Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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Lol @ giving bikers a bad name cause I don't have a license, how the hell does me not having a license endanger others?
I don't see how this thread has gone full circle...

ninjahood has repeatedly failed to address valid criticisms against his argument despite them being quoted OVER and OVER again. The combination of arguments falling on deaf ears and ninjahood's childish last resort tactic of "say it to my face" led to personal attacks. Par for the course in a ninjahood thread.

What really struck a chord with me was remembering what ninjahood posted in the other thread about wanting a car purely for vanity and the first thing he was going to do when he gets his car is go smoke with his goons on the highway. I don't care if a man wants to spend his money on a car purely for vanity. We are men and we love automobiles so I understand that. Ya know what, I don't even really care if you smoke while driving because personally I don't find it impairing. If you're going somewhere and you wanna smoke to enjoy the ride a little bit it's whatever.

But, if you're only reason for being on the highway is to smoke in your car with your boys, or, stunt on your bike with your boys...see now I know why ninjahood is defending these fools on their bikes. They were on the highway for the same reason he wants to be, vanity purposes. If that's your reason for being on the highway just do it responsibly and if you endanger others be prepared to accept the consequences for your actions.

These bikers were not responsible at all. Forget the RR clipping a biker and leaving the scene of a crime which was a misdemeanor. That's what ninjahood is saying started this all right? No. The bikers were breaking traffic laws way before they even caught up to the RR. Holding up red lights, stopping cars, essentially acting as cross guards to their unorganized joy ride through the city. The erratic and wreckless driving of this group is what lead up to the offense of the RR accidentally hitting one of the bikers. You can not tell me that this man, with his family in the car, purposefully hit a biker riding with a mob.

Even if there was a jury full of ninjahood's for this case, the judge is entitled to take into account matters proved during the trial, or laid before him/her after verdict, as a guide to determining the quantum of punishment. I just don't see any kind of punishment coming down on Lien when the mob of bikers broke laws which placed him in unfavorable circumstances from the start and then the crime of recklessly endangering (class A misdemeanor) was also committed towards Lien and his family when the bikers made him pull over by brake checking and started engaging in conduct which created a substantial risk of serious physical injury to Lien and his family.

I'm trying to think like ninjahood and understand why he won't admit the bikers were at fault and the only way I could rationalize was to think back about what he posted about his reasons for using the highway. Just to stunt and be vain. The definition of vain is "producing no result; useless." So if you're breaking laws on the highway, not even using it as a means of transportation, just being useless and endangering others who are abiding by laws and probably have somewhere to go. AND you have the audacity to be upset when your wreckless behavior results in someone accidentally hitting you. AND you can't realize you were in the wrong to begin with. AND you go that extra step further and start bashing the RRs window and slashing tires trying to place the blame on him.

I don't see how this behavior can be justified by anyone but a fool.

Why do you care what Ninja thinks?
So a 16 year old who gets his license isn't a novice driver?

Honest you wear a helmet when you don't ride?

Funny how you keep using the word novice, novice rider-no. Novice stunter-yes
lol I'll leave that alone tho lol
Why do you care what Ninja thinks?
I like examining the thought processes and reasoning behind someone with a differing point of view than my own. I'm trying to understand the mechanisms of thought behind an individual who is siding with the bikers in this situation.

"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."
Yea really in really not understanding what's funny, they said I'm endangering everyone by not having a license, so if I take the class this weekend is everyone else no longer in danger from me lol

It's the principle of the matter. You can't live above the law; nor can you qualify yourself as a good rider without having a license.

It's a low threshold that you haven't even cared to pass.
It's the principle of the matter. You can't live above the law; nor can you qualify yourself as a good rider without having a license.

It's a low threshold that you haven't even cared to pass.
Naw You can be a great rider without a license

But that you can't live above the law is very fair to say
Naw You can be a great rider without a license

But that you can't live above the law is very fair to say

I know you can be a great rider without having a license. In fact, there are probably MANY stupid riders that have a license. :lol:

At the same time, how are we supposed to know you're a good rider? The process of getting a license is all about qualification.

And frankly, by not having one, you aren't qualified to society. Point blank.

And you can say, "**** that ****, I'ma do me..." and it may work as long as you don't get in trouble. But the second you do, penalties will fall on you tenfold.

Good luck with that.

You don't even need to be driving poorly. It could be a broken taillight or whatever. So yeah, it makes a difference.
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Listen up youtube rider....

A license doesn't make you a good rider, it makes you a legal one... and that helps if you ever get yourself run over and paralyzed and want to pursue litigation
explain to me what a youtube rider is? 
I bought a motorcycle and got it towed home without knowing how to ride one either, I just watched several YouTube vids and taught myself,. I still don't have a license

I wrecked my f4i now it's in the process of becoming a full stunt bike


Not sure why you keep quoting that, I've been riding everyday for well over a year, riding everyday lets you gain experience, most people are just weekend riders so they progress slower, come up with something new bro

And show me a rider who hasn't wrecked
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All this could've been avoided. I've drove around maniac biker clubs just let them be playing with there bikes acting like fools.

And some of y'all saying you would've hit them etc. this isn't a movie and I'm positive if y'all were in his car that wouldn't be the case. Just take an L, don't further it. If he angered the bikers more he would've probably been killed.

Y'all playing too much GTA.

Not sure why you keep quoting that, I've been riding everyday for well over a year, riding everyday lets you gain experience, most people are just weekend riders so they progress slower, come up with something new bro

And show me a rider who hasn't wrecked

bike clubs wouldn't even touch you ... why do you expect niketalk to respect your ridership?
All this could've been avoided. I've drove around maniac biker clubs just let them be playing with there bikes acting like fools.

And some of y'all saying you would've hit them etc. this isn't a movie and I'm positive if y'all were in his car that wouldn't be the case. Just take an L, don't further it. If he angered the bikers more he would've probably been killed.

Y'all playing too much GTA.

c'mon.. dude was a white collar family man and he ran over dude... you don't think some of these gun carrying, ebay scamming, yamb snatching, musket packing NTers wouldn't get heated and press the gas?!?!!?
bike clubs wouldn't even touch you ... why do you expect niketalk to respect your ridership?

I don't give a damn about bike clubs lol, I don't care about presidents and secretary's and getting a vest, most biker clubs don't even ride alot they just cruise to an event and park
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Wife said the right thing when she said " we reacted that way because we were in fear of our life, and that fear was proven right when they beat my husband"

:rofl: this guy rollin

You gotta be kidding me.

Watching youtube videos as to how to ride a bike then wrecks it. But nope, not a novice. :lol:
see the thing is - we have laws in this country. one of those laws, as an operator of a motorized vehicle, is that you need to have a license and insurance to be able to operate it in order to play by the game. "the game" not only involves the preservation of safety for yourself, but for the general public. when you don't play by that game you are in essence stating that you're somehow above the law and not willing to respect that rule of law, much like many of those bikers on that day
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