Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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I think people realize that there were most likely riders in this group who had nothing to do with what happened on Sunday. The problem lies where bikes and their riders were, breaking traffic laws, blocking the RR, vandalism, and participating in the attack. IF homie who is in the hospital was indeed one of the riders blocking the Range, I don't see how he has any grounds to win his civil case. He and his family can file, but they are wasting their time.

So again, all of them were involved?

I see a lot more people acting crazy in cars.

Sense. Do you make any? Where are said cars in the videos posted?


Talking about the best possible route for Lien is kinda pointless. He was driving on a rim...that's why he had to stop. They would have caught up with him regardless of the way he went. It was a no-win situation for him.
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If the bikers that got hit would of have kept out moving and not stop in the middle of the highway, they would not have gotten ran over. Just because someone does not pull the trigger, does not make them innocent. They are accessory to the crimes that where committed. The fact that they stop and stood there all the time is all I need to see. Furthermore, these guys terrorized a family and inflicted psychological damage to the little girl, they need to pay .
Watch the video again. (This goes for most of you.) The rider that is now paralyzed seems to have gotten off of his bike and/or positioned himself directly within the SUV's straight-forward path. It's common sense & insisted upon to never position yourself on an open road in such a vulnerable state. Are we all assuming that the rider is innocent or did he actually play any role in the intimidation/destruction/etc. of the SUV compromising the safety of the individuals within the vehicle? Too many factors favor the driver of the SUV & it's solidified within the video. Just look how he fled from the initial incident. He went straight & then merged into the right lane avoiding other motorcyclists. It's not an attack. It's an escape...

Guy will walk away scott free as he should.
He could of also went over the Hudson bridge and on to the cross county. Best move would of been GW though .. maybe a lot of the bikers would of hesitated because of the toll coming back. :lol:

This is what I would've done.
His tire was slashed, you could see at the end he was driving on his rim. He wasn't going to make it far. Always traffic on the GWB, it could of been worst if he stood on the highway
has anyone mentioned why the cops didn't respond during this entire ordeal? seems they were well aware of this bike parade
has anyone mentioned why the cops didn't respond during this entire ordeal? seems they were well aware of this bike parade
Because when he called the cops he said there are bikers on highway acting like a fool which isn't really that serious and it's common. If he called and said a group of 60 men are attacking me the respond would of been quicker, of course he didn't have time to do that because he was in survival mode at the moment
IF homie who is in the hospital was indeed one of the riders blocking the Range, I don't see how he has any grounds to win his civil case. He and his family can file, but they are wasting their time.
Again, this goes back to my example from earlier, if me, you and ksteezy are out riding our bikes, you DoubleJs07 brake check a vehicle, that vehicle taps/hits you........all 3 of us stop because of the hit to you, if you walk up towards the front of the vehicle, but me and ksteezy for whatever reason decide to go to the rear of the vehicle and bash in the window with our actions unbeknown to you DoubleJs07, that wouldn't necessarily give the driver the right to run over you causing you injuries and sending you to the hospital.  In which case you could sue the driver in a civil suit. 
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Again, this goes back to my example from earlier, if me, you and ksteezy are out riding our bikes, you DoubleJs07 brake check a vehicle, that vehicle taps/hits you........all 3 of us stop because of the hit to you, if you walk up towards the front of the vehicle, but me and ksteezy for whatever reason decide to go to the rear of the vehicle and bash in the window with our actions unbeknown to you DoubleJs07, that wouldn't necessarily give the driver the right to run over you causing you injuries and sending you to the hospital.  In which case you could sue the driver in a civil suit. 

I'm not taking about a hypothetical, Deuce. I'm going off of what I saw in the video. By all accounts, the dude who is in the hospital was one of the guys who was blocking the range. If you notice, there are a bunch other riders hanging off on the side of the road. I'm pretty sure he wasn't in that group, and he made an awful decision that may ultimately cost him the ability to walk.
na' mean.

why is NT acting like da group of bikers is one entity?
They're all part of the thug supergang motorcycle hoodlums association

and seeing as there are TONS of eye witnesses who are innocent who were ALSO bikers...i'd love to see what that driver gonna say

thats not gonna evoke tons of scrutiny.

that boy gonna pay, either jail, or out his pocket, or both..but he's definitely not coming away scott free.
Again, this goes back to my example from earlier, if me, you and ksteezy are out riding our bikes, you DoubleJs07 brake check a vehicle, that vehicle taps/hits you........all 3 of us stop because of the hit to you, if you walk up towards the front of the vehicle, but me and ksteezy for whatever reason decide to go to the rear of the vehicle and bash in the window with our actions unbeknown to you DoubleJs07, that wouldn't necessarily give the driver the right to run over you causing you injuries and sending you to the hospital.  In which case you could sue the driver in a civil suit. 
I'm not taking about a hypothetical, Deuce. I'm going off of what I saw in the video. By all accounts, the dude who is in the hospital was one of the guys who was blocking the range. If you notice, there are a bunch other riders hanging off on the side of the road. I'm pretty sure he wasn't in that group, and he made an awful decision that may ultimately cost him the ability to walk.
I'm not really talking about hypotheticals either champ.  The biker who parked his bike in front of the Range is no different from when there is a two car accident/or bumper tap and two cars line up in front of each other either in the middle of the road or on the side of the road.  If the biker who is in the hospital decides to say he was going up to the Range to get his insurance information (yes that is an excuse the biker can use, be it the truth or not) then he can use that in his civil case for his injuries.  That why I said if the others bikers decided to bash Lien's back window UNBEKNOWN to the biker who got ran over than his case against Lien would be even stronger.  We'll just have to see how this plays out. 
If I'm in my car while surrounded by a group of KKK members, and decide to floor it because I am in fear of my life and accidentally hit one of the members that was off to the side, he can file a civil suit?

I'm not really talking about hypotheticals either champ.  The biker who parked his bike in front of the Range is no different from when there is a two car accident/or bumper tap and two cars line up in front of each other either in the middle of the road or on the side of the road.  If the biker who is in the hospital decides to say he was going up to the Range to get his insurance information (yes that is an excuse the biker can use, be it the truth or not) then he can use that in his civil case for his injuries.  That why I said if the others bikers decided to bash Lien's back window UNBEKNOWN to the biker who got ran over than his case against Lien would be even stronger.  We'll just have to see how this plays out. 

Um, actually you did use a hypothetical, but whatever....

Considering the incriminating videos posted of how these guys were riding prior to the incident, and also the footage of what led up to the incident, IMO, he's not going to have a case. Like I said before, he's wasting his time. His family is trying to make him out to be a victim, but he's going to have a real uphill battle trying to prove that he was trying to a) keep the peace or b) exchange insurance info. Personally, I think he was attempting to block the car...but if that isn't the case, his own club screwed him due to their actions.
If I'm in my car while surrounded by a group of KKK members, and decide to floor it because I am in fear of my life and accidentally hit one of the members that was off to the side, he can file a civil suit?


I am interested in knowing what the judgement on this will be too. If some road rage individual gets out his car and starts hitting my windshield, then it's LAWFUL for me to use my vehicle as a weapon because I am in fear of my life? If this is the case, what's the point in carrying the Glock in the ride, just put one of these on my truck....

View media item 600028
..but if that isn't the case, his own club screwed him due to their actions.
It appears as though you are treating this "club" or group of bikers as if they are a corporation, or one entity.  They are not.  All I'm trying to say is Lien appears to be innocent of criminal charges since he wasn't charged or arrested, but he may be guilty or found guilty if and when a civil case is presented.  That's all.
If I'm in my car while surrounded by a group of KKK members
The KKK is largely seen as a hate group, hence why we have "hate crimes" on the books, so feel free to do some deductive reasoning champ. 
Again, this goes back to my example from earlier, if me, you and ksteezy are out riding our bikes, you DoubleJs07 brake check a vehicle, that vehicle taps/hits you........all 3 of us stop because of the hit to you, if you walk up towards the front of the vehicle, but me and ksteezy for whatever reason decide to go to the rear of the vehicle and bash in the window with our actions unbeknown to you DoubleJs07, that wouldn't necessarily give the driver the right to run over you causing you injuries and sending you to the hospital.  In which case you could sue the driver in a civil suit. 

I'm not taking about a hypothetical, Deuce. I'm going off of what I saw in the video. By all accounts, the dude who is in the hospital was one of the guys who was blocking the range. If you notice, there are a bunch other riders hanging off on the side of the road. I'm pretty sure he wasn't in that group, and he made an awful decision that may ultimately cost him the ability to walk.

I'm not really talking about hypotheticals either champ.  The biker who parked his bike in front of the Range is no different from when there is a two car accident/or bumper tap and two cars line up in front of each other either in the middle of the road or on the side of the road.  If the biker who is in the hospital decides to say he was going up to the Range to get his insurance information (yes that is an excuse the biker can use, be it the truth or not) then he can use that in his civil case for his injuries.  That why I said if the others bikers decided to bash Lien's back window UNBEKNOWN to the biker who got ran over than his case against Lien would be even stronger.  We'll just have to see how this plays out. 


The only appropriate and legal place to stop a motor vehicle on a roadway is the righthand shoulder with your hazards illuminated.

Anything that happens to someone while stopped blocking the middle of the freeway is their own damn fault and any court of law will agree.

These bikers may have had a case if they were lines up in an orderly fashion on the shoulder of the road but at the video shows they have absolutely no claim.
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It appears as though you are treating this "club" or group of bikers as if they are a corporation, or one entity.  They are not.  All I'm trying to say is Lien appears to be innocent of criminal charges since he wasn't charged or arrested, but he may be guilty or found guilty if and when a civil case is presented.  That's all.

The KKK is largely seen as a hate group, hence why we have "hate crimes" on the books, so feel free to do some deductive reasoning champ. 

DK - I do get your POV...but if this guy was riding in a group that have over 200 calls to the police on Sunday, and was riding recklessly before the incident, do you think any judge is going to buy the argument that this man wanted to exchange insurance info or something along those lines? Like I said before, he COULD have had good intentions...but the actions of his club screwed him. I'm sure there are guys who weren't acting stupid on this day, but he was one of the guys who put themselves in harms way, and thus, I believe he was trying to block the SUV.
I'm sure there were some riders who weren't caught up w/ this foolishness....but does guilty by association apply? I mean, there were over 200 calls to the police about the recklessness of how these guys were riding on Sunday. Easier said than done, but there was nothing stopping the guys who weren't involved from breaking off from the pack before all of this popped off.
I was going to say the same thing the other bikers knew somewhat was going on. The rest of the group could have made off on a different street away from the chase.
It appears as though you are treating this "club" or group of bikers as if they are a corporation, or one entity.  They are not.  All I'm trying to say is Lien appears to be innocent of criminal charges since he wasn't charged or arrested, but he may be guilty or found guilty if and when a civil case is presented.  That's all.

The KKK is largely seen as a hate group, hence why we have "hate crimes" on the books, so feel free to do some deductive reasoning champ. 
those bikers could somewhat be seen as a hate group as well...hatred towards cars...hatred towards others trying to make their way past them and they reacted that way towards the vehicle. you guys are sure as hell not that smart honestly. you can apply this situation to any gang...say for example the "bloods" see a squad of all red clothes people surrounding your car...some are inticing you, some are trying to troll you..and you just wanna make your way on by with no problems...u got a girl n a baby in your car..right? u keep it movin but one of them decides to fraudulently cause a fender see those red shirts surrounding your get scared. you sure as hell arent about to get out the car...and you really dont want to sit there and take the beating they will give you (cause you cant see what truly happens back there, im sure someone had a GoPro on around the vehicle that showed what these bikers tried to do) so you decide to just go straight ahead and try to outrun the course of doing so, you run one over...u didnt mean to do it intentionally but a pack of wolves surrounding a pack of wolves. those same morons who got hurt that prolly didnt deserve it are the same idiots your mom tells you about when your boy gets hit up for hangin with the wrong crowd. guilty by association. they all ride together, they better REALLY ride together now. u dudes act like the azn guy shouldve tossed the brake-check dude a fair one....tell you HONESTLY think these ******s would wanna have a cup of coffee and talk it out??? and i know yaw seen previous videos of these dudes committing plenty of traffic infractions, causing damage to other vehicles, causing traffic to back up for miles on end....and still try to prove their innocense? i tell u what, i wish yaw were in the bikers position, and i had the asian dudes position.....i would be reversing and trying to do 360's in the middle of the street running you and (if you had kids riding on lil 250's) them too
i hope all yaw against the RR look at cops the same way...meaning that not every cop is out here to throw u in jail or is a bad human being...oh wait..this is NT....and this is where trolls do it well...nahhh cant be right..right?
ALl bikers involved are pathetic and I have no problem with dude being paralyzed. You dont surround a vehicle on a highway with 30 bikes and then like a dumbass stop 3 ft in from of him. He deserved to get hit and when they all circle his car, he then deserved to get run over. If my wife and daughter are in the car you aren't ****** with me like that. Fake gang shouldn't of been circling him in the first place.

Then there's the video of bikers wife who said he was actually trying to help the family :x:x:x ****

EDIT: If the guy who got ran over wasn't the dude who checked him its a bit different, but hes still involved and shouldnt be a part of that BS
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It appears as though you are treating this "club" or group of bikers as if they are a corporation, or one entity.  They are not.  All I'm trying to say is Lien appears to be innocent of criminal charges since he wasn't charged or arrested, but he may be guilty or found guilty if and when a civil case is presented.  That's all.

The KKK is largely seen as a hate group, hence why we have "hate crimes" on the books, so feel free to do some deductive reasoning champ. 
but they were though.....they were all a entity riding together..claiming the roads together...sooo....try again 
I am interested in knowing what the judgement on this will be too. If some road rage individual gets out his car and starts hitting my windshield, then it's LAWFUL for me to use my vehicle as a weapon because I am in fear of my life? If this is the case, what's the point in carrying the Glock in the ride, just put one of these on my truck....

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truck looks dope. More pictures
The video makes me cringe, especially when you think that the guy had his wife and 2 year old kid with him. All of the dudes should get harsh punishment.
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