Space Jam Sequel, Starring LeBron James

I love the first one, you gotta remember Jordan filmed most the movie in front of a green screen. These type of movies are still hard to make. I remember Space Jam perfecting line of sight which Who Framed Roger Rabbit missed.
Watched it with my nephew and niece and they liked it and wanted to watch it again now time to subscribe to HBO Max I guess
Only gripe is the opening song. They def could have came harder during the lbj montage…. But then again nothing beats that feeling when “welcome to the JAM….” Drops
They should of had bron playing with Batman and shhh haha. Used that WB license to the fullest. Turn that thing into wb smash bros haha. Could you imagine if they made Lebron robin? Lol the jokes. They were self aware of all the bron sander too. I liked that. Also wished they used that to their advantage
They didn’t promote the shoes like they did with jordan. Nike must of not put in enough money haha. No “cool shoes” reference either

Nah that wasn't it... they did too much advertising if you ask me :lol:

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