Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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It's 62 pages for me since I set it to 20 posts per page. 
the vid looks like it was edited to start when it did and obviously edited to end before the assault when it was posted......whatever happened was proabably caught on that helmet cam
Someone I worked with said he was there and/or rides with them
He said they're an NJ based bike gang and that around 57th street the Range clipped 2 bikers and didn't even stop to see if they were ok, that's when this all started.
IF this actually happened, my money is on the bikers clipping the Range.  In some of the other vids, those dudes ride deathly close to cars.  Wouldn't surprise me one bit if they accidentally initiated the contact and then tried to pin it on buddy in the Range. 

Hell, even if dude in the Range was the one who clipped them, I'm willing to bet that the bikers were weaving in and out of traffic and driving illegally at the time.  Clearly this wasn't done at a high rate of speed, otherwise we'd be hearing about 2 more bikers who were injured.  
the vid looks like it was edited to start when it did and obviously edited to end before the assault when it was posted......whatever happened was proabably caught on that helmet cam
Exactly, and if the person who recorded it thought he had more footage of the Range Rover committing a crime he would of included it.
Just saw more videos of the dude with the GoPro & the numerous amount of laws that were broken from that ride is incriminating. So many sheep attain a false sense of empowerment/entitlement/etc. (especially when in numbers)...

Fortunately, the dude with the flowing curls (Allen Edwards) turned himself in. Don't really see anything going in his favor as he attempted to bash/break the rear window where the child was seated...
^ That's pretty disrespectful. You should be worried about karma with statements like that. That's why I never hit a man when he's down (literally and figuratively).
dude from the bike club involved went on Hot 97 and talked some straight nonsense.

at 6:20 dude basically says that the Range Rover wasn't even that wrong.
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you do know that the bikers are the one who posted the video right? so if the range rover did something before this don't you think they would of included that in the video :rolleyes

I honestly think dude has no clue. :lol:

y is this 40 pages​

It's 40 pages b/c you are helping to contribute to the bump.

They’re hell on wheels — and NYPD cops won’t touch them.

The department has ordered cops not to chase after large biker groups like the one that beat a driver near the West Side Highway because of the risk that innocent bystanders or the riders will be killed, law-enforcement sources told The Post.

“The people who are doing this aren’t stopping when police try to pull them over,” one source said, noting that the bikers can simply jump sidewalks and mow down pedestrians to flee cops.


Something needs to be done about this. It's really a shame. I wonder if this is part of the reason why it took over 6 minutes for the police to get over to Lien?

*What was the thought process of dude who posted the vid? Did he actually think that he wouldn't incriminate his fellow riders by uploading the assault?
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just a few thoughts...the liveleak videos posted, do any Niketalkers condone the bikers actions of what they did to the Prius? Riding wrecklessly on Astoria Blvd to go back to the Van Wyck/Grand Central?

Let's say initially the driver did stop, honestly, do you think anyone would have said to stop banging on the car, or whatever was being done? Someone sees something ithat a group is doing, they are going to join in. About how many bikers surrounded the Range, and you as a driver would stay?

Kudos to the biker who turned himself in, the one who was banging the window on the side of the kid. As much as we would like to think, I'm sure a majority of the bikers in that ride that day (I am not generalizing ALL BIKERS, before people want to twist words) will still think that what they did, they had a right to.

To the motorcyclist who was paralyzed, reap what you sow. Actions of your brethren led to that. I'll have even less sympathy if he wasnt even licensed and or uninsured. Imagine if the bikers who were riding who had passengers on the back of their bike, they got into an accident. It would be probably be the RR driver's fault, SMH.
Something needs to be done about this. It's really a shame. I wonder if this is part of the reason why it took over 6 minutes for the police to get over to Lien?
We saw a video less than 6 1/2 minutes long. That would be an astonishing response time to a static call of the highest priority. This is not only a dynamic call (Traveling), but it is also not the highest in priority. It would bump to the next level at the very end, but up until then this would have been a priority 3 call, midway through the 6-tier system. Which means it probably would have held. Secondly, the fact that it's traveling makes it a very difficult call to get to. It is actually very difficult and time consuming to catch up to, or intersect with, a moving caller, especially when the call doesn't justify lights/sirens (This one would not have). Believe it or not most people are terrible with giving a dispatcher directions. Right on Santa Fe is not a good direction, and it immediately confuses the entire response. Next, there is an inevitable delay between "Turning south on Santa Fe from 1st," the dispatcher entering that, and finding radio time to air it to the responding Officers, and their reacting to that.

Quite frankly, I would've been shocked if any agency would have had Officers on scene during the video we watched. And if they did, it would've been purely by luck.
Quote from a user on the sportbike forum Which btw I read the thread on their forum to take a break from the subjective opinions and ignorant responses here. It's funny how they all sided with the Range Rover driver on that forum and they are all bikers.

Some more quotes from their thread ALL FROM BIKERS.
On a side note, I wonder how many of those rocket scientists crash into each other during their gay pride ride parade?

Back on topic, I don't blame the guy. This video is a lot like that mother Russia video we saw a month ago. The rider was on the dotted line, then goes into his lane and stabs the brakes for no apparent reason other than to incite conflict and trashy. And he does both. The only thing I would fault the RR guy for is not driving to the nearest police or fire station. But he very well could have been, the video isn't long enough to know for sure. Those bikers are a bunch of morons and to the ones that got hit, they brought that on themselves. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
 Showing how tough you are in your back protector and tshirt while brake checking a 5000lb SUV is a pretty good recipe for becoming a stain on the road. If 50+ people surrounded my truck and were trying to get in or prevent me from moving, you can bet your *** I am picking my safety over theirs and getting the hell out of there.
 100% biker fail...but then again, what do you expect from tha NYC stuntahz crowd?
 If this was the "Biker Favorable" version of this GoPro footage, then these guys are sad excuses for human beings, much less riders...
I believe that brae check occurred after the incident where he had an accident with a different biker. This was them trying to get him to stop.

I agree with, driving to the police or fire station, calling the cops, doing anything but continuing on this crazy *** drive. The bikers are idiots
 Good run them over again, I am a rider and have ZERO respect and feel ZERO sympathy for these ******g cockshiners. They do nothing but give the rest of us riders bad reputations and place a stigma on the hobby as a whole. Same way that the riced out, burn out, neon lighted ghetto car tuner guys give a bad name to actual tuner car enthusiasts. Feel the same way about the douches that insist on open carrying AR15s to prove a point when all it does it lead to fear of legitimate CCW holders and encourage increased legislation and police harrasment. I swear, combine **** loads of testosterone and an IQ under 75 and this is what you get.
 Based on videos showing group rides like this previously, I think it is safe to say their riding style didn't change to what we see on the video just because their was an accident between a biker and the Range Rover. If anything, they just became more aggressive. We have all seen stunters blocking traffic in order to completely stop the traffic so some *** hat can stunt in the middle of the road or intersection. Without even seeing what happened originally, I think I am pretty safe assuming the biker did something reckless or stupid that led to the initial accident.
 What a bunch of clowns.... damn shame to our beloved sport.
 Well, the way I see it, if you want to be a thug and a badass, you get what's coming to you. Maybe some of these jackasses will think twice now about glorifying such stupidity.
 This is officially front page news now. Why is it that douchebags with motorcycles always get to represent motorcyclists in the public forum?
 Yeah notice how the shut down of the government has taken a back seat to all this? Once again our worthless politicians can't get a budget together. But no let's ***** about some wannabe biker boys and a dumbass SUV. Sounds like a plan. Sheep.

I understand the desire of some to try to think of a reasonable solution to this situation, but you can't reason with people who left reason at home, assuming they ever had it to begin with. This situation went from let's show this cager who owns the road but still relatively calm to out of f*&king hand in a split second. The drivers only option was stay there and hope nothing bad happened, which clearly wasn't a logical outcome given what was already happening, or flee with zero regard for the bikers that chose to stop in the middle of a highway and surround his vehicle.

I don't think most people realize that after the brake check turned bad, on the blind side of the vehicle away from the camera's view, bikers were already hitting the vehicle and slashing the tires. At that point the only reasonable action in my opinion is get away from the situation by any means necessary. As for getting off the highway to head to a police station, that is another very poor solution. You run the risk running into stop and go traffic which is exactly how the driver got caught and pulled out of his vehicle. He ran into traffic and probably couldn't decide to ram his way through cars that had nothing to do with him being in danger.
 Are you girls still talking about this?? Who gives a flying ****? Its ******g new York!! The riders were ********. The SUV driver was an *******. THEY ARE NEW YORKERS THEY ARE ALL ********. lol.
Range Rover is getting off.. All he needs to do is get a Jewish lawyer and say he felt threatened..

Da dude in da coma ≠ dude who brake checked him

Driver gonna pay for mowing cats in da process.

You really believe that? :lol:

Hen - I'm not going to quote the whole thing, but good looks on the info you dug up from the other forum. Repped.
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You really believe that? :lol:

Hen - I'm not going to quote the whole thing, but good looks on the info you dug up from the other forum. Repped.

This could definitely go to civil litigation. But I don't think an NY County jury would be too sympathetic. A Bronx jury, forget about it.

Depending on Lien's insurance, the policy cap wouldn't come close to covering damages. They'd have to try to enforce a judgement in excess if he loses on liability, which always poses problems.
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Someone please embed.

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Shot from the 30th Floor of a high rise at 42nd Street and 10th Avenue in New York City.
This location is south of where the SUV ran over the bikers. Filmed minutes before the pack of bikers turned onto the West Side Highway where the incident took place. The audio doesn't do justice to how loud these guys were. Upon viewing the street from my deck the pack of motorcycles was cruising down the street the wrong way in traffic. They held up multiple traffic lights as they blew through them en mass. They were obviously taunting drivers and didn't have any regard for traffic laws.

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