Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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NONE of them were "completely innocent". Or did you not see the video of them parading through the streets acting like hooligans?
In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.
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Lien prolly already driving around in a new Range while ol boy up in a hospital bed thinking about how much of a dumba-- him and his crew was that beautiful day
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Turned himself in?

Not getting charged?

He told them what they needed to hear

Yup, that's what I gathered as well...probably gave the police some names also. Here's a tad bit more info from the NYDN:

Prosecutors dropped charges against a biker arrested for attacking a man in front of his wife and 2-year-old daughter after a wild chase through upper Manhattan, officials said.

It was not immediately clear why Allen Edwards, 42, was cut loose hours after he turned himself in on Tuesday, when police released a photo of him and several other bikers bashing Alexian Lien’s SUV after the hell-on-wheels ordeal on Sunday.

Sources said Edwards, of Queens, was the biker shown in an online video punching the rear window of Lien’s Range Rover while another rider smashed open the driver’s side window with a helmet.

A spokeswoman with the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said that Edwards was set free pending further investigation of the incident.
Plea deal...

Even then, Lien can still press charges...
In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.

That's true, can't blame 200+ bikers for the actions of a fraction of them, in sure a lot of them were just cruising, I'm sure a lot of them are positive members of society, but you can't blame 1 man for protecting his family and seeing them as a threat when they crowded his car and began damaging his property...dude used the only weapon he had to defend himself, it happened to be a 3000lbs SUV
Turned himself in?

Not getting charged?

He told them what they needed to hear

Yup, that's what I gathered as well...probably gave the police some names also. Here's a tad bit more info from the NYDN:

Prosecutors dropped charges against a biker arrested for attacking a man in front of his wife and 2-year-old daughter after a wild chase through upper Manhattan, officials said.

It was not immediately clear why Allen Edwards, 42, was cut loose hours after he turned himself in on Tuesday, when police released a photo of him and several other bikers bashing Alexian Lien’s SUV after the hell-on-wheels ordeal on Sunday.

Sources said Edwards, of Queens, was the biker shown in an online video punching the rear window of Lien’s Range Rover while another rider smashed open the driver’s side window with a helmet.

A spokeswoman with the Manhattan District Attorney’s office said that Edwards was set free pending further investigation of the incident.

Lien — who was driving his wife, Rosalyn Ng, and their 2-year-old daughter — initially stopped after the fender bender, but the bickering bikers began to attack the door and slash the tires, cops and sources said.
The panicked Lien hit the gas to escape, but plowed over another rider, Edwin Mieses, 32, and triggered a wild four-mile chase that ended in Washington Heights, cops and family said.

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Like stated they did not want to talk after the initial hit.
@ thinking da driver gonna hop & skip outta this

I guess ya in for another rude awakening ala trayvon

& Casey Anthony.
What similarities does this case have with Trayvon and Casey Anthony?
In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.

I'm sure there were some riders who weren't caught up w/ this foolishness....but does guilty by association apply? I mean, there were over 200 calls to the police about the recklessness of how these guys were riding on Sunday. Easier said than done, but there was nothing stopping the guys who weren't involved from breaking off from the pack before all of this popped off.
I just don't understand why NH ignores Da facts....I don't get it..
Dude tries to justify living at home with no assets other than old, worn footwear with matching attire. It's not a stretch to say one could be THAT ignorant, stubborn, etc. given those circumstances. In all honestly, I'd probably be in denial of life/logic/etc. as well. I just feel bad for "Mama Dukes" though. To hear that retort & plethora of excuses on the daily has to be tiresome & burdening...
In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.
That's true, can't blame 200+ bikers for the actions of a fraction of them, in sure a lot of them were just cruising, I'm sure a lot of them are positive members of society, but you can't blame 1 man for protecting his family and seeing them as a threat when they crowded his car and began damaging his property...dude used the only weapon he had to defend himself, it happened to be a 3000lbs SUV
We'll see if the civil court verdict (if and when it reaches that point) agrees with you or not champ.  That's what I was speaking on earlier, Lien maybe innocent of any criminal charges (which would explain why he didn't receive a ticket or arrested) but he might be guilty in a civil case if the paralyzed biker takes his case to court. 

For example, let's say it was me, you (ksteezy) and DoubleJs07 that were apart of the riding group and all three of us, get off us our bike and confront Lien in his Range, if ksteezy and myself (for whatever reason) decide go to the rear of the Range and bash in the window and Lien decides to floor it thus running over and injuring DoubleJs07, DoubleJs07 can file charges against Lien in a civil suit for his injuries and possibly win.  There's a difference between a criminal case and a civil case. 
I'm sure there were some riders who weren't caught up w/ this foolishness....but does guilty by association apply?
Not in the court of law given the circumstances for each individual. 
This could definitely go to civil litigation. But I don't think an NY County jury would be too sympathetic. A Bronx jury, forget about it.

Depending on Lien's insurance, the policy cap wouldn't come close to covering damages. They'd have to try to enforce a judgement in excess if he loses on liability, which always poses problems.

You've got a point, but I just don't see how there is any way Lien is going to pay for damages.

I mean, look at the link below:....

As far as going to court goes and paying damages, I think Lien would have to somehow prove that the biker who is now paralyzed specifically was in the process of attacking him and his family, thus leaving Lien no other option (in his mind) to drive over him and the other bikers.  Meaning all the bikers that got off of their bike and confronted Lien in the Range according to his story during the 1st stop are going to have to be brought into court and give their testimony. 


Ya on some naive fools if ya think da driver is

Gonna skip & hop this process scott free.

Son gonna be paying legal fees out da wazoo for

Years to come...we in america people, there's

Lawyers drooling at all those bodies duke ran over

That were completely innocent. Da guy paralyzed

Was no where NEAR da truck when he was standing

Around, that dude just plowed him over.

:lol: :smh: @ thinking he'll ever be allowed behind a wheel

Of a car anytime soon.

Nope.....dude was guilty by association.

If a car with a group of 4 guys rolls up on you and only one guy shoots at you out the window causing you to blast back killing all 4 of them its their fault for being there in the first place and you will be found free of any wrong doing.

Shouldnt have been there blocking the street, wouldn't have had no problems in the first place. He put himself in that situation and paid the consequences.

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NONE of them were "completely innocent". Or did you not see the video of them parading through the streets acting like hooligans?

In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.

Not really. Because they were all committing illegal acts. As evidenced by the video. You can't claim "innocent bystander" when you were a willing participant in the acts that led up to the eventual assault. So although they might not be guilty of assault, they're still guilty of being an accessory because they were participants in the acts leading up to the assault. So every one of those bikers is guilty, but to varying degrees.

They chose to be a part of the group. They chose to ride along with other bikers who were committing illegal acts.

It's like when a cop pulls over a group of people in a car and discover marijuana in it. They don't care if it's yours or if you were actually the one smoking it. They're arresting everybody involved.

This is why parents say "be careful of the company you keep". If you're not doing doing something wrong, if you're part of a group of individuals doing something wrong...they can get you in trouble too.

An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal. The distinction between an accessory and a principal is a question of fact and degree:
The principal is the one whose acts or omissions, accompanied by the relevant mens rea (Latin for "guilty mind"), are the most immediate cause of the actus reus (Latin for "guilty act").
If two or more people are directly responsible for the actus reus, they can be charged as joint principals (see common purpose). The test to distinguish a joint principal from an accessory is whether the defendant independently contributed to causing the actus reus rather than merely giving generalised and/or limited help and encouragement.
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In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.
That's true, can't blame 200+ bikers for the actions of a fraction of them, in sure a lot of them were just cruising, I'm sure a lot of them are positive members of society, but you can't blame 1 man for protecting his family and seeing them as a threat when they crowded his car and began damaging his property...dude used the only weapon he had to defend himself, it happened to be a 3000lbs SUV
We'll see if the civil court verdict (if and when it reaches that point) agrees with you or not champ.  That's what I was speaking on earlier, Lien maybe innocent of any criminal charges (which would explain why he didn't receive a ticket or arrested) but he might be guilty in a civil case if the paralyzed biker takes his case to court. 

For example, let's say it was me, you (ksteezy) and DoubleJs07 that were apart of the riding group and all three of us, get off us our bike and confront Lien in his Range, if ksteezy and myself (for whatever reason) decide go to the rear of the Range and bash in the window and Lien decides to floor it thus running over and injuring DoubleJs07, DoubleJs07 can file charges against Lien in a civil suit for his injuries and possibly win.  There's a difference between a criminal case and a civil case. 
I'm sure there were some riders who weren't caught up w/ this foolishness....but does guilty by association apply?
Not in the court of law given the circumstances for each individual. 
na' mean.

why is NT acting like da group of bikers is one entity? as we speak everyone getting lawyered up. zimmerman was found not guilty

of his murder think he dont gotta deal with da civil suit right behind that? naive folks.....
Originally Posted by ksteezy  
Originally Posted by Deuce King  

In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.
That's true, can't blame 200+ bikers for the actions of a fraction of them, in sure a lot of them were just cruising, I'm sure a lot of them are positive members of society, but you can't blame 1 man for protecting his family and seeing them as a threat when they crowded his car and began damaging his property...dude used the only weapon he had to defend himself, it happened to be a 3000lbs SUV
We'll see if the civil court verdict (if and when it reaches that point) agrees with you or not champ.  That's what I was speaking on earlier, Lien maybe innocent of any criminal charges (which would explain why he didn't receive a ticket or arrested) but he might be guilty in a civil case if the paralyzed biker takes his case to court. 

For example, let's say it was me, you (ksteezy) and DoubleJs07 that were apart of the riding group and all three of us, get off us our bike and confront Lien in his Range, if ksteezy and myself (for whatever reason) decide go to the rear of the Range and bash in the window and Lien decides to floor it thus running over and injuring DoubleJs07, DoubleJs07 can file charges against Lien in a civil suit for his injuries and possibly win.  There's a difference between a criminal case and a civil case. 
I'm sure there were some riders who weren't caught up w/ this foolishness....but does guilty by association apply?
Not in the court of law given the circumstances for each individual. 
Then all 3 you boys guilty
Then again civil suits are a joke, a thief can literally suit a home owner if he gets injured inside their home while he breaks in..
In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.

That's true, can't blame 200+ bikers for the actions of a fraction of them, in sure a lot of them were just cruising, I'm sure a lot of them are positive members of society, but you can't blame 1 man for protecting his family and seeing them as a threat when they crowded his car and began damaging his property...dude used the only weapon he had to defend himself, it happened to be a 3000lbs SUV

We'll see if the civil court verdict (if and when it reaches that point) agrees with you or not champ.  That's what I was speaking on earlier, Lien maybe innocent of any criminal charges (which would explain why he didn't receive a ticket or arrested) but he might be guilty in a civil case if the paralyzed biker takes his case to court. 

For example, let's say it was me, you (ksteezy) and DoubleJs07 that were apart of the riding group and all three of us, get off us our bike and confront Lien in his Range, if ksteezy and myself (for whatever reason) decide go to the rear of the Range and bash in the window and Lien decides to floor it thus running over and injuring DoubleJs07, DoubleJs07 can file charges against Lien in a civil suit for his injuries and possibly win.  There's a difference between a criminal case and a civil case. 

I'm sure there were some riders who weren't caught up w/ this foolishness....but does guilty by association apply?

Not in the court of law given the circumstances for each individual. 
Watch the video again. (This goes for most of you.) The rider that is now paralyzed seems to have gotten off of his bike and/or positioned himself directly within the SUV's straight-forward path. It's common sense & insisted upon to never position yourself on an open road in such a vulnerable state. Are we all assuming that the rider is innocent or did he actually play any role in the intimidation/destruction/etc. of the SUV compromising the safety of the individuals within the vehicle? Too many factors favor the driver of the SUV & it's solidified within the video. Just look how he fled from the initial incident. He went straight & then merged into the right lane avoiding other motorcyclists. It's not an attack. It's an escape...
So they went after the wife and kid too?


Every member of that biker group should have their licenses revoked :smh:

So every member was involved?

In riding through the streets like idiots with no regards for traffic laws, their safety, the safety of other vehicles, or the safety of pedestrians? Yep. They were all involved. And yes, they should all have their driving privileges revoked.

And this is coming from someone who rides motorcycles, if that matters.
NONE of them were "completely innocent". Or did you not see the video of them parading through the streets acting like hooligans?
In all fairness, I don't think any of us can say "NONE of them are completely innocent".  I think folks are letting the reckless acts of the majority perhaps, speak for the entire group.  Let's all keep this in mind moving forward as we have this discussion.
Not really. Because they were all committing illegal acts. As evidenced by the video.
Again, after looking at the video or videos, can you really say that ALL of them were committing illegal acts, and by ALL I do mean ALL??  Meaning you saw and know all of the different types of bikes, recognize by way of clothing or helmet description that every single rider committed an illegal act??
Then all 3 you boys guilty
Of criminal charges maybe, but probably not all 3 for a civil case.  Like I said earlier, there is a difference.  
An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime
I don't think the word "accessory" would comply with this particular situation champ as reckless driving isn't a "crime" in the traditional sense with the way you are trying to present it.  A crime would be theft or murder, something along those lines.  Reckless driving is a violation.  Although I get what you are trying to say.
Watch the video again. (This goes for most of you.) The rider that is now paralyzed seems to have gotten off of his bike and/or positioned himself directly within the SUV's straight-forward path. It's common sense & insisted upon to never position yourself on an open road in such a vulnerable state.
I don't necessarily disagree with this statement, but yet again as I said earlier, the paralyzed biker can file a civil court suit against Lien for his injuries, and possibly win depending on how good his lawyer is and what he can prove.  Be that right or wrong
Then again civil suits are a joke, a thief can literally suit a home owner if he gets injured inside their home while he breaks in..
Welcome to America champ. 
why is NT acting like da group of bikers is one entity? as we speak everyone getting lawyered up.
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Dude said ":lol: @ thinking he's ever going to drive again" like homie didn't get a rental car through his insurance the next day while his whip getting fixed

The only people he ran over were NEAR HIS VEHICLE so if homie got hit it wasn't because he was a innocent bystander 100 feet away.
In riding through the streets like idiots with no regards for traffic laws, their safety, the safety of other vehicles, or the safety of pedestrians? Yep. They were all involved. And yes, they should all have their driving privileges revoked.

And this is coming from someone who rides motorcycles, if that matters.

So again, all of them were involved?

I see a lot more people acting crazy in cars.
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