Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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what kind of dumb **** is this? like what's wrong with the way you brain works? it's not like "ok, pick one or the other"

i ain't even a fan of police enforcement like that, but cops can't do much to stop this kind of behavior because police chases put even more innocent people in jeopardy, especially when idiots on sportbikes can do just about anything to evade police that cars can't - things like going the opposite way down narrow streets, riding on curbs, maneuvering down gradations/steps, etc

these scumbags on sportbikes know they can easily evade cops that's why they're so brazen with their actions

it's perfectly fine and justified for a normal person to be upset with idiot pack mentality dudes on bikes who intimidate everyone else on the street

Did I say law abiding citizens shouldn't be upset? You can have your female hissy fit if you want... but then what? Hey look it's a group ride.. let's get mad and honk. OK did that... NOW WHAT? Next week same thing. Next year same thing. :lol: The police with drones, undercover agents, check points, helicopters, snipers, road block tire spikes are powerless? But no we shouldn't expect Law Enforcement to step up, let's just be ANGRY! What a brilliant way on how to solve the problem!. :rolleyes
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i'm not a fan on internet pile ons and was thinking everyone should probably chill a bit with Rollinwithangel, but dude you really are welcoming the criticism with open arms
A lot of you all are throwing heat at RWA's way. How many of you have actually ridden before? How many of you are familiar with the bike culture? It just seems a bit arrogant that you would speak on stuff you no little of.

You'd be surprised how useful a tool YouTube can be. Not for one minute do I condone homie riding without a license (fam, you really should get that asap), but him learning to ride from YouTube isn't as farfetched as you all make it out to be. Hell, the MSF course has you watching roughly 6 cumulative hours of instructional videos. Learning to ride a motorcycle is initially not that difficult. Mastering it is something that the course itself can never do.

Dudes stunt on bikes. It's a fact of life. I'd wheelie the hell out of Gina if I knew how to lift her up. It's not about looking cool for onlookers that don't ride. For the most part, it's to master your bike and display that for your fellow riders. Word to the dude l hitting that wheelie for a minute and a half in front of others on bikes. :pimp: Of course, there are safer places to do this sort of thing (tracks, closed parking lots, etc) where you don't endanger others. But the bike culture has always been filled with people that live a) as if they're above the law b) on the edge. It's not going anywhere. Like I said, those of us who ride reckless (stunting, running from cops, high speeds, etc) know the risks involved. I can't judge someone too harshly for being a thrill seeker. I just have a problem when it endangers onlookers and other vehicles.

I'm the kind of person that calls a spade a spade. What the guys involved in the range rover incident did was just wrong on all ends IMO. But to frown upon all bikers who stunt on highways or do big pack rides is silly. Especially when there are authorized rides where police ride with the motorcyclists. Look up other ride of the century videos. You can see pack leaders telling the bikers to follow the laws of the road, pay respect to other people/vehicles, etc. There is usually a large level of consideration given to other vehicles on the road. I personally wouldn't partake in big rides because I'm not cool with playing a guessing game as to what a person's riding experience is.

These guys in the RR video are giving us a bad name across the board.
A lot of you all are throwing heat at RWA's way. How many of you have actually ridden before? How many of you are familiar with the bike culture? It just seems a bit arrogant that you would speak on stuff you no little of.

You'd be surprised how useful a tool YouTube can be. Not for one minute do I condone homie riding without a license (fam, you really should get that asap), but him learning to ride from YouTube isn't as farfetched as you all make it out to be. Hell, the MSF course has you watching roughly 6 cumulative hours of instructional videos. Learning to ride a motorcycle is initially not that difficult. Mastering it is something that the course itself can never do.

Dudes stunt on bikes. It's a fact of life. I'd wheelie the hell out of Gina if I knew how to lift her up. It's not about looking cool for onlookers that don't ride. For the most part, it's to master your bike and display that for your fellow riders. Word to the dude l hitting that wheelie for a minute and a half in front of others on bikes.
Of course, there are safer places to do this sort of thing (tracks, closed parking lots, etc) where you don't endanger others. But the bike culture has always been filled with people that live a) as if they're above the law b) on the edge. It's not going anywhere. Like I said, those of us who ride reckless (stunting, running from cops, high speeds, etc) know the risks involved. I can't judge someone too harshly for being a thrill seeker. I just have a problem when it endangers onlookers and other vehicles.

I'm the kind of person that calls a spade a spade. What the guys involved in the range rover incident did was just wrong on all ends IMO. But to frown upon all bikers who stunt on highways or do big pack rides is silly. Especially when there are authorized rides where police ride with the motorcyclists. Look up other ride of the century videos. You can see pack leaders telling the bikers to follow the laws of the road, pay respect to other people/vehicles, etc. There is usually a large level of consideration given to other vehicles on the road. I personally wouldn't partake in big rides because I'm not cool with playing a guessing game as to what a person's riding experience is.

These guys in the RR video are giving us a bad name across the board.
I need to ride to know that driving a motor vehicle without a license is ignorant?
lmao there's real riders and youtube riders.

dude sounds like a legit poser to me.

no offense.

i ride real motorcycles not crotch rockets.

inb4 da hemi
Serious question...what CAN police do about this?

I mean, we saw the reports...they are instructed not to give chase due to the hazardous speeds in which these bikes go. There are a lot of riders who don't respect the road, other drivers, or authorities. I just don't know what can be done about this.

Police are having a hard enough time as it is sorting through this mess due to the identities of the riders being concealed, the bikes not having plates, or the bikes having switched plates that don't match.

Why should anyone have to concede to these idiots b/c they think they're above the law.

This whole thing started due to them assuming that everyone is just going to give up the road when their crew is present. It's an absolute joke and pisses me off. I have plenty of family members who ride...I know people who ride. However, all of them are responsible.

The ones I loathe, are the type of riders we've seen in the videos and read about in the particulars of this case. I see them all the time around NYC and around parts of the DMV. As a group, they are an absolute menace.

OK you're saying why should drivers concede to these drivers? Didn't you just answer your own question... the Police per your opinion are powerless. So if the Police are powerless, and these bikers are above the law, shouldn't DRIVERS then concede if law enforcement can't even deal with them?
Go ahead and read the rest before you come at me sideways champ.
Nope. Nothing that has been said to Rollin has been wrong. Dude is a irresponsible motorcyclist. Simple as that. Danger to the streets and himself.

Your post was filled with circles that are hugging each other.
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A lot of you all are throwing heat at RWA's way. How many of you have actually ridden before? How many of you are familiar with the bike culture? It just seems a bit arrogant that you would speak on stuff you no little of.

You'd be surprised how useful a tool YouTube can be. Not for one minute do I condone homie riding without a license (fam, you really should get that asap), but him learning to ride from YouTube isn't as farfetched as you all make it out to be. Hell, the MSF course has you watching roughly 6 cumulative hours of instructional videos. Learning to ride a motorcycle is initially not that difficult. Mastering it is something that the course itself can never do.

Dudes stunt on bikes. It's a fact of life. I'd wheelie the hell out of Gina if I knew how to lift her up. It's not about looking cool for onlookers that don't ride. For the most part, it's to master your bike and display that for your fellow riders. Word to the dude l hitting that wheelie for a minute and a half in front of others on bikes.
Of course, there are safer places to do this sort of thing (tracks, closed parking lots, etc) where you don't endanger others. But the bike culture has always been filled with people that live a) as if they're above the law b) on the edge. It's not going anywhere. Like I said, those of us who ride reckless (stunting, running from cops, high speeds, etc) know the risks involved. I can't judge someone too harshly for being a thrill seeker. I just have a problem when it endangers onlookers and other vehicles.

I'm the kind of person that calls a spade a spade. What the guys involved in the range rover incident did was just wrong on all ends IMO. But to frown upon all bikers who stunt on highways or do big pack rides is silly. Especially when there are authorized rides where police ride with the motorcyclists. Look up other ride of the century videos. You can see pack leaders telling the bikers to follow the laws of the road, pay respect to other people/vehicles, etc. There is usually a large level of consideration given to other vehicles on the road. I personally wouldn't partake in big rides because I'm not cool with playing a guessing game as to what a person's riding experience is.

These guys in the RR video are giving us a bad name across the board.
I get it, all of this is fine...


If you're going to live as if you're above the law and on edge, then you have to deal with the consequences of breaking the law and the consequences of scaring cars who are just going about their business.

Laws are in place to prevent situations like these from ever happening. You're gonna break the law? Deal with the consequences and don't expect a pretty picture to be painted in your favor.

I don't see what's so hard to understand about this.
Motorcycles and NYC do not mix. Especially when 90% of them are riding like morons.

I hate to hear these bikes come down the block.
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I was wondering how long it would take for someone to talk about what is/isn't a real motorcycle.
Serious question...what CAN police do about this?

I mean, we saw the reports...they are instructed not to give chase due to the hazardous speeds in which these bikes go. There are a lot of riders who don't respect the road, other drivers, or authorities. I just don't know what can be done about this.

Police are having a hard enough time as it is sorting through this mess due to the identities of the riders being concealed, the bikes not having plates, or the bikes having switched plates that don't match.

Why should anyone have to concede to these idiots b/c they think they're above the law.

This whole thing started due to them assuming that everyone is just going to give up the road when their crew is present. It's an absolute joke and pisses me off. I have plenty of family members who ride...I know people who ride. However, all of them are responsible.

The ones I loathe, are the type of riders we've seen in the videos and read about in the particulars of this case. I see them all the time around NYC and around parts of the DMV. As a group, they are an absolute menace.
OK you're saying why should drivers concede to these drivers? Didn't you just answer your own question... the Police per your opinion are powerless. So if the Police are powerless, and these bikers are above the law, shouldn't DRIVERS then concede if law enforcement can't even deal with them?
The objective of Joe Commuter and Johnny Law are not equal here.

People shouldn't have to pull to the side of the road and hope that a swarm of riders gets off at the next exit so they can get where their own destination.
"female hissy fit"

ok buddy - says a lot about the kind of world you live in

I live in the real world. I live in the world where I as a taxpayer expect Law Enforcement to actual do their job.

I live in a world where citizens can voice their concerns to the local elected Politicians and expect results.

I live in a world where I have a right to drive with my family and not have to deal with motorcycle gangs.

What world do you live in? A world where you have temper tantrums over a you tube video instead of finding a sensible solution?
All the old post y'all finding I'm surprised no one bought over those pics of me wrecking at the lot last week lol
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lmao there's real riders and youtube riders.

dude sounds like a legit poser to me.

no offense.

i ride real motorcycles not crotch rockets.

inb4 da hemi
No need to take shots at the 600's my dude.
fraij we good people no shots at the cc boys.

only the biker boyz posers.

we straight
Yea not offended anyways.

Can I just point out its dangerous enough riding by your damn self on a bike?

I thought for sure one time that a Raccoon running out into the road was going to end my life... Not a single other car or bike in sight and I was doing 90-100 mph on a straight and I almost hit this fool.  Makes me
to think of what I woulda been looking like if I had went down.

And this whole argument stemming from someone who decided to initiate contact with an SUV over some bull**** on their 450 lb machine? SMH.
Just found out the dude who stopped in front of the Range, Chris Cruz, is one of my peeps :wow: ... not a close friend, more like an assoicate, but he grew up in the same area and hungout with alot of my homies who are into bikes and race cars .. I knew dude was a wild boy when it came to the bikes, but not on this level ..

Mind = Blown :smh:
Just found out the dude who stopped in front of the Range, Chris Cruz, is one of my peeps
... not a close friend, more like an assoicate, but he grew up in the same area and hungout with alot of my homies who are into bikes and race cars .. I knew dude was a wild boy when it came to the bikes, but not on this level ..

Mind = Blown
yo u grew up in passaic or paterson?
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