Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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I'll say this once again, in the video from the :37-:50 mark even as the bikers stopped in the middle of the highway all of the riders except for 1 appear to be calm and on their bikes and not making a sudden rush to the Range Rover.  Say what you want to but even if the driver of the Range stayed stopped and got beat or attacked at that very moment, it wouldn't have been with the same rage that he did end up getting attacked as they pulled him over and out of his Range at the end of the video. 

For all you dudes saying the driver did the right thing by running over the bikers initially, that would only be true had he gotten away from the scene or had the cops showed up to protect him.  Instead that did not happen, and the driver ended up getting not only beat but beat down, and caught the *** whipping of a front of his family mind you.  The driver did not do the right thing and all you dudes advising that he did so would have gotten the driver almost killed if you were in the Range. 
Duece King so your saying with the biker ripped his door open and 3 of them starting rushing him in anger you would had stayed there and took a near fatel beat down instead of driving aweay? I think not. You can saw this would had happen if he stayed put or that but no one knows he probably saved his *** by driving to a more populated area then that empty highway he was on..

And also its agaisnt the law to stop in the road or impede traffic. We can easily say all the stop bikers on the road ws impeding traffic, if they kept going when dude rip the door open when the driver pulled off no one would had gotten hit, but naw the whole gang had to stop on the highway and impede traffic

Its all the bikers fault they made their own bed. If the bikers who stopped on the highway would had kept going instead of stopping and surronding the vehicle and breaking the law by impeding traffic no one would had been hit. Their negligence caused this
dont let these internet ****** gas you elkin, ill have jesus (you know

im talking about) tell you where i hang at in 5 mins and you can come call me troll to my face. dont even try to act cute with me b.
This is embarrassing. Challenging dudes to confrontations over a road rage incident you have nothing to do with? Wow.
oh so calling me names online behind a keyboard is fine as long as you're as fall away as possible....yea

i subscribe to "dont say **** to someone online you wouldn't tell them to their face"...its called accountability.

this disconnected sense of accountability is why ya would feel fine running over motorcyclists after a minor traffic collision..
So you can call people vaginas, soft, idiots, etc.  But buddy calls you a troll and you're ready to meet up and handle **** in person? 

You sir, are an A1 troll.  

What makes you think anyone is scared of you in real life though?  What have you shown us that we should fear you?  What are you, like 5'5"?  
oh so calling me names online behind a keyboard is fine as long as you're as fall away as possible....yea

i subscribe to "dont say **** to someone online you wouldn't tell them to their face"...its called accountability.

this disconnected sense of accountability is why ya would feel fine running over motorcyclists after a minor traffic collision..
That FAMILY with a CHILD in the car was surrounded by bikers. A GANG of bikers. A biker or two probably wouldn't have been intimidating but they were literally surrounded. This was likely a completely alien and very uncomfortable situation for this young family and they didn't react rationally, they reacted impulsively and wildly because they were scared.

Imagine if you got surrounded by a bunch of old government officials trying to debate politics with you and you didn't have your sidekick to google facts and plagiarize opinions. Prolly equivalent to how lost and scared they felt. I doubt you'd just talk to them and dismiss yourself. It's not fun to be in a situation that you can't win.
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Police arrested one biker among a swarm of motorcyclists that forced a driver off the West Side Highway in Upper Manhattan, minutes before the man was assaulted in front of his wife and two-year-old daughter more than 50 blocks away.

Christopher Cruz, 28, of Passaic, New Jersey, was charged with reckless endangerment, reckless driving, endangering the welfare of a child and menacing in the first of two harrowing confrontations Alexian Lien had with a pack of bikers when he and his family were out for a Sunday drive.


lol at police reports,

so, yea....about that.
My brother was out there..... Something happened before that video started filming....

I feel bad for son who got ran over and I feel bad for the guy getting beat in front of his family. But dude in the range isn't innocent in all this.
As I said previously I ride and I would NEVERRR brake check someone while I was on a bike.

And also LOL if you really expect the dude to just stop his car and "talk it over" with a bike gang.
Lol is right.

One Asian dude to get out an talk it over with a gang of black bikers......righhhhhhht.

A scene from Don't Be A Menace just appeared in my head.
when you're involved in traffic accident you're required to stay there, there's no if, ands, or buts, about that.

driving off and running over people that had NOTHING to do with it (look how FAR certain people were ran over by da SUV were at)

gives me no pity to that idiot.
oh so calling me names online behind a keyboard is fine as long as you're as fall away as possible....yea

i subscribe to "dont say **** to someone online you wouldn't tell them to their face"...its called accountability.

this disconnected sense of accountability is why ya would feel fine running over motorcyclists after a minor traffic collision..
Sticks and stones. You're letting dudes calling you names online get you to the point you want to meet up with them.

But then you're calling other dudes "tough guys."
Bro I'll repeat it for the 100th time, read the report, watch the video, the driver stopped after the initial contact, about 20 seconds lapsed in which witness accounts and police report states the bikers slashed homies tires and were using their helmets to damage his is this man supposed to diffuse a situation that was far beyond his control at this point?...HOW?...what would YOU have done bro?....get out?...fist fight each one to death?...because you will get rocked, probably killed...over what?...let's not forget his family in the back?...not saying running dudes over is logical, but is justified being cornered like he was and OBVIOUSLY the law agrees, because charges are being pressed against the rider, not the driver....please fam LOGIC!

Quit making sense.

Talkin bout witness reports and ****.

This man should have left his wife and child in the car and kindly asked for these gents forgiveness, or pulled completely off the road in the first place.

Hell does he think he is trying to drive on the highway while there is an unorganized bike ride going on dude had no respect for anyone else.
when you're involved in traffic accident you're required to stay there, there's no if, ands, or buts, about that.

driving off and running over people that had NOTHING to do with it (look how FAR certain people were ran over by da SUV were at)

gives me no pity to that idiot.

When are you going to get it through your thick *** skull that this was no ordinary traffic accident. Dude's life was clearly in danger here.



From the NYP link
when you're involved in traffic accident you're required to stay there, there's no if, ands, or buts, about that.

driving off and running over people that had NOTHING to do with it (look how FAR certain people were ran over by da SUV were at)

gives me no pity to that idiot.

When are you going to get it through your thick *** skull that this was no ordinary traffic accident. Dude's life was clearly in danger here.



From the NYP link
He should have just talked it over and diffused the situation. Look at them, they clearly look welcoming to a mutual apology.
No question this was not a normal traffic accident so "talking it over" not realistic.
after a minor traffic collision..
Biker intentionally brake checks and is hit by SUV while surrounded by 100 of his goons = every other "minor traffic collision.
On top of this dudes were staring in his window before the brake check... Then someone ran up on him and opened his door.


"Should have talked it over"

"Minor Traffic collision"

Wife should've gotten out of the car and gave dude in the white helmet a Stone Cold Stunner.
He should have just talked it over and diffused the situation. Look at them, they clearly look welcoming to a mutual apology.

No question this was not a normal traffic accident so "talking it over" not realistic.

This is what I don't, how does anyone think that a biker mob of 100+ is really going to listen to an apology/explanation from Lien? :lol: C'mon now...these dudes have short fuses. It was evident in the other video when they were smacking the fire outta the Prius driver at the intersection.

Think about it...biker mob messing with have an accident. Oh wait...i'll pull over to the shoulder and put my hazards on and talk my way out of the situation. :lol: :smh:
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Oh and BTW Ninja, wtf do you think the bikers were gonna do to the guy if he stopped and said oh I'm sorry for tapping your bike? The bikers would have all ganged up on the guy anyway, which is what they did in the video. This man did what he thought was best to protect his family. Any one of us here who have the ability to think would have done exactly what this man did at the minimum. But there are some of us on here, myself included, who would have been running over those guys like GTA and then answer questions later. Lets say even if I would have gone to jail for that, I dont care, I did what was best to protect my family. And for you to say that the guy should have stopped without hitting the guy because he has Brembos, damn you should go work for the insurance companies as a accident investigator. :rolleyes

It was because of those Brembos, that he didnt hit the guy hard to send him flying when he was BRAKE CHECKED!

My mind cannot fathom what your opinions on some things are. :smh: I'm really astounded.
oh so calling me names online behind a keyboard is fine as long as you're as fall away as possible....yea

i subscribe to "dont say **** to someone online you wouldn't tell them to their face"...its called accountability.

this disconnected sense of accountability is why ya would feel fine running over motorcyclists after a minor traffic collision..
Sticks and stones. You're letting dudes calling you names online get you to the point you want to meet up with them.

But then you're calling other dudes "tough guys."
sticks and stones dont apply face to face, you wouldn't do or tell ANYTHING to someone in real life without da understanding that

you gonna have to back up them words or actions. this is da difference between da internet generation and da people who grew up before it.

i dont EVER open my mouth about anyone personally here because i know da way im wired is "if i insult someone i know if i ever see em in real

life its gonna be a referendum on what i said"  and yet SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many of you take solace in knowing you can slander me and

mother personally and there ain't gonna live any consequences because da chances of me seeing you and seeing if you really bout that life

is extremely slim, its just another form of cowardliness that anonymous nature of da internet breeds.

its no different then mowing down someone in a SUV because you feel entitled to instead of talking over da minor accidental collision. cowards.
Eff this, I'm legit depress Ninjahood wanna take it the physical route over the word Troll....say anything but don't call the man a troll, EVER.

My apologies, Gawd.
If some of y'all were out there you would see and that's why I know the driver did something to set it off.
Wait, so what did the driver do to set it off?

And why to motorcyclists wave to each other when they drive by? Seems corny to me. What's the explanation behind that?
It's a simple "acknowledgement" of another motorcyclists.  It's like when black males see each on the street we do the "head nod" gesture to one another.  Since there usually aren't an abundance of bikers on the road as is the case we cars, that is our way of greeting one another, it's like saying "what's up"
When I rode, we actually didn't do a conventional wave. We just stuck-out our left arm towards the ground making a fist...
Yeah it varies in different regions of the country.  Personally, for me and most of the riders here in the DMV we do the fist gesture. 
I'll say this once again, in the video from the :37-:50 mark even as the bikers stopped in the middle of the highway all of the riders except for 1 appear to be calm and on their bikes and not making a sudden rush to the Range Rover.  Say what you want to but even if the driver of the Range stayed stopped and got beat or attacked at that very moment, it wouldn't have been with the same rage that he did end up getting attacked as they pulled him over and out of his Range at the end of the video. 

For all you dudes saying the driver did the right thing by running over the bikers initially, that would only be true had he gotten away from the scene or had the cops showed up to protect him.  Instead that did not happen, and the driver ended up getting not only beat but beat down, and caught the *** whipping of a front of his family mind you.  The driver did not do the right thing and all you dudes advising that he did so would have gotten the driver almost killed if you were in the Range. 
Duece King so your saying with the biker ripped his door open and 3 of them starting rushing him in anger you would had stayed there and took a near fatel beat down instead of driving aweay? I think not. You can saw this would had happen if he stayed put or that but no one knows he probably saved his *** by driving to a more populated area then that empty highway he was on..

And also its agaisnt the law to stop in the road or impede traffic. We can easily say all the stop bikers on the road ws impeding traffic, if they kept going when dude rip the door open when the driver pulled off no one would had gotten hit, but naw the whole gang had to stop on the highway and impede traffic

Its all the bikers fault they made their own bed. If the bikers who stopped on the highway would had kept going instead of stopping and surronding the vehicle and breaking the law by impeding traffic no one would had been hit. Their negligence caused this
The bikers ripped the door open AFTER the driver ran over the bikes to begin, during the SECOND stop.  Then during the THIRD stop is when the bikers dragged him out of the Range and beat him down.  To me based upon the video evidence things got out of control for all parties once the driver in the Range decided to floor it.  Again, as the saying goes..........good decision, bad decision.  I say based upon the outcome it was a bad decision by the driver. 

Also, I agree that the bikers might have been in the wrong for stopping in the middle of traffic like that.  The biker may have started off the situation being in the wrong to begin with, I can only go by the video that was posted, but to me the driver added fuel to the fire and caused great harm upon himself and his family by running over the bikers.  Reason being is because it got beat and beat down badly...........right in front of his family, which will leave a lasting memory.  His decision making that day didn't work out for him. 
when you're involved in traffic accident you're required to stay there, there's no if, ands, or buts, about that.

driving off and running over people that had NOTHING to do with it (look how FAR certain people were ran over by da SUV were at)

gives me no pity to that idiot.
When are you going to get it through your thick *** skull that this was no ordinary traffic accident. Dude's life was clearly in danger here.



From the NYP link
He should have just talked it over and diffused the situation. Look at them, they clearly look welcoming to a mutual apology.
thats RIGHT ON 178street, after he mowed down all those people, he was gonna CATCH his right there...dont even try to act like he didn't

have it coming at that point.
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