we love each other.’ That’s what I hope that moment conveys.”

Hearing that 10 percent of fans, per an poll, would like to see Jax end up on that farm with Nero when the series ends, Smits just laughed. (“A couple of motorcycles, an ATV.”) But that bond, he explained, is deep. “The relationship has to do with the fact that it operates on a lot of different levels. There is a paternal aspect to it. There’s a brotherly kind of thing—they’re both in this outlaw world, that kind of bro thing that they have,” he said. “I think the fact that they both have children and there’s a lot of guilt there that they haven’t been the fathers that they could’ve been. I think that’s one of the reasons why there’s an emotional bridge between them. It’s okay for them to have these softer moments.”

Listen to a clip below. We can also report that Smits didn’t take one of Nero’s cardigans, but he did leave some of his tattoos on. They’ve started to fade.
to all the people we'll never see again on sons 

cherry, half-sack's girl

maureen ashby, john teller's irish baby mama

trinity ashby, jax's half sister

luis, cia and galindo cartel

romeo, cia and galindo cartel

margaret murphy, tara's boss

darby, aryan nation

jacob hale, local charming businessman

eliot oswald, local real estate developer

keriann telford, chibbs daughter

fiona telford, chibbs wife

lowell harland jr, son of john tellers mechanic lowell sr

lenny the pimp, first 9 incarcerated for life

skeeter, mortuary worker

floyd the barber

lowen the lawyer

rosen the lawyer

cacuzza, head of the mafia

warren, con man

fawn trager, tig's daughter

ima tite, pornstar

susie, jax one night stand spooked from the club

precious ryan, bobby's ex-wife

roscoe, current leader of the calaveres mc

tristen oswald, eliot oswald's daughter

emma jean, nero's employee

charlie horse, wahewa tribal leader

charlie hobart, son of kyle hobart

april hobart, wife of kyle hobart

dondo, pornstar and friend of luann delaney

bachman, clean up guy

diana alvarez, marcus alvarez's wife

lincoln potter, ausa
my bad these arent people that died, these are all the people who are alive but probably wont be seen again

im missing a few like opies mom, gemma's dad etc
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that body list has to be a bit thicker than that tho

chibbs wife & the broad from the hospital = wierd boners
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Just finished the episode...the main thing I picked up, Hunnam's accent was VERY noticeable :lol: They didn't even bother to try to do retakes...
^same here

who is you guys favorite Sons adversary? 

I have to go with the OG scumbag Agent Stahl

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The scene where Stahl, Gemma, and Zobelle's daughter all have each other corned is the best of the series, well IMO.  I stopped watching last season and only caught a few eps

this one but I doubt it's been topped
Stahl def was a solid character. RIP to her lover.


And what about Leah Michele? That's her only appearance? :lol:


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he needs to hit before they both die

curious if Sutter is gonna write that up. :lol:

or have him get damn near close, then Jax come in and murk both of em. :nerd:

i find it crazy that the blowback from Indian Hills, Marks getting out of jail, the disappearance of Carmelo all will be revealed within 2 episodes.

i really hope somehow that Nero is the last dude standing.
The show is a lot of Unser not keeping his mouth shut and Gemma overreacting. Season 6...unser says to gemma: I just got a call from Taras lawyer. She made a deal Gemma. Gem gets pissed, steals his car. Unser does nothing...And now in season 7 he forget that interaction? That is is the lawyer calling him since he was off the force at that point.  
 Actually, they are all greek words. The sign was in the order PFE. Portento means to point out, indicate, reveal, foretell, predict, presage, portend, Fortuno means to bless, make fortunate, make happy, make prosperous, prosper, and Eureka was a term of a sudden solution to a problem coined by the famous Greek inventor Archimedes.
The sign predicts a sudden fortunate solution to the problem.

Which makes me curious. The show has played out very much like a greek tragedy, but the sign post would indicate a good/happy ending.
 Calling it now, Chibbs girl works for Borosky.
 Unser's self-righteousness pisses me off. Who is he to talk to Jax like that when he is partially responsible for Tara's death in the first place? He's the one who told Gemma that Tara was going to "rat" on the club, which is what prompted Gemma to kill her. And yet he mouths off to Jax about what Tara would want? It doesn't really matter whether what he says is right or not, but he played a role in this, and it irritates me to no end that he's acting as though he's above it all (I realize he doesn't realize that his actions contributed to Tara's death - yet - but he's hardly some saint). I mean Jesus Christ, he helped Gemma cover up Clay killing Piney, among countless other things. On an unrelated note, he's also the healthiest cancer patient I've ever seen.
Did anyone else realize when the cops came looking for jax they said they were running his plates. But hes still driving Bobby's glider 
 I want to know who's in charge of ordering the Samcro swag.. Like their tshirts & other random things with their name, logo or reaper on it
The idea of one of the guys sitting down on cafepress designing one is priceless
 I bet money Tara is actually going to show up one of these times when they pan the camera over while Gemma is talking to her.
Seems, madam? nay, it is, I know not "seems."
'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother,
Nor customary suits of solemn black,
Nor windy suspiration of forc'd breath,
No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,
Nor the dejected havior of the visage,
Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,
That can denote me truly. These indeed seem,
For they are actions that a man might play;
But I have that within which passes show,
These but the trappings and the suits of woe.
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Calling it now, Chibbs girl works for Borosky.

Whoa...never even thought of that.

I think some of yall are right...Borosky is too obvious/convenient. I'd like to think that Sutter has another twist as far as who the rat is.
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