• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
I'm 40 min in to this movie so far and its fine.

Not a great attention grabber but nowhere near the headache inducing horrid borefest of Catwoman, Fan4stic, BvS, or Ghost Rider.

I did notice they uses diffferent scenes and changed that doctor's pronunciation of symbiote :lol:
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I'm 40 min in to this movie so far and its fine.

Not a great attention grabber but nowhere the headache inducing horrid borefest of Catwoman, Fan4stic, BvS, or Ghost Rider.

I did notice they uses diffferent scenes and changed that doctor's pronunciation of symbiote :lol:

Exactly! Told people yesterday, however that 3rd act ain’t it lol
FRIDAY 11:07 PM UPDATE: Refresh for chart Sony can breathe a giant sigh of relief as their Marvel-verse Venom is absolutely working at the domestic box office with what is now estimated to be an $77M-$80M weekend after a $32.3M Friday, both quite easily October records besting Gravity‘s $55.7M opening weekend and Paranormal Activity 3‘s opening day of $26.3M.

Oh wow, i wasn't expecting this.
A movie that's been getting 'it's not that bad' or 'it's just ok' reviews at best should not be making 80 mil opening weekend in the box office. This will only encourage Sony to make more of these movies and we'll be robbed of these villains being introduced in a spidey movie produced by marvel studios

Lol while I kinda agree, SONY / FOX make bad movies all the time and still don’t change soooo this wasn’t gonna change nothing either

Like ghostrider was horrible and they still made another horrible one

These studios rich and going to do whatever they want
So yeah just finished. Definitely nit the near 2 hrs it was suppose to be. Hope a director's edition or extended version comes out.

So yeah this movie was about average. Not good but I wasnt disastisfied. Not a huge Venom fan to start with but I like the character. Without the Spidey ties, Eddie Brock is a different character. This was more whoa I got this alien thing attached to me, its making do weord ****, ppl are after me/trying to kill me, etc.

Riz was misused as a villain. He was like as good as my boy Corey Stoll in Ant-Man.

It looked weird and a bit slimy in the trailers but the Venom cgi looked good throughout the movie.

There was a little too much Michelle Williams in this. Shes a great actor but they ain't have enough for her to do to keep her in the movie that long.

My problem with the 3rd act was they firmly establish that mainly sound and fire hurt/can kill the symbiotes but the sound of a rocket launching does nothing to either. They gonna do that like we aint all watch the animated Spidey cartoon and he used a rocket launch to defeat and separate Venom from Brock.

That midcredits scene :rofl:

The end credits was like 10 min :lol: Real great.

Guess the “Turd in the wind” line worked
You know they saved that for the very end so it wasn't that bad.

If it had been early on it wouldve set a bad tone for the rest of the movie.

That'll be the trend for this Venom movie "it wasnt that bad" :lol:

A movie that's been getting 'it's not that bad' or 'it's just ok' reviews at best should not be making 80 mil opening weekend in the box office. This will only encourage Sony to make more of these movies and we'll be robbed of these villains being introduced in a spidey movie produced by marvel studios
Sony specifically is still in charge of Spidey in film and only loaned Spidey to marvel studios.

They'll get to continue to make trash Spidey and Spidey related movies for as long as they want until they sell.

As far as bad movies making bank. Get use to it. FOX, SONY, DC/WB been getting away with it for decades.
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Sony specifically is still in charge of Spidey in film and only loaned Spidey to marvel studios.

They'll get to continue to make trash Spidey and Spidey related movies for as long as they want until they sell.

As far as bad movies making bank. Get use to it. FOX, SONY, DC/WB been getting away with it for decades.
I think that's a sweet deal Sony has with Marvel. Marvel makes the movie for Sony but Sony keeps the movie profits. Meaning they can literally do nothing and still profit. I wish Sony can just be happy with that and not use characters that marvel studios could introduce in a movie they produce.

Sony probably leaving money on the table by introducing venom themselves. Sure they are making 60 mil opening weekend now even though their movie is being trashed. Imagine how much they could make if they had waited for marvel studios to introduce venom for them.

Marvel could've had a venom movie with spidey in it open to 100 mil and over.
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Lol while I kinda agree, SONY / FOX make bad movies all the time and still don’t change soooo this wasn’t gonna change nothing either

Like ghostrider was horrible and they still made another horrible one

These studios rich and going to do whatever they want
They cut the budget in half for that ghostrider sequel

The first ghostrider grossed 230 million on a 110 million budget

They produced the ghostrider sequel with a 57 mil budget probably hoping to get the same box office. Didn't happen. Overall gross had actually dropped from 230 mil (gross for the first movie) to 132 mil (gross for the second). Haven't made a sequel for that since.

Rule of thumb for movies is you got to make double your budget just to break even so while they didn't net negative, they didn't gain much off of the two movies. Decided to cut their losses.

Venom is going to profit huge compared to ghostrider. Opening to 60 mil or more on a 100 mil budget.
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They cut the budget in half for that ghostrider sequel

The first ghostrider grossed 230 million on a 110 million budget

They produced the ghostrider sequel with a 57 mil budget probably hoping to get the same box office. Didn't happen. Overall gross had actually dropped from 230 mil (gross for the first movie) to 132 mil (gross for the second). Haven't made a sequel for that since.

Rule of thumb for movies is you got to make double your budget just to break even so while they didn't net negative, they didn't gain much off of the two movies. Decided to cut their losses.

Venom is going to profit huge compared to ghostrider. Opening to 60 mil or more on a 100 mil budget.

Like I said I’m on your side! I want GOOD MOVIES made however, my point in bringing up ghostrider was that the first one was trash and they made another one that was equally as trash. Studios make trash whether we collectively watch the films or not

Hell there is even a movie out about Puzzles ... puzzles my ninja .. so whether we go see these movies or not, studios will release whatever they please
I think the only way to watch this movie is to shut down your inner nerd and enjoy it as if you don't know anything about Venom. Your inner nerd is a symbiote that wants to leave but you just have to make it comply.

The best part of the movie is definitely Eddie's interactions with the symbiote. I liked the Jameson reference in the movie. Shoutout to Dan from Veep and Riz MC from Swet Shop Boys. Wasn't crazy about the CGI but this Venom is much better than David Duke Venom in Spider-Man 3. Just go to this movie knowing that Spider-Man's not in it and knowing that your inner nerd is going to nitpick everything and disregard it. This film is really for people who aren't familiar with the comics but still want to see a comic book movie. It's not for cosplay Comic Con mah****as.

However one thing that annoyed me
I don't mind the Spider-Verse trailer but that extra Spider-Verse content in the end credits was like a slap in the face to the comic book nerds. It took me awhile to accept that Spider-Man wasn't in the film, I didn't need to see any Spider-Man scenes in the film, end credits or not
I never post in here....

I’ll probably get made fun of, but I went and saw this movie today with my GF. I liked it. So did my GF. Was it a classic, probably not, but I thought it was a fun movie.
I think that's a sweet deal Sony has with Marvel. Marvel makes the movie for Sony but Sony keeps the movie profits. Meaning they can literally do nothing and still profit. I wish Sony can just be happy with that and not use characters that marvel studios could introduce in a movie they produce.

Sony probably leaving money on the table by introducing venom themselves. Sure they are making 60 mil opening weekend now even though their movie is being trashed. Imagine how much they could make if they had waited for marvel studios to introduce venom for them.

Marvel could've had a venom movie with spidey in it open to 100 mil and over.
Some money left on the table is better than all of the money keft on the table.

The reason the Spidey deal is so sweet is cuz its Spider-Man. Probably wouldnt be made with any other Marvel hero. Cuz of that Sony knows there's a market for the other characters in Spidey's world.

Marvel studios wasnt going to make a solo Venom movie had Sony gave Marvel all of Spideucs characters. Thats simple cuz marvel studios still have to make their own movies so they make money.

So Sony knows they can make Morbius, Spider-Girl/Gwen/Silk, Nightwatch, hopefully Prowler, and Black Cat movies cuz they all have pretty large followings.
I didn't know Fury was in this. Boy they are getting inspiration from all angles for these spidey stories.

my synopsis? it was a potentially good movie discombobulated in a awfully paced, edited down
hot mess.
huge plot holes, bad storying telling, ish happening for da sake of happening, da 1st act
is a straight head scratcher...da villian wasn't fleshed out enough, venom speaking
and reason for existing went from survival to...."i like you?"
da actual CGI was good, and action was good..end credit scene was better than most of da movie..

had they had a slower paced build up, a fleshed out villian, and just a overall attempt to better
walk da viewer to events, and why we should care, it would've went a lonnnnng way.
Being a complete Spider-Man fan, I was super excited, yet super fearful of the Venom movie. Excited to see the Spider-Man nemesis in action, fearful it was gonna suck. I was especially hesitant after hearing all the whispers about how bad it was. After seeing it, I’d give it a 6/10. Not the BEST by a long shot, but not the worst neither. It does totally feel like a sci-fi movie from the early 2000s. Also, and this is the one part that bugs me, this movie could’ve been called ANYTHING. “The Creature,” “Parasite,” “Inside Me,” anything. They slapped the name “Venom” on it to make more money, but it doesn’t feel like Venom in the least. It’s cool to see “Venom” on screen, but then I was like “it looks like Venom, but it feels like the creators love the way he looks, yet made a completely different story around a cool looking comic book creature.” I enjoyed it, I’d never buy it, but I’d play it in the background when it hits on-demand.
1. The Carnage teaser with Woody was cool...I guess. Woody Harrelson with a goofy wig, saying the words “it’s going to be CARNAGE,” seems lazy and kind of a waste. I’d rather Brock talking to someone about him doing a report on some dude name Cassidy causing “carnage” throughout the city on a murderous rampage or something. A kin to the Joker teaser at the end of Batman Begins. No need to see Woody.
2. After seeing the after credits Spiderverse clip, and the art style (which I think is dope) using the halftone effect so heavily throughout, I’m even more so convinced that these Jordan 1 “Crystals” that are coming out are connected to this movie. The texture/effect on the red upper looks just like the halftone dots that are all over this movie and are big in comic books in general.
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