Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Honestly, I wasn't upset about the lightsaber scene but I think dropping it on the ground would have had a better effect.
The Last Jedi 6.4/8.

I liked it for what it was. A tad too long. Wasn't ESB level and I am not as hyped about Rian helming his own trilogy but it wasn't bad at all and I mean that from a story perspective. A few sub par subplots if it was aiming for greatness but its all in the Star Wars ballpark. I definitely enjoyed the movie.

This movie was intentionally humorous but unintentionally hilarious. I'll get right to that fakeout with Leia :lol: That's what my YOOOOO post was about. 30 min or so in to this movie and you try to create a dramatic tense life threatening scene and almost landed it until you had her tap in to the force and literally fly back to her blown a part ship. Like the sole purpose of that seemed to be Rian saying hey guys I definitely watched these movies and read stuff cuz as we know Leia was strong with the force so she must be able to use it in some form 0] I swear KK must've been asleep when Rian put that in the script. Pointless imo. I was howling when Leia flew back to the ship :rofl: Had ppl turning around looking at me cuz mostly everyone else was in awe of it.

I felt like Rian only listened to half of the complaints about JJ's TFA. Finn got a lot more attention this go around and it was all good. The little subplot on the Dubai planet with Rose was cool, exploring the corrupt, amoral elite, the double standards, the whole good guys and bad guys dont pick a side stuff. However, the overall situation that leads to that is just pretty dumb and not compelling. They made a chase through space not exciting. The movie takes place right after TFA and is basically over the span of the resistance main ship losing gas :lol:

But yeah, Finn gets some good stuff for him but then Phasma I think is in this movie even less than she was in TFA. I just don't see the point of her character. Like sure it may be hard to develop or even give focus to Kylo, Snoke, Hux, and Phasma but she should've got much more for that showdown to have any gravity to it.

Benecio's character was w/e. He caused about some scenes with lines that spoke to what I liked about the stuff with Finn and Rose. That Justin Theroux cameo though :pimp:

I liked Rose. Nice touch making her sister the one that just died. I find it interesting that TFA formed that strong bond with Finn and Rey and Finn for Rey specifically and then in this that sorta happens with Finn and Rose. And Finn ends up in a coma at the end of TFA and basically the same happens to Rose although I thought she died until Finn yelled for a medic a few more scenes later.

I get making it seem like the bad guys won for the good guys to win in the end or a meaningful sacrifice like with Luke passing but Vice Admiral Laura Dern's initial sacrifice got the meaning sucked out of it. Only saved by that dope as light speed kamikaze attack.

Hux was more unintentional comedy. All his barking just had me :lol:

I gotta say the force can do some more **** that I didn't expect. You got survival in space, force astral projection, and this force version of FaceTime/Skype :lol:

That's actually one thing I didn't like about that one plot line. This implied romantic connection between Rey and Kylo. Like imo none of his speeches or reasoning changed his character for me or made him likable. Son can't even go full heel and kill his moms. Son is so beta. Also I said it before but Leia and Han must've been terrible parents to have Ben be so messed up. So I initially didn't get the point of it all. They kept force facetiming and it began to irk me. Cuz more and more as things progressed with Rey and Luke on the island they were really trying to make it seem like her and Kylo had a connection. There's no theme there for it. Its random. I didn't like the implication they'd get together at all. Luckily I got the impression by the 3rd act that won't happen at all. Snoke basically being their Wi-Fi connection explained a lot and was smart given how well he knew Kylo was a little *****.

I'm guessing Snoke's death was suppose to be the twist for this movie. A little much. I mean if its one thing with this trilogy and force users they all seem to be on a higher level than Anakin in the prequels. Only one is a master, other traitor trained by one, Rey is some savant, and Snoke I guess is suppose to mirror Sidious. He just didn't cut it. He was way too arrogant as well. All that mastery of force use and that how it ends?

On to Luke, its interesting how Rian approached the character. In many ways, he didn't evolve or develop at all. Hence, the Yoda appearance. Seems the one situation with Kylo burning his place down, taking some students and killing others really jaded home and doesn't completely lime up with the Luke that was super hopeful, discovered his father was an evil mass murdering bastard and recoiled in shock and fear, was tempted by the dark side, sensed the little bit light left in his pops, and faced the evilest trolling character in the universe and managed to bounce back from all of that. So some kids dying and the betrayal of his nephew should've sent Luke on a journey to kill Snoke and get his nephew back.

Instead he's in denial, gave up and is a grump. Basically brooding like an emo. I didn't care for the force astral projection and death from too much force use. All seemed to tie to wss Luke saying he intended to die on that planet. I would've much rather preferred Luke being on the planet physically with Rey watching, then he would've let himself die the same way Obi-Wan let Vader kill him. Oh well.

The action (while not a lot) was great. I loved the fight with those praetorian guards. Were those guys suppose to be the Knights of Ruen but with promotions to the all red guard?

This visuals were 100% on point.

Only question I really have is who was Snoke. I read posts in here saying that that was explained but I must've missed it :nerd: Somebody let me know
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The barking was more about the duel so I apologize about that one. Whatever you and lame got going on is between you two. I didn't include R1 but it be right around ANH for me

Lame has been %10000000000000 percent Rey HAS to be Luke's daughter in order for this trilogy to work. I've told him over and over, she COULD be Luke's, sure, but she could ALSO be Han's, or Ben's, or random, etc. He wouldn't hear it.

So now he's trashing this movie because he thinks it stole his huge hope for the Skywalker heir. He praised and praised and praised TFA because he was "sure" Rey was a Skywalker.

Now he's pissed off and ranting about the film, Rian sucks, etc etc. Had Rian made her a Skywalker, Lame would be gushing over this film.

It's been a 2 year discussion is all.
Seriously, get the **** over the stupid lightsaber already. :lol:

It was merely JJ's way of saying Rey was strong in the Force. YOU read so much into it, it warped everything in your own head. I told you for two years to let it go. I've told you over and over and over, if you were wrong, you'd be bitter as **** about, now here we are.

From jump, minute one, I told you I was fine if she was Luke's, Han's, Ben's, some random bird, it wouldn't matter to me, she was a great character no matter what. I had a belief, sure, I always felt she was Kylo's sister, but it wouldn't bother me if they went another route. You've been DEAD SET on one answer and one answer only, now you cryin cuz you didn't get it.

And you still could. My entire point. Kylo COULD be messin with her. Rian could be pushin us off the scent, and 9 will reveal the truth. Maybe Leia had another man outside of Han. :nerd:

You can hate it all you want, it was really well done, better than the prequels, better than a rehashed TFA, better than Jedi. That leaves ESB, R1 and maybe ANH. Nothin wrong with slotting there, nothin at all.

That lightsaber is the reason we’re all in this thread. It literally started the journey of Star Wars. Rey being Luke’s daughter couldn’t have stopped the General Hugs jokes or flying Leia. Like you really can’t see the ******** we were just given and called Star Wars?
Rogue one was def better than episode 8 and i don’t like Rogue one that much.

Vader got respect but what they did to his son :smh:
@noblekane girl was wack as hell though, bad casting. And how they got Rey in some kinda feels with all the leading men? There's something sexist about that, not sure what yet.
Saw it this morning and then went home and took a nap, hoping I'd wake up to different feelings about this film. I didn't.


The scene with Space Leia, smh terrible. The whole casino scene was dumb, should have set a different location. Snoke was dope, he appeared to be stronger than Vader, Emperor, etc. Too bad he can't do two things at once or else he would have saw what was coming. Kylo handled him rather easily but struggled with Snoke's personal guards? Whoever made the Force FaceTime comment, that was spot on lol. Just felt, weird. There was a lot of unnecessary fillers in this movie that could have been replaced with more quality time with the better scenes. I would have loved to learn more about The Jedi Temple school for gifted children Luke was running, Snoke and how he came about, etc. The ending didn't do much for me either. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10. Def not better than TFA for me. I see what the director was TRYING to do, he just didn't execute it. A movie of this magnitude, there's no excuses for NOT getting it right in my opinion.
I guess I wasn't the only feeling disappointed by the end of the movie lol.

Feel like they just wanted to kill off so many things in this episode.

-Snoak dying and we barely knew his story
-Almost all of the Resistance obliterated
-Captain Phasma
-Then Luke
-Then I thought Fin was gonna die as well

I feel like I gotta watch it again though. I might enjoy it more a second time :lol:
So Vader wasn’t the darkest being in the galexy? You couldn’t even breathe next to Vader
when I saw that leia **** float back to the ship I was about to walk out of the movie
That **** was SOOOOOOOOOOO funny :lol:

All I wanna know is Kylo mostly masked or maskless!?!?!
Maskless but at least dialogue in a scene led to it but regardless it felt like when superhero movies with signature masks going Maskless cuz the actor is mad famous and that's what sells.
That lightsaber is the reason we’re all in this thread. It literally started the journey of Star Wars.

One of the dumbest things I've ever read.

Star Wars >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skywalkers.

And it's not even that close. Now I see why you're throwing your little fit, you want nothin but a Luke show. Sorry man, franchise is way bigger than one family.
When it comes to the comics are the non canon stories worth reading?

Yes. EU is better than anything you've seen since Clone Wars cartoon.

EU has stuff that would make people cry in their seats, shame we may never see it onscreen.
Skywalker family is the main cannon Star Wars. It’s that simple. Anyone who thinks so is bugging. I’m sorry I can agree with some stuff. But Skywalkers are the first family in Star Wars. Oh and whoever ask about the EU Read the Swarm Wars. Good stuff right there
You mean like Yoda and Obi Wan were?

Not the best sw film but I enjoyed it. Some of y'all are forgetting how silly this whole thing was from the get go.

I will say though, thus far this trilogy has none of the emotional depth as the first.

You seen Yoda and Obi Wan refuse to train someone?

One of the dumbest things I've ever read.

Star Wars >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skywalkers.

And it's not even that close. Now I see why you're throwing your little fit, you want nothin but a Luke show. Sorry man, franchise is way bigger than one family.

Movie has a lower audience score than AotC. It has the lowest audience score of all Star Wars’re not realizing your in the minority?
pretty decent movie. rogue one > this though.

believe it or not, adam driver is a pretty decent actor. didn't know him prior to star wars, don't watch that lena dunham trash on HBO.
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